38. “We believe in one God the Father Almighty, the Creator and Maker, from whom every fatherhood in heaven and in earth is named.
“And in His only Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the Father before all ages, God of God, Light of Light, through whom all things were made in heaven and in earth, visible and invisible. Who is the Word and Wisdom and Might and Life and true Light: who in the last days for our sake took a body, And was born of the holy Virgin, And was crucified, And was dead and buried: who also rose from the dead on the third day, And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father, And shall come at the end of the world to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom continueth without end and remaineth for perpetual ages. For He shall be sitting at the right hand of the Father not only in this age, but also in the age to come.
“And in the Holy Ghost, that is, the Paraclete, whom according to His promise He sent to the apostles after He ascended into heaven to teach them and to remind them of all things, through whom also are sanctified the souls of those who believe sincerely in Him.
I. “But those who say that the Son is sprung from things non-existent, or from another substance and not from God, and that there was a time or age when He was not, the holy Catholic Church regards as aliens.
II. “If any man says that the Father and the Son are two Gods: let him be anathema.
III. “And if any man says that God is one, but does not confess that Christ, God the Son of God, ministered to the Father in the creation of all things: let him be anathema.
IV. “And if any man dares to say that the Unborn God, or a part of Him, was born of Mary: let him be anathema.
V. “And if any man say that the Son born of Mary was, before born of Mary, Son only according to foreknowledge or predestination, and denies that He was born of the Father before the ages and was with God, and that all things were made through Him: let him be anathema.
VI. “If any man says that the substance of God is expanded and contracted: let him be anathema.
VII. “If any man says that the expanded substance of God makes the Son; or names Son His supposed expanded substance: let him be anathema.
VIII. “If any man says that the Son of God is the internal or uttered Word of God: let him be anathema.
IX. “If any man says that the man alone born of Mary is the Son: let him be anathema.
X. “If any man though saying that God and Man was born of Mary, understands thereby the Unborn God: let him be anathema.
XI. “If any man hearing The Word was made Flesh23 John i. 14.thinks that the Word was transformed into Flesh, or says that He suffered change in taking Flesh: let him be anathema.
XII. “If any man hearing that the only Son of God was crucified, says that His divinity suffered corruption, or pain, or change, or diminution, or destruction: let him be anathema.
XIII. “If any man says Let us make man24 Gen. i. 26.was not spoken by the Father to the Son, but by God to Himself: let him be anathema.
XIV. “If any man says that the Son did not appear to Abraham, but the Unborn God, or a part of Him: let him be anathema.
XV. “If any man says that the Son did not wrestle with Jacob as a man, but the Unborn God, or a part of Him: let him be anathema.
XVI. “If any man does not understand The Lord rained from the Lord to be spoken of the Father and the Son, but that the Father rained from Himself: let him be anathema. For the Lord the Son rained from the Lord the Father.
XVII. “If any man says that the Lord and the Lord, the Father and the Son are two Gods, because of the aforesaid words: let him be anathema. For we do not make the Son the equal or peer of the Father, but understand the Son to be subject. For He did not come down to Sodom without the Father’s will, nor rain from Himself but from the Lord, to wit by the Father’s authority; nor does He sit at the Father’s right hand by His own authority, but He hears the Father saying. Sit thou on My right hand25 Ps. cix 1..
XVIII. “If any man says that the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost are one Person: let him be anathema.
XIX. “If any man speaking of the Holy Ghost the Paraclete says that He is the Unborn God: let him be anathema.
XX. “If any man denies that, as the Lord has taught us, the Paraclete is different from the Son; for He said, And the Father shall send you another Comforter, whom I shall ask26 John xiv. 16.: let him be anathema.
XXI. “If any man says that the Holy Spirit is a part of the Father or of the Son: let him be anathema.
XXII. “If any man says that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are three Gods: let him be anathema.
XXIII. “If any man after the example of the Jews understands as said for the destruction of the Eternal Only-begotten God the words, I am the first God, and I am the last God, and beside Me there is no God27 Isai. xliv. 6., which were spoken for the destruction of idols and them that are no gods: let him be anathema.
XXIV. “If any man says that the Son was made by the will of God, like any object in creation: let him be anathema.
XXV. “If any man says that the Son was born against the will of the Father: let him be anathema. For the Father was not forced against His own will, or induced by any necessity of nature to beget the Son: but as soon as He willed, before time and without passion He begat Him of Himself and shewed Him forth.
XXVI. “If any man says that the Son is incapable of birth and without beginning, saying as though there were two incapable of birth and unborn and without beginning, and makes two Gods: let him be anathema. For the Head, which is the beginning of all things, is the Son; but the Head or beginning of Christ is God: for so to One who is without beginning and is the beginning of all things, we refer the whole world through Christ.
XXVII. “Once more we strengthen the understanding of Christianity by saying, If any man denies that Christ who is God and Son of God, personally existed before time began and aided the Father in the perfecting of all things; but says that only from the time that He was born of Mary did He gain the name of Christ and Son and a beginning of His deity: let him be anathema.”
38. «Credimus in unum Deum patrem omnipotentem, creatorem et conditorem, ex quo omnis paternitas in coelo et in terris nominatur. Et in unicum ejus Filium Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, qui ante omnia saecula ex Patre natus est, Deum ex Deo, lumen ex lumine, per quem facta sunt omnia in coelis et in terra, visibilia et invisibilia. Qui est verbum, et sapientia, et virtus, et vita, et lumen verum: qui in novissimis diebus propter nos incorporatus est, et natus de sancta Virgine, et crucifixus, 0509C et mortuus est, et sepultus: qui et surrexit ex mortuis tertia die, et adscendit in coelum, et sedet in dextera Patris, et venturus est in consummatione saeculi judicare vivos et mortuos, et reddere unicuique secundum opera sua: cujus regnum sine fine perseverans, permanet in perpetua saecula. Erit enim sedens in dextera Patris, non solum in hoc saeculo, verum etiam et in futuro. Et in Spiritum sanctum, id est, paracletum, quem promittens Apostolis, postea quam coelum adscendit, misit docere eos, et 0510A commonere omnia, per quem et sanctificantur credentium in eum sinceriter animae.
