3. Sed sunt homines qui etiam de ipso Deo se excusare conantur, quibus dicit apostolus Jacobus: Nemo cum tentatur, dicat, Quoniam a Deo tentor . Deus

 4. Quid illud, quod tam multis locis omnia mandata sua custodiri et fieri jubet Deus? quomodo jubet, si non est liberum arbitrium? Quid beatus ille, d



 7. Proinde, charissimi, sicut superioribus testimoniis sanctarum Scripturarum probavimus, ad bene vivendum et recte agendum esse in homine liberum vol

 8. De ipsa quoque pudicitia conjugali nempe Apostolus ait, Quod vult faciat, non peccat si nubat (I Cor. VII, 37, 36): et tamen etiam hoc Dei donum es

 9. Propter quod dicit et coelestis Magister, Vigilate, et orate, ne intretis in tentationem (Matth. XXVI, 41). Ergo unusquisque contra suam concupisce


 11. Item quod scriptum est in libro secundo Paralipomenon, Dominus vobiscum, cum vos estis cum eo, et si quaesieritis eum, invenietis si autem reliqu

 12. Meritum enim fuit quidem in apostolo Paulo, sed malum, quando persequebatur Ecclesiam: unde dicit, Non sum idoneus vocari Apostolus, quia persecut


 14. Ergo redeamus ad apostolum Paulum, quem certe invenimus sine ullis meritis bonis, imo cum multis meritis malis, Dei gratiam consecutum reddentis b

 15. Sed cum dicunt Pelagiani hanc esse solam non secundum merita nostra gratiam, qua homini peccata dimittuntur illam vero quae datur in fine, id est


 17. Postremo dixit, Fidem servavi sed ille hoc dixit, qui alibi ait, Misericordiam consecutus sum, ut fidelis essem ut fidelis essem: Gratia salvi fa

 18. Homines autem non intelligentes, quod ait ipse Apostolus, Arbitramur justificari hominem per fidem sine operibus legis (Rom. III, 28) putaverunt


 20. Ista ergo quaestio nullo modo mihi videtur posse dissolvi, nisi intelligamus et ipsa bona opera nostra quibus aeterna redditur vita, ad Dei gratia






 26. Dicunt etiam gratiam Dei, quae data est per fidem Jesu Christi, quae neque lex est neque natura, 0897 ad hoc tantum valere, ut peccata praeterita


 28. Jam quidem de fide, hoc est, de voluntate credentis superius disputavi (Supra, nn. 16-18), usque adeo eam demonstrans ad gratiam pertinere, ut Apo

 29. Nam si fides liberi est tantummodo arbitrii, nec datur a Deo, propter quid pro eis qui nolunt credere, oramus ut credant? Quod prorsus faceremus i

 30. Nam et alio loco per eumdem prophetam Deus manifestissime ostendit, non propter eorum aliqua bona merita, sed propter nomen suum ista facere, ubi




 0902 34. Istam charitatem, id est divino amore ardentissimam voluntatem commendans Apostolus, dicit: Quis nos separabit a charitate Christi? tribulati

 35. Et apostolus Petrus: Ante omnia, inquit, mutuam inter vos charitatem perpetuam habentes, quia charitas cooperit multitudinem peccatorum Si tamen l

 36. Dicit etiam ipse Dominus Jesus, in duobus praeceptis dilectionis Dei et dilectionis proximi totam Legem Prophetasque pendere (Matth. XXII, 40). De


 38. Nemo ergo vos fallat, fratres mei: quia nos non diligeremus Deum, nisi nos prior ipse diligeret. Idem Joannes apertissime hoc ostendit, et dicit,

 39. Et ad Timotheum dicit: Non enim dedit nobis Deus spiritum timoris, sed virtutis et charitatis et continentiae (II Tim. I, 7). In quo sane Apostoli




 43. His et talibus testimoniis divinorum eloquiorum, quae omnia commemorare nimis longum est, satis, quantum existimo, manifestatur, operari Deum in c




Chapter 41 [XX.]—The Wills of Men are So Much in the Power of God, that He Can Turn Them Whithersoever It Pleases Him.

