Chapter XXXIX.—Their Diversity of Sentiment Affects the Very Central Doctrine of Christianity, Even the Person and Character of the Lord Jesus. This Diversity Vitiates Every Gnostic School.
Now, concerning even the Lord Jesus, into how great a diversity of opinion are they divided! One party form Him of the blossoms of all the Æons.322 See above, ch. xii. p. 510. Another party will have it that He is made up only of those ten whom the Word and the Life323 The Æons Sermo and Vita. produced;324 See above, ch. vii. p. 506. from which circumstance the titles of the Word and the Life were suitably transferred to Him. Others, again, that He rather sprang from the twelve, the offspring of Man and the Church,325 See above, ch. viii. p. 507. and therefore, they say, He was designated “Son of man.” Others, moreover, maintain that He was formed by Christ and the Holy Spirit, who have to provide for the establishment of the universe,326 See above, ch. xiv. p. 511. and that He inherits by right His Father’s appellation. Some there are who have imagined that another origin must be found for the title “Son of man;” for they have had the presumption to call the Father Himself Man, by reason of the profound mystery of this title: so that what can you hope for more ample concerning faith in that God, with whom you are now yourself on a par? Such conceits are constantly cropping out327 Superfruticant. amongst them, from the redundance of their mother’s seed.328 Archamoth is referred to. And so it happens that the doctrines which have grown up amongst the Valentinians have already extended their rank growth to the woods of the Gnostics.
De ipso jam Domino Jesu , quanta diversitas scinditur? Hi ex omnium Aeonum flosculis eum construunt, illi ex solis decem constitisse contendunt, quos Sermo et Vita protulerunt; inde et in ipsum Sermonis et Vitae concurrerunt oculi: isti ex duodecim potius, ex Hominis et Ecclesiae foetu: ideoque Filium hominis aiunt pronuntiatum; alii a Christo et Spiritu Sancto constabiliendae 0594A universitati provisis, confictum: et jure , paternae appellationis haeredem. Sunt qui filium hominis aliunde conceperint dicendum: quamquam ipsum Patrem pro magno nominis sacramento Homines appellasse praesumpserint , ut quid amplius speres de ejus Dei fide cui nunc adaequaris? Talia ingenia superfruticant apud illos ex materni seminis redundantia. Atque ita inolescentes doctrinae Valentinianorum, in silvas jam exoleverunt Gnosticorum .