

 Letter II.

 Letter III.

 Letter IV.

 Letter V.

 Letter VI.

 Letter VII.

 Letter VIII.

 Letter IX.

 Letter X.

 Letter XI.

 Letter XII.

 Letter XIII.

 Letter XIV.

 Letter XV.

 Letter XVI.

 To All the Bishops of Sicily.

 Letter XVIII.

 Letter XIX.

 Letter XX.

 Letter XXI.

 The first from Flavian, Bp. of Constantinople to Pope Leo.

 Letter XXIII.

 Letter XXIV.

 Letter XXV.

 A Second One from Flavian to Leo.

 Letter XXVII.

 Letter XXVIII.

 Letter XXIX.

 Letter XXX.

 Letter XXXI.

 Letter XXXII.

 Letter XXXIII.

 Letter XXXIV.

 Letter XXXV.

 Letter XXXVI.

 To Theodosius Augustus.

 To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.

 Letter XXXIX.

 Letter XL.

 Letter XLI.

 Letter XLII.

 To Theodosius Augustus.

 Letter XLIV.

 Letter XLV.

 Letter XLVI.

 Letter XLVII.

 Letter XLVIII.

 Letter XLIX.

 Letter L.

 Letter LI.

 Letter LII.

 Letter LIII.

 Letter LIV.

 Letters LV. to LVIII.

 Letter LIX.

 Letter LX.

 Letter LXI.

 (Letters LXII., LXIII., LXIV., are the Emperor Theodosius’ answers (a) to Valentinian, (b) to Galla Placidia, and (c) to Licinia Eudoxia (assuring the

 Letter LXV.

 Letter LXVI.

 To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.

 Letter LXVIII.

 Letter LXIX.

 Letter LXX.

 Letter LXXI.

 Letter LXXII.

 Letter LXXIII.

 Letter LXXIV.

 Letter LXXV.

 Letter LXXVI.

 Letter LXXVII.

 Letter LXXVIII.

 Letter LXXIX.

 Letter LXXX.

 Letter LXXXI.

 Letter LXXXII.

 Letter LXXXIII.

 Letter LXXXIV.

 Letter LXXXV.

 Letter LXXXVI.

 Letter LXXXVII.


 Letter LXXXIX.

 Letter XC.

 Letter XCI.

 Letter XCII.

 Letter XCIII.

 Letter XCIV.

 Letter XCV.

 Letter XCVI.

 Letter XCVII.

 Letter XCVIII.

 Letter XCIX.

 Letter C.

 Letter CI.

 Letter CII.

 Letter CIII.

 Letter CIV.

 Letter CV.

 Letter CVI.

 Letter CVII.

 Letter CVIII.

 Letter CIX.

 Letter CX.

 Letter CXI.

 Letter CXII.

 Letter CXIII.

 Letter CXIV.

 Letter CXV.

 Letter CXVI.

 Letter CXVII.

 Letter CXVIII.

 Letter CXIX.

 Letter CXX.

 Letters CXXI. and CXXII.

 Letter CXXIII.

 Letter CXXIV.

 Letter CXXV.

 Letter CXXVI.

 Letter CXXVII.

 Letter CXXVIII.

 Letter CXXIX.

 Letter CXXX.

 Letter CXXXI.

 Letter CXXXII.

 Letter CXXXIII.

 Letter CXXXIV.

 Letter CXXXV.

 Letter CXXXVI.

 Letter CXXXVII.


 Letter CXXXIX.

 Letter CXL.

 Letter CXLI.

 Letter CXLII.

 Letter CXLIII.

 Letter CXLIV.

 Letter CXLV.

 Letter CXLVI.

 Letter CXLVII.

 Letter CXLVIII.

 Letter CXLIX.

 Letter CL.

 Letter CLI.

 Letter CLII.

 Letter CLIII.

 Letter CLIV.

 Letter CLV.

 Letter CLVI.

 Letter CLVII.

 To the Catholic Bishops of Egypt Sojourning in Constantinople.

 Letter CLIX.

 Letter CLX.

 Letter CLXI.

 Letter CLXII.

 Letter CLXIII.

 To Leo Augustus.

 Letter CLXV.

 Letter CLXVI.

 To Rusticus, Bishop of Gallia Narbonensis, with the replies to his Questions on various points.

 Letter CLXVIII.

 Letter CLXIX.

 Letter CLXX.

 Letter CLXXI.

 Letter CLXXII.

 Letter CLXXIII.

Letter XL.

To the Bishops of the Province of Arles in Gaul.

To his well-beloved brethren Constantinus Audentius, Rusticus, Auspicius, Nicetas, Nectarius, Florus, Asclepius, Justus, Augustalis, Ynantius, and Chrysaphius341 These twelve bishops do not include the Bishop of Vienne, according to Perthel (p. 29), following apparently Quesnel, whose wish-fathered thought, though possibly right, has little evidence to go upon. Cf. Letters LXV. and LXVI. below., Leo the pope.

He approves of their having unanimously elected Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.

We have just and reasonable reason for rejoicing, when we learn that the Lord’s priests have done what is agreeable both to the rules of the Father’s canons and to the Apostles’ institutions. For the whole body of the Church must needs increase with a healthy growth, if the governing members excel in the strength of their authority, and in peaceful management. Accordingly, we ratify with our sanction your good deed, brethren, in unanimously, on the death of Hilary342 It will be noticed that Leo speaks of Hilary not only with respect, but as if he acquiesced in his sentence (passed against Hilary in Lett. X. above) not having been carried out. of holy memory, consecrating our brother Ravennius, a man well approved by us, in the city of Arles, in accordance with the wishes of the clergy, the leading citizens, and the laity. Because a peace-making and harmonious election, where neither personal merits nor the good will of the congregation are wanting, is we believe the expression not only of man’s choice, but of God’s inspiration. So dearly beloved brethren, let the said priest use God’s gift, and understand what self-devotion is expected of him, that by diligently and prudently carrying out the office entrusted to him, he may prove himself equal to your testimony, and fully worthy of our favour. God keep you safe, beloved brethren. Dated 22 August in the consulship of Asturius and Protogenes (449).