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compito di discernimento delle presunte apparizioni e rivelazioni, messaggi e
Sacra Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei 501
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the Congregation, considering that Sr. Farley's response did not adequately
clarify the grave problems contained in her book, decided to proceed with the
publication of this Notification.
1. General problems
The author does not present a correct understanding of the role of the
Church's Magisterium as the teaching authority of the Bishops united with
the Successor of Peter, which guides the Church's ever deeper understanding
of the Word of God as found in Holy Scripture and handed on faithfully in
the Church's living tradition. In addressing various moral issues, Sr. Farley
either ignores the constant teaching of the Magisterium or, where it is occa-
sionally mentioned, treats it as one opinion among others. Such an attitude is
in no way justified, even within the ecumenical perspective that she wishes to
promote. Sr. Farley also manifests a defective understanding of the objective
nature of the natural moral law, choosing instead to argue on the basis of
conclusions selected from certain philosophical currents or from her
own understanding of "contemporary experience". This approach is not
consistent with authentic Catholic theology.
2. Specific problems
Among the many errors and ambiguities of this book are its positions on
masturbation, homosexual acts, homosexual unions, the indissolubility of
marriage and the problem of divorce and remarriage.
Sr. Farley writes: "Masturbation... usually does not raise any moral ques-
tions at all. ... It is surely the case that many women... have found great good
in self-pleasuring - perhaps especially in the discovery of their own possibi-
lities for pleasure - something many had not experienced or even known
about in their ordinary sexual relations with husbands or lovers. In this way,
it could be said that masturbation actually serves relationships rather than
hindering them. My final observation is, then, that the norms of justice as I
have presented them would seem to apply to the choice of sexual self-plea-
suring only insofar as this activity may help or harm, only insofar as it