I think I have now discussed the point fully enough in opposition to those who vehemently oppose the grace of God, by which, however, the human will is not taken away, but changed from bad to good, and assisted when it is good. I think, too, that I have so discussed the subject, that it is not so much I myself as the inspired Scripture which has spoken to you, in the clearest testimonies of truth; and if this divine record be looked into carefully, it shows us that not only men’s good wills, which God Himself converts from bad ones, and, when converted by Him, directs to good actions and to eternal life, but also those which follow the world are so entirely at the disposal of God, that He turns them whithersoever He wills, and whensoever He wills,—to bestow kindness on some, and to heap punishment on others, as He Himself judges right by a counsel most secret to Himself, indeed, but beyond all doubt most righteous. For we find that some sins are even the punishment of other sins, as are those “vessels of wrath” which the apostle describes as “fitted to destruction;”276    Rom. ix. 22. as is also that hardening of Pharaoh, the purpose of which is said to be to set forth in him the power of God;277    See Ex. vii. 3, and x. 1. as, again, is the flight of the Israelites from the face of the enemy before the city of Ai, for fear arose in their heart so that they fled, and this was done that their sin might be punished in the way it was right that it should be; by reason of which the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, “The children of Israel shall not be able to stand before the face of their enemies.”278    See Josh. vii. 4, 12. What is the meaning of, “They shall not be able to stand”? Now, why did they not stand by free will, but, with a will perplexed by fear, took to flight, were it not that God has the lordship even over men’s wills, and when He is angry turns to fear whomsoever He pleases? Was it not of their own will that the enemies of the children of Israel fought against the people of God, as led by Joshua, the son of Nun? And yet the Scripture says, “It was of the Lord to harden their hearts, that they should come against Israel in battle, that they might be exterminated.”279    Josh. xi. 20. And was it not likewise of his own will that the wicked son of Gera cursed King David? And yet what says David, full of true, and deep, and pious wisdom? What did he say to him who wanted to smite the reviler? “What,” said he, “have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah? Let him alone and let him curse, because the Lord hath said unto him, Curse David. Who, then, shall say, Wherefore hast thou done so?”280    2 Sam. xvi. 9, 10. And then the inspired Scripture, as if it would confirm the king’s profound utterance by repeating it once more, tells us: “And David said to Abishai, and to all his servants, Behold, my son, which came forth from my bowels, seeketh my life: how much more may this Benjamite do it! Let him alone, and let him curse; for the Lord hath bidden him. It may be that the Lord will look on my humiliation, and will requite me good for his cursing this day.” 281    2 Sam. xvi. 11, 12. Now what prudent reader will fail to understand in what way the Lord bade this profane man to curse David? It was not by a command that He bade him, in which case his obedience would be praiseworthy; but He inclined the man’s will, which had become debased by his own perverseness, to commit this sin, by His own just and secret judgment. Therefore it is said, “The Lord said unto him.” Now if this person had obeyed a command of God, he would have deserved to be praised rather than punished, as we know he was afterwards punished for this sin. Nor is the reason an obscure one why the Lord told him after this manner to curse David. “It may be,” said the humbled king, “that the Lord will look on my humiliation, and will requite me good for his cursing this day.” See, then, what proof we have here that God uses the hearts of even wicked men for the praise and assistance of the good. Thus did He make use of Judas when betraying Christ; thus did He make use of the Jews when they crucified Christ. And how vast the blessings which from these instances He has bestowed upon the nations that should believe in Him! He also uses our worst enemy, the devil himself, but in the best way, to exercise and try the faith and piety of good men,—not for Himself indeed, who knows all things before they come to pass, but for our sakes, for whom it was necessary that such a discipline should be gone through with us. Did not Absalom choose by his own will the counsel which was detrimental to him? And yet the reason of his doing so was that the Lord had heard his father’s prayer that it might be so. Wherefore the Scripture says that “the Lord appointed to defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel, to the intent that the Lord might bring all evils upon Absalom.”282    2 Sam. xvii. 14. It called Ahithophel’s counsel “good,” because it was for the moment of advantage to his purpose. It was in favour of the son against his father, against whom he had rebelled; and it might have crushed him, had not the Lord defeated the counsel which Ahithophel had given, by acting on the heart of Absalom so that he rejected this counsel, and chose another which was not expedient for him.


