Chapter II. How the Will Variously Governs the Powers of the Soul.
Chapter III. How the Will Governs the Sensual Appetite.
Chapter V. Of the Affections of the Will.
Chapter VI. How the Love of God Has Dominion over Other Loves. 29
Chapter VII. Description of Love in General.
Chapter VIII. What Kind of Affinity (Convenance) It Is Which Excites Love.
Chapter IX. That Love Tends to Union.
Chapter X. That the Union to Which Love Aspires Is Spiritual.
Chapter XI. That There Are Two Portions in the Soul, and How. 45
Chapter XII. That in These Two Portions of the Soul There Are Four Different Degrees of Reason.
Chapter XIII. On the Difference of Loves.
Chapter XIV. That Charity May Be Named Love.
Chapter XV. Of The Affinity There Is between God and Man. 54
Chapter XVI. That We Have a Natural Inclination to Love God above All Things
Chapter XVII. That We Have not Naturally the Power to Love God above All Things.
Chapter XVIII. That the Natural Inclination Which We Have to Love God Is not Useless.
Chapter I. That the Divine Perfections Are Only a Single But Infinite Perfection.
Chapter II. That in God There Is But One Only Act, Which Is His Own Divinity. 66
Chapter III. Of the Divine Providence in General.
Chapter IV. Of the Supernatural Providence Which God Uses towards Reasonable Creatures.
Chapter V. That Heavenly Providence Has Provided Men with a Most Abundant Redemption.
Chapter VI. Of Certain Special Favours Exercised by the Divine Providence in the Redemption of Man.
Chapter VII. How Admirable the Divine Providence Is in the Diversity of Graces Given to Men.
Chapter VIII. How Much God Desires We Should Love Him.
Chapter X. How We Oftentimes Repulse the Inspiration and Refuse to Love God.
Chapter XI. That It Is no Fault of the Divine Goodness if We Have not a Most Excellent Love.
Chapter XII. That Divine Inspirations Leave Us in Full Liberty to Follow or Repulse Them
Chapter XIV. Of the Sentiment of Divine Love Which Is Had by Faith.
Chapter XV. Of the Great Sentiment of Love Which We Receive by Holy Hope.
Chapter XVI. How Love Is Practised in Hope.
Chapter XVII. That the Love Which Is in Hope Is Very Good, Though Imperfect. 109
Chapter XIX. That Penitence Without Love Is Imperfect.
Chapter XX. How the Mingling of Love and Sorrow Takes Place in Contrition. 117
Chapter XXI. How Our Saviour's Loving Attractions Assist and Accompany Us to Faith and Charity.
Chapter XXII. A Short Description of Charity.
Chapter I. That Holy Love May Be Augmented Still More and More in Every One of Us.
Chapter II. How Easy Our Saviour Has Made the Increase of Love.
Chapter III. How a Soul in Charity Makes Progress in It.
Chapter IV. Of Holy Perseverance in Sacred Love. 138
Chapter V. That the Happiness of Dying in Heavenly Charity Is a Special Gift of God. 141
Chapter VI. That We Cannot Attain to Perfect Union with God in This Mortal Life.
Chapter VIII. Of the Incomparable Love Which the Mother of God, Our Blessed Lady, Had.
Chapter IX. A Preparation for the Discourse on the Union of the Blessed with God.
Chapter X. That the Preceding Desire Will Much Increase the Union of the Blessed with God.
Chapter XI. Of the Union of the Blessed Spirits with God, in the Vision of the Divinity.
Chapter XIV. That the Holy Light of Glory Will Serve for the Union of the Blessed Spirits with God.
Chapter XV. That There Shall Be Different Degrees of the Union of the Blessed with God. 163
Chapter I. That as Long as We Are in This Mortal Life We May Lose the Love of God.
Chapter II. How the Soul Grows Cold in Holy Love.
