47. Thus is preserved both the name and power of the divine substance. For since he is anathema who says that the Son of God by Mary is man and not God; and he falls under the same condemnation who says that the Unborn God became man: God made Man is not denied to be God but denied to be the Unborn God, the Father being distinguished from the Son not under the head of nature or by diversity of substance, but only by such pre-eminence as His birthless nature gives.
XI. “If any man hearing The Word was made Flesh thinks that the Word was transformed into Flesh, or says that He suffered change in taking Flesh: let him be anathema.”
47. Filius sola nativitate a Patre discernitur. Carnem assumens non demutatus est.---Conservatur substantiae et nomen et 491 virtus. Cum enim in anathemate sit, qui ex Maria Dei filium hominem sine Deo 0515C dixerit; et in eodem judicio sit, qui in homine innascibilem Deum dixerit: non Deus is, qui in homine est, non esse Deus dicitur; sed Deus innascibilis abnegatur, Patre a Filio non naturae nomine, quia nec diversitate substantiae, sed sola innascibilitatis auctoritate discreto.
0516A XI. «Si quis Verbum caro factum est audiens, Verbum in carnem translatum putet, vel demutationem sustinentem accepisse carnem dicat: anathema sit.»