41. Satis me disputasse arbitror adversus eos qui gratiam Dei vehementer oppugnant, qua voluntas humana non tollitur, sed ex mala mutatur in bonam, et cum bona fuerit adjuvatur; et sic disputasse, ut non magis ego, quam divina ipsa Scriptura 0906 vobiscum locuta sit evidentissimis testimoniis veritatis: quae Scriptura divina si diligenter inspiciatur, ostendit non solum bonas hominum voluntates quas ipse facit ex malis, et a se factas bonas in actus bonos et in aeternam dirigit vitam, verum etiam illas quae conservant saeculi creaturam, ita esse in Dei potestate, ut eas quo voluerit, quando voluerit, faciat inclinari, vel ad beneficia quibusdam praestanda, vel ad poenas quibusdam ingerendas, sicut ipse judicat, occultissimo quidem judicio, sed sine ulla dubitatione justissimo. Nam invenimus aliqua peccata etiam poenas esse aliorum peccatorum: sicut sunt vasa irae, quae perfecta dicit Apostolus in perditionem (Rom. IX, 22): sicut est induratio Pharaonis, cujus et causa dicitur, ad ostendendam in illo virtutem Dei (Exod. VII, 3, et X, 1): sicut est fuga Israelitarum a facie hostium de civitate Gai; in animo enim factus est timor ut fugerent, et hoc factum est ut vindicaretur peccatum et modo, quo fuerat vindicandum: unde dicit Dominus ad Jesum Nave, Non poterunt filii Israel subsistere ante faciem inimicorum suorum (Josue VII, 4, 12). Quid est, Non poterunt subsistere? Quare non subsistebant per liberum arbitrium, sed per timorem turbata voluntate fugiebant; nisi quia Deus dominatur et voluntatibus hominum, et quos vult in formidinem convertit iratus? Numquid non hostes Israelitarum adversus populum Dei, quem ducebat Jesus Nave, sua voluntate pugnarunt? Et tamen dicit Scriptura, quia per Dominum factum est confortari cor eorum, ut obviam irent ad bellum ad Israel, ut exterminarentur (Id. XI, 20). Numquid non sua voluntate homo improbus filius Gemini maledicebat regi David? Et tamen quid ait David, plenus vera et alta et pia sapientia ? quid ait illi qui maledicentem percutere voluit? Quid mihi, inquit, et vobis, filii Sarviae? Dimittite eum, et maledicat; quia Dominus dixit illi maledicere David. Et quis dicet ei, Quare fecisti sic? Deinde Scriptura divina plenam sententiam regis velut ab alio initio repetendo commendans: Et dixit, inquit, David ad Abessa et ad omnes pueros ejus: Ecce filius meus qui exiit de utero meo; quaerit animam meam, et adhuc modo filius Gemini ? Sinite illum, maledicat, quoniam dixit illi Dominus, ut videat Dominus humilitatem meam, et retribuat mihi bona pro maledicto ejus in die isto (II Reg. XVI, 5-12). Quomodo dixerit Dominus huic homini maledicere David, quis sapiens et intelliget? Non enim jubendo dixit, ubi obedientia laudaretur; sed quod ejus voluntatem proprio vitio suo malam in hoc peccatum judicio suo justo et occulto inclinavit, ideo dictum est, dixit ei Dominus. Nam si jubenti obtemperasset Deo, laudandus potius quam puniendus esset, sicut ex hoc peccato postea 0907 novimus esse punitum. Nec causa tacita est, cur ei Dominus isto modo dixerit maledicere David, hoc est, cor ejus malum in hoc peccatum miserit vel dimiserit: ut videat, inquit, Dominus humilitatem meam, et retribuat mihi bona pro maledicto ejus in die isto. Ecce quomodo probatur, Deum uti cordibus etiam malorum ad laudem atque adjumentum bonorum. Sic usus est Juda tradente Christum, sic usus est Judaeis crucifigentibus Christum. Et quanta inde bona praestitit populis credituris! Qui et ipso diabolo utitur pessimo, sed optime, ad exercendam et probandam fidem et pietatem bonorum, non sibi, qui omnia scit antequam fiant, sed nobis, quibus erat necessarium, ut eo modo ageretur nobiscum. Numquid non sua voluntate Abessalon elegit consilium quod sibi oberat? Et tamen ideo fecit, quia exaudierat Dominus ejus patrem orantem, ut hoc fieret. Propter quod Scriptura ait: Et Dominus mandavit dissipare consilium Achitophel bonum, ut inducat Dominus super Abessalon omnia mala (II Reg. XVII, 14). Bonum consilium dixit, quod ad tempus proderat causae, quia pro ipso erat contra patrem ejus, cotra quem rebellaverat, ut posset eum opprimere, nisi Dominus consilium dissipasset quod dederat Achitophel, agendo in corde Abessalon, ut tale consilium repudiaret, et aliud quod ei non expediebat eligeret.