Doubtful Fragments on the Pentateuch.
Fragments of Discourses or Homilies.
Fragments of Discourses or Homilies.
From the Discourse of St. Hippolytus, Bishop and Martyr, on the Divine Nature.
St. Hippolytus, Bishop and Martyr, in his Homily on the Paschal Supper.
1. The body of the Lord presented both these to the world, the sacred blood and the holy water.
Fragments from Other Writings of Hippolytus.
Hippolytus, Bishop and Martyr, in a letter to a certain queen.
The story of a maiden of Corinth, and a certain Magistrianus.
VII.131 From a Discourse on the “Great Song” [i.e., Ps. xc. See Bunsen, i. p. 285. Some suppose it Ps. cxix.] In Theodoret, Dial. II. pp. 88, 89.
1. He who rescued from the lowest hell the first-formed man of earth when he was lost and bound with the chains of death; He who came down from above, and raised the earthy on high;132 τὸν κάτω εἰς τὰ ἄνω. [See p. 238, note 17, supra.] He who became the evangelist of the dead, and the redeemer of the souls, and the resurrection of the buried,—He was constituted the helper of vanquished man, being made like him Himself, (so that) the first-born Word acquainted Himself with the first-formed Adam in the Virgin; He who is spiritual sought out the earthy in the womb; He who is the ever-living One sought out him who, through disobedience, is subject to death; He who is heavenly called the terrene to the things that are above; He who is the nobly-born sought, by means of His own subjection, to declare the slave free; He transformed the man into adamant who was dissolved into dust and made the food of the serpent, and declared Him who hung on the tree to be Lord over the conqueror, and thus through the tree He is found victor.
2. For they who know not now the Son of God incarnate, shall know in Him who comes as Judge in glory, Him who is now despised in the body of His humiliation.
3. And the apostles, when they came to the sepulchre on the third day, did not find the body of Jesus; just as the children of Israel went up the mount and sought for the tomb of Moses, but did not find it.