REALITY - A Synthesis Of Thomistic Thought


 Chapter 1: Philosophical Writings

 Chapter 2: Theological Works The saint's chief theological works are:

 Chapter 3: The Thomistic Commentators We deal here with those commentators only who belong to the Thomistic school properly so called. We do not inclu

 Chapter 4: Intelligible Being And First Principles

 Chapter 5: Act And Potency

 Chapter 7: The Proofs Of God's Existence

 Chapter 8: Divine Eminence

 Chapter 9: God's Knowledge

 Chapter 10: God's Will And God's Love

 Chapter 11: Providence And Predestination

 Chapter 12: Omnipotence

 Chapter 13: Augustine And Thomas

 Chapter 14: The Divine Processions

 Chapter 15: The Divine Relations

 Chapter 16: The Divine Persons

 Chapter 17: The Notional Acts

 Chapter 18: Equality And Union

 Chapter 19: The Trinity Naturally Unknowable

 Chapter 20: Proper Names And Appropriations

 Chapter 21: The Indwelling Of The Blessed Trinity

 Chapter 22: The Sources

 Chapter 23: Angelic Nature And Knowledge

 Chapter 24: The Angelic Will

 Chapter 25: Angelic Merit And Demerit

 Chapter 26: The Treatise On Man

 Chapter 27: The Nature Of The Soul

 Chapter 28: The Union Of Soul With Body

 Chapter 29: The Faculties Of The Soul

 Chapter 30: The Separated Soul [675]

 Chapter 31: Original Sin

 Chapter 32: Introduction

 Chapter 33: The Hypostatic Union

 Chapter 34: Consequences Of The Hypostatic Union

 Chapter 35: Freedom And Impeccability

 Chapter 36: Christ's Victory And Passion

 Chapter 37: Mariology [830]

 Chapter 38: The Sacraments In General

 Chapter 39: Transubstantiation

 Chapter 40: The Sacrifice Of The Mass

 Chapter 41: Attrition And Contrition

 Chapter 42: The Reviviscence Of Merit

 Chapter 43: The Treatise On The Church

 Chapter 44: The Soul's Immutability After Death

 Chapter 45: Man's Ultimate Purpose And Goal

 Chapter 46: Human Acts

 Chapter 47: Virtues And Vices

 Chapter 48: Law

 Chapter 49: A Treatise On Grace

 Chapter 50: The Theological Virtues

 Chapter 51: The Moral Virtues

 Chapter 52: Christian Perfection

 Chapter 53: Charismatic Graces

 Chapter 54: Conclusion

 Chapter 55: The Twenty-Four Thomistic Theses

 Chapter 56: Realism And First Principles

 Chapter 57: Realism And Pragmatism

 Chapter 58: Ontological Personality

 Chapter 59: Efficacious Grace

Chapter 43: The Treatise On The Church

Throughout the Summa we find the lineaments of a treatise on the Church, a treatise which became an actuality against Protestant errors. But this later mode of treatment, being predominantly exterior and apologetic, led to a disregard for the theological treatment, properly so called, of the inner constitution of the Church. Such a treatise has its normal place after the treatise on Christ the Redeemer and His sacraments. [987] Here lies the road pointed out by St. Thomas.

In his treatise on Christ's grace of headship [988] he calls the Church the mystical body, which includes all men in the measure of their participation in the grace that comes from their Savior. [989].

In his treatise on faith [990] he finds in the Church a doctrinal authority that is plenary and infallible, extending even, as in canonizing her saints, not merely to dogmatic truths, but also to dogmatic facts. The pope has this power in its fullness, and can even, against heretics, define the exact meaning of the articles of faith.

He compares the relation between Church and state to that between soul and body. [991] The Church has power to annul the authority of unbelieving or apostate princes, a power extending to excommunication. [992] This normal pre-eminence of the Church derives from her superior goal, in virtue of which princes themselves are bound to obey the sovereign pontiff as vicar of Jesus Christ.

In the fifteenth century the disciples of St. Thomas clung closely to the saint's formulas. Special distinction here belongs to Torquemada, [993] whose work is a careful study of the notes of the Church, of the union in the mystical body between head and members, of the Church's indirect power in matters temporal. [994].