I. «Eos autem qui dicunt: De nullis exstantibus Filius, vel de altera substantia, et non ex Deo; et quod erat tempus vel saeculum quando non erat: alienos scit sancta et catholica Ecclesia.
II. «Si quis autem Patrem et Filium duos dicit deos: anathema sit.
III. «Et si quis, unum dicens Deum, Christum autem Deum ante saecula filium Dei obsecutum Patri in creatione omnium non confitetur: anathema sit.
IV. «Et si quis innascibilem Deum, vel partem ejus, de Maria natum esse audet 486 dicere: anathema sit.
0510B V. «Et si quis secundum praescientiam vel praedestinationem a Maria dicit Filium esse, et non ante saecula ex Patre natum apud Deum esse, et per eum facta esse omnia: anathema sit.
VI. «Si quis substantiam Dei dilatari et contrahi dicit: anathema sit.
VII. «Si quis dilatatam substantiam Dei filium dicat facere; aut latitudinem substantiae ejus, sicuti sibi videtur, Filium nominet: anathema sit.
VIII. «Si quis insitum vel prolativum verbum Dei filium dicat: anathema sit.
IX. «Si quis hominem solum dicit de Maria Filium: anathema sit.
X. «Si quis Deum et hominem de Maria natum dicens, Deum innascibilem sic intelligit: anathema 0510C sit.
XI. «Si quis Verbum caro factum est (Joan. I, 14), audiens, Verbum in carnem translatum putet, vel demutationem sustinentem accepisse carnem dicit: anathema sit.
XII. «Si quis unicum filium Dei crucifixum audiens, dealitatem (θεότητα) ejus corruptionem vel passibilitatem (πάθος) aut demutationem aut deminutionem vel interfectionem sustinuisse dicat: anathema sit.
XIII. «Si quis, Faciamus hominem (Gen. I, 26), 0511A non Patrem ad Filium dixisse, sed ipsum ad semetipsum dicat Deum locutum: anathema sit.
XIV. «Si quis filium non dicat Abrahae visum (Gen. XVIII), sed Deum innascibilem, vel partem ejus: anathema sit.
XV. «Si quis cum Jacob non Filium quasi hominem colluctatum (Gen. XXXII, 24), sed Deum innascibilem, vel partem ejus dicat: anathema sit.
XVI. «Si quis, Pluit Dominus a Domino (Gen. XIX, 24), non de Filio et Patre intelligat, sed ipsum a se dicat pluisse: anathema sit. Pluit enim Dominus Filius a Domino Patre.
XVII. «Si quis Dominum et Dominum 487 Patrem et Filium (quia Dominus a Domino [supple pluit]), duos dicat deos: anathema sit. Non enim 0511B exaequamus vel comparamus Filium Patri, sed subjectum intelligimus. Neque enim descendit in Sodomam sine Patris voluntate; neque pluit ex se, sed a Domino, auctoritate scilicet Patris; nec sedet in dextera a semetipso, sed audit dicentem Patrem, Sede ad dexteram meam (Psal. CIX, 1).
XVIII. «Si quis Patrem et Filium et Spiritum sanctum unam personam dicat: anathema sit.
XIX. «Si quis Spiritum sanctum paracletum dicens, innascibilem Deum dicat: anathema sit.
XX. «Si quis, sicuti docuit nos Dominus, non alium dicat Paracletum a Filio; dixit enim: Et alterum paracletum mittet vobis Pater, quem rogabo ego (Joan. XIV, 16): anathema sit.
XXI. «Si quis Spiritum sanctum partem dicat Patris 0511C vel Filii: anathema sit.
XXII. «Si quis Patrem et Filium et Spiritum sanctum tres dicat deos: anathema sit.
0512A XXIII. «Si quis, quod dictum est: Ego Deus primus, et ego Deus novissimus, et praeter me non est Deus (Esai. XLIV, 6), ad destructionem idolorum dictum et eorum qui non sunt dii, in destructionem unigeniti ante saecula Dei judaice intelligat: anathema sit.
XXIV. «Si quis voluntate Dei, tamquam unum aliquid de creatura, factum dicat Filium: anathema sit.
XXV. «Si quis nolente Patre natum dicat Filium: anathema sit. Non enim nolente Patre coactus Pater, vel naturali necessitate ductus, cum nollet genuit Filium: sed mox voluit, sine tempore et impassibiliter ex se eum genitum demonstravit.
XXVI. «Si quis innascibilem et sine initio dicat 0512B Filium, tamquam duo sine principio et duo innascibilia et duo innata dicens: duos faciat deos: anathema sit. Caput enim, quod est principium omnium, Filius; caput autem, quod est principium Christi, Deus: 488 ita enim ad unum qui est sine principio omnium principium, per Filium universa referimus.
XXVII. «Et iterum confirmantes Christianismi intellectum, dicimus, quoniam si quis Christum Deum filium Dei ante saecula subsistentem et ministrantem Patri ad omnium perfectionem non dicat: sed ex quo de Maria natus est, ex eo et Christum et filium nominatum esse, et initium accepisse ut sit Deus, dicat: anathema sit .»