Chapter III. How We Forsake Divine Love for That of Creatures. 171
Chapter IV. That Heavenly Love Is Lost in a Moment. 174
Chapter V. That the Sole Cause of the Decay and Cooling of Charity Is in the Creature's Will. 176
Chapter VI. That We Ought to Acknowledge All the Love We Bear to God to Be from God.
Chapter VII. That We Must Avoid All Curiosity, and Humbly Acquiesce in God's Most Wise Providence.
Chapter X. How Dangerous This Imperfect Love Is.
Chapter XI. A Means to Discern This Imperfect Love.
Chapter I. Of the Sacred Complacency of Love and First of What It Consists.
Chapter II. How by Holy Complacency We Are Made as Little Infants at Our Saviour's Breasts.
Chapter IV. Of the Loving Condolence by Which the Complacency of Love Is Still Better Declared. 207
Chapter V. Of the Condolence and Complacency of Love in the Passion of Our Lord.
Chapter VI. Of the Love of Benevolence Which We Exercise towards Our Saviour by Way of Desire.
Chapter VIII. How Holy Benevolence Produces the Praise of the Divine Well-Beloved. 217
Chapter IX. How Benevolence Makes Us Call All Creatures to the Praise of God.
Chapter X. How the Desire to Praise God Makes Us Aspire to Heaven.
Chapter I. A Description of Mystical Theology, Which Is No Other Thing Than Prayer.
Chapter II. Of Meditation the First Degree of Prayer or Mystical Theology.
Chapter V. The Second Difference between Meditation and Contemplation.
Chapter VII. Of the Loving Recollection of the Soul in Contemplation. 251
Chapter VIII. Of the Repose of a Soul Recollected in Her Well-Beloved.
Chapter IX. How This Sacred Repose Is Practised. 257
Chapter X. Of Various Degrees of This Repose, and How It Is to Be Preserved. 259
Chapter XII. Of the Outflowing (escoulement) or Liquefaction of the Soul in God 265
Chapter XIII. Of the Wound of Love.
Chapter XIV. Of Some Other Means by Which Holy Love Wounds the Heart. 272
Chapter XV. Of the Affectionate Languishing of the Heart Wounded with Love.
Chapter I. How Love Effects the Union of the Soul with God in Prayer.
Chapter II. Of the Various Degrees of the Holy Union Which Is Made in Prayer. 286
Chapter III. Of the Sovereign Degree of Union by Suspension and Ravishment.
Chapter IV. Of Rapture, and of the First Species of It. 294
Chapter V. Of the Second Species of Rapture.
Chapter VIII. An Admirable Exhortation of S. Paul to the Ecstatic and Superhuman Life. 304
Chapter X. Of Those Who Died by and for Divine Love.
Chapter XI. How Some of the Heavenly Lovers Died Also of Love.
Chapter XII. Marvellous History of the Death of a Gentleman Who Died of Love on Mount Olivet.
Chapter XIII. That the Most Sacred Virgin Mother of God Died of Love for Her Son.
Chapter XIV. That the Glorious Virgin Died by and Extremely Sweet and Tranquil Death.
Chapter I. Of the Love of Conformity Proceeding from Sacred Complacency.
Chapter III. How We Are to Conform Ourselves to That Divine Will Which Is Called the Signified Will.
Chapter IV. Of the Conformity of Our Will to the Will Which God Has to Save Us. 332
Chapter VIII. That the Contempt of the Evangelical Counsels Is a Great Sin.
Chapter XIII. Third Mark of Inspiration, Which Is Holy Obedience to the Church and Superiors. 359
Chapter XIV. A Short Method to Know God's Will. 362
Chapter I. Of the Union of Our Will to That Divine Will Which Is Called the Will of Good-Pleasure.
Chapter IV. Of the Union of Our Will to the Good-Pleasure of God by Indifference. 373
Chapter V. That Holy Indifference Extends to All Things.
Chapter VI. Of the Practice of Loving Indifference, in Things Belonging to the Service of God.
Chapter VII. Of the Indifference Which We Are to Have As to Our Advancement in Virtues.
Chapter VIII. How We Are to Unite Our Will with God's in the Permission of Sins.
