Annotations on Theological Subjects in the foregoing Treatises, alphabetically arranged.
Ignorance Assumed Economically by Our Lord
Personal Acts and Offices of Our Lord
Private Judgment on Scripture (Vid. art. Rule of Faith .)
The [ Agenneton ], or Ingenerate
[ Logos, endiathetos kai prophorikos ]
[ Mia physis ] ( of our Lord's Godhead and of His Manhood ).
[ Prototokos ] Primogenitus, First-born
Catholicism and Religious Thought Fairbairn
Development of Religious Error
On the Inspiration of Scripture
Library of Fathers Preface, St. Cyril
Library of Fathers Preface, