42. The fact of the essence declared to be one in the Father and the Son having one name on account of their similarity of nature seemed to offer an opportunity to heretics to declare that the Unborn God, or a part of Him, was born of Mary. The danger was met by the wholesome resolution that he who declared this should be anathema. For the unity of the name which religion employs and which is based on the exact similarity of their natural essence, has not repudiated the Person of the begotten essence so as to represent, under cover of the unity of name, that the substance of God is singular and undifferentiated because we predicate one name for the essence of each, that is, predicate one God, on account of the exactly similar substance of the undivided nature in each Person.
V. “If any man say that the Son existed before Mary only according to foreknowledge or predestination, and denies that He was born of the Father before the ages and with God, and that all things were made through Him: let him be anathema.”
0513D 42. Filii et Patris non una persona. Contra eos qui asserunt Filium ante Mariam non esse nisi per praedestinationem. ---Ne quod nuncupatae essentiae in Patre et Filio, per indissimilem naturam, nomen unum 0514A est, occasionem haereticis praestaret, ut innascibilem Deum, vel partem ejus, nasci de Maria praedicarent; occursum est salutaris definitione sententiae, ut anathema esset hoc confitens. Non enim religiosa unitas nominis, ex indifferentis naturae essentia constituta, personam genitae ademit essentiae, ut unici ac singularis Dei substantia per unionem nominis intelligatur: cum utriusque essentiae nomen unum, id est, Deus unus, ob indiscretae in utroque naturae indissimilem substantiam praedicetur.
V. «Si quis secundum praescientiam et praedestinationem ante Mariam dicit Filium esse, non ante saecula ex Patre natum apud Deum esse, et per eum facta esse omnia: anathema sit.»