Chapter IX. How the Purity of Indifference is to Be Practised in the Actions of Sacred Love. 388
Chapter X. Means to Discover When We Change in the Matter of This Holy Love. 390
Chapter XI. Of the Perplexity of a Heart Which Loves Without Knowing Whether It Pleases the Beloved.
Chapter XIII. How the Will Being Dead to Itself Lives Entirely in God's Will. 398
Chapter XIV. An Explanation of What Has Been Said Touching the Decease of Our Will.
Chapter XVI. Of the Perfect Stripping of the Soul Which Is United to God's Will.
Chapter V. Of Two Other Degrees of Greater Perfection, by Which We May Love God Above All Things.
Chapter VI. That the Love of God Above All Things Is Common to All Lovers.
Chapter VII. Explanation of the Preceding Chapter.
Chapter XI. How Holy Charity Produces the Love of Our Neighbour. 440
Chapter XIII. How God Is Jealous of Us.
Chapter XV. Advice for the Direction of Holy Zeal.
Chapter XVII. How Our Lord Practised All the Most Excellent Acts of Love.
Chapter I. How Agreeable All Virtues Are to God.
Chapter VII. That Perfect Virtues Are Never One without the Other.
Chapter VIII. How Charity Comprehends All the Virtues.
Chapter IX. That the Virtues Have Their Perfection from Divine Love. 489
Chapter X. A Digression upon the Imperfection of the Virtues of the Pagans.
Chapter XI. How Human Actions Are Without Worth When They Are Done without Divine Love.
Chapter XIII. How We Are to Reduce All the Exercise of Virtues, and All Our Actions to Holy Love.
Chapter XIV. The Practice of What Has Been Said in the Preceding Chapter.
Chapter XV. How Charity Contains in It the Gifts of the Holy Ghost. 509
Chapter XVI. Of the Loving Fear of Spouses a Continuation of the Same Subject.
Chapter XVII. How Servile Fear Remains Together with Holy Love. 514
Chapter XVIII. How Love Makes Use of Natural, Servile and Mercenary Fear.
Chapter I. That Our Progress in Holy Love Does Not Depend on Our Natural Temperament.
Chapter II. That We Are to Have a Continual Desire to Love.
Chapter III. That to Have the Desire of Sacred Love We Are to Cut Off All Other Desires.
Chapter IV. That Our Lawful Occupations Do Not Hinder Us from Practicising Divine Love. 538
Chapter V. A Very Sweet Example on This Subject.
Chapter VII. That We Must Take Pains to Do Our Actions Very Perfectly. 542
Chapter VIII. A General Means for Applying Our Works to God's Service. 543
Chapter X. An Exhortation to the Sacrifice Which We Are to Make to God of Our Free-Will.
Chapter XI. The Motives We Have of Holy Love.
Chapter XII. A Most Useful Method of Employing These Motives.
Chapter XIII. That Mount Calvary Is the Academy of Love. 554
Let us make use of a parable, Theotimus, seeing that this method was so agreeable to the sovereign Master of the love which we are teaching. A great and brave King, having espoused a most amiable young princess, and having on a certain day led her into a very retired cabinet, there to converse with her more at his pleasure, after some discourse saw her by a certain sudden accident fall down as dead at his feet. Alas! he was extremely disturbed at this, and it well nigh put him also into a swoon; for she was dearer to him than his own life. Yet the same love that 133gave him this assault of grief, gave him an equal strength to sustain it, and set him into action to remedy, with an incomparable promptitude, the evil which had happened to the dear companion of his life. Therefore rapidly opening a sideboard which stood by, he takes a cordial-water, infinitely precious, and having filled his mouth with it, by force he opens the lips and the set teeth of his well-beloved princess, then breathing and spurting the precious liquor which he held in his mouth, into that of his poor lifeless one who lay in a swoon, and pouring what was left in the phial about the nostrils, the temples, and the heart, he made her return to herself and to her senses again; that done, he helps her up gently, and by virtue of remedies so strengthens and revives her, that she begins to stand and walk very quietly with him; but in no sort without his help, for he goes assisting and sustaining her by her arm, till at length he lays to her heart an epithem so precious and of so great virtue, that finding herself entirely restored to her wonted health, she walks all alone, her dear spouse not now sustaining her so much, but only holding her right hand softly between his, and his right arm folded over hers on to her bosom. Thus he went on treating her, and fulfilling to her in all this four most agreeable offices: for 1. He gave testimony that his heart was lovingly careful of her. 2. He continued ever a little nursing her. 3. If she had felt any touch of her former faintness he would have sustained her. 4. If she had lighted on any rough and difficult place in her walking he would have been her support and stay: and in accidents, or when she would make a little more haste, he raised her and powerfully succoured her. In fine he stayed by her with this heartfelt care till night approached, and then he assisted to lay her in her royal bed.
