41. Ut essentiae nomine, ita sunt unum essentiae genere. 0513C
58. Filius ex Dei substantia, non ut creaturae ex voluntate. 0520C
71. Et pie dici potest, et pie taceri. ---Non est, 0527B
78. Orientalium laus ob haeresim coercitam. ---O 0530C 0531A 0531B
82. Quo sensu judicio communi damnetur. ---Sed 0535A
83. Quod pie a Nicaena synodo susceptum, non debeat 0535B improbari. 0535C
45. The above opinion, although meant to teach the immutability of God, yet prepared the way for the following heresy. Some have ventured to say that the Unborn God by expansion of His substance extended Himself as far as the holy Virgin, in order that this extension produced by the increase of His nature and assuming manhood might be called Son. They denied that the Son who is perfect God born before time began was the same as He who was afterwards born as Man. Therefore the Catholic Faith condemns all denial of the immutability of the Father and of the birth of the Son.
VIII. “If any man says that the Son is the internal or uttered Word of God: let him be anathema.”
45. Superior sententia, etsi indemutabilem Deum docere voluerit, ad hanc se tamen sequentem haeresim praeparavit. Quidam enim ausi sunt innascibilem 0514D Deum usque ad sanctam Virginem substantiae dilatatione protendere (Vid. lib. I de Trinit. n. 16 et lib. X, n. 50): ut latitudo deducta quodam naturae suae tractu assumensque hominem filius nuncuparetur; 0515A neque Filius ante saecula perfectus Deus natus, idem postea et homo natus sit. Totum hoc itaque catholica fides damnat, in quo et demutabilis Pater dicitur, et natus Filius abnegatur.
VIII. «Si quis insitum et prolativum verbum Dei filium dicat: anathema sit.»