The soul is the spouse of Our Saviour when she is just; and because she is never just but when she is in charity, she is also no sooner spouse than she is led into the cabinet of those delicious perfumes mentioned in the Canticles. Now when the soul which has been thus honoured commits sin, she falls as if dead in a spiritual swoon; and this is in good truth a most unlooked-for accident: for who would ever think that a creature could forsake her Creator and sovereign good for things so trifling as the 134allurements of sin? Truly the heavens are astonished at it, and if God were subject to passions he would fall down in a swoon at this misfortune, as when he was mortal he died upon the cross for our redemption. But seeing it is not now necessary that he should employ his love in dying for us, when he sees the soul overthrown by sin he commonly runs to her succour, and by an unspeakable mercy, lays open the gates of her heart by the stings and remorses of conscience which come from the divers lights and apprehensions which he casts into our hearts, with salutary movements, by which, as by odorous and vital liquors, he makes the soul return to herself, and brings her back to good sentiments. And all this, Theotimus, God works in us without our action,[1] by his all-amiable Goodness which prevents us with its sweetness. For even as our bride, having fainted, would have died in her swoon, if the King had not assisted her; so the soul would remain lost in her sin if God prevented her not. But if the soul thus excited add her consent to the solicitation of grace, seconding the inspiration which prevents her, and accepting the required helps provided for her by God; he will fortify her, and conduct her through various movements of faith, hope and penitence, even till he restore her to her true spiritual health, which is no other thing than charity. And while he thus makes her walk in the virtues by which he disposes her to this holy love, he does not conduct her only, but in such sort sustains her, that as she for her part goes as well as she is able so he on his part supports and sustains her; and it is hard to say whether she goes or is carried; for she is not so carried that she goes not, and yet her going is such that if she were not carried she could not go. So that, to speak apostolically, she must say; I walk, not I alone, but the grace of God with me.[1]
But the soul being entirely restored to her health by the excellent epithem of charity which the Holy Ghost infuses into her heart, she is then able to walk and keep herself upon her feet of herself, yet by virtue of this health and this sacred epithem of holy love. Wherefore though she is able to walk of herself, yet is she to render the glory thereof to God, who has 135bestowed upon her a health so vigorous and strong: for whether the Holy Ghost fortify us by the motions which he enables our heart to make, or sustain us by the charity which he infuses into them, whether he succour us by manner of assistance in raising and carrying us, or strengthen our hearts by pouring into them fortifying and quickening love, we always live, walk, and work, in him and by him.
And although by means of charity poured into our hearts, we are able to walk in the presence of God, and make progress in the way of salvation, yet still it is the goodness of God which ever helps the soul to whom he has given his love, continually holding her with his holy hand; for so 1: He doth better make appear the sweetness of his love towards her. 2. He ever animates her more and more. 3. He supports her against depraved inclinations and evil habits contracted by former sins. 4. And finally, he supports her and defends her against temptations.
Do we not often see, Theotimus, that sound and robust men must be provoked to employ their strength and power well; and, as one would say, must be drawn by the hand to the work? So God having given us his charity, and by it the force and the means to gain ground in the way of perfection, his love does not permit him to let us walk thus alone, but makes him put himself upon the way with us, urges him to urge us, and solicits his heart to solicit and drive forward ours to make good use of the charity which he has given us, repeating often, by means of his inspirations, S. Paul's admonitions: See that you receive not the grace of God in vain.[1] Whilst we have time, let us work good to all men.[1] So run that you may obtain.[1] So that we are often to think that he repeats in our ears the words which he used to the good father Abraham: Walk before me and be perfect.[1]
But principally the special assistance of God to the soul endowed with charity is required in sublime and extraordinary enterprises; for though charity, however weak it be, gives us enough inclination, and, as I think, enough power, to do the 136works necessary for salvation, yet, to aspire to and undertake excellent and extraordinary actions, our hearts stand in need of being pushed and raised by the hand and motion of this great heavenly lover; as the princess in our parable, although restored to health, could not ascend nor go fast, unless her dear spouse raised and strongly supported her. Thus S. Antony and S. Simeon Stylites were in the grace of God and charity when they designed so exalted a life; as also the B. Mother (S.) Teresa when she made her particular vow of obedience, S. Francis and S. Louis, when they undertook their journey beyond-seas for the advancement of God's glory, the Blessed Francis Xavier, when he consecrated his life to the conversion of the Indians, S. Charles, in exposing himself to serve the plague-stricken, S. Paulinus, when he sold himself to redeem the poor widow's child; yet still never would they have struck such mighty and generous blows, unless God, to that charity which they had in their hearts, had added special inspirations, invitations, lights and forces, whereby he animated and pushed them forward to these extraordinary exploits of spiritual valour.
Do you not mark the young man of the gospel, whom Our Saviour loved, and who, consequently, was in charity? Certainly, he never dreamed of selling all he had to give it to the poor, and following Our Saviour: nay though Our Saviour had given him such an inspiration, yet had he not the courage to put it into execution. For these great works, Theotimus, we need not only to be inspired, but also to be fortified, in order to effect what the inspiration inclines us to. As again in the fierce assaults of extraordinary temptations, a special and particular presence of heavenly succour is absolutely necessary. For this cause holy church makes us so frequently cry out: "Excite our hearts O Lord:" "Prevent our actions by thy holy inspirations and further them with thy continual help:" "O Lord, make haste to help us:" and the like, in order by such prayers to obtain grace to be able to effect excellent and extraordinary works, and more frequently and fervently to do ordinary ones; as also more ardently to resist small temptations, and boldly to combat the greatest. S. Antony was assailed by 137a hideous legion of devils, and having long sustained their attacks, not without incredible pain and torment, at length saw the roof of his cell burst open, and a heavenly ray enter the breach, which made the black and darksome troop of his enemies vanish in a moment, and delivered him from all the pain of the wounds received in that battle; whence he perceived God's particular presence, and fetching a profound sigh towards the vision—"where wast thou, O good Jesus," said he, "where wast thou? Why wast thou not here from the beginning to have relieved my pain? It was answered him from above Antony, I was here: but I awaited the event of thy combat: and since thou didst behave thyself bravely and valiantly, I will be thy continual aid." But in what did the valour and courage of this brave spiritual combatant consist? He himself declared it another time when, being set upon by a devil who acknowledged himself to be the spirit of fornication, this glorious saint after many words worthy of his great courage began to sing the 7th verse of the 117th Psalm: The Lord is my helper: and I will look over my enemies.
And Our Saviour revealed to S. Catharine of Sienna, that he was in the midst of her heart in a cruel temptation she had, as a captain in the midst of a fort to hold it; and that without his succour she would have been lost in that battle. It is the same in all the great assaults which our enemy makes against us: and we may well say with Jacob that it is the angel that delivereth us from all evil,[1] and may sing with the great King David: The Lord ruleth me: and I shall want nothing. He hath set me in a place of pasture. He hath brought me up, on the water of refreshment: he hath converted my soul. So that we ought often to repeat this exclamation and prayer: And thy mercy will follow me all the days of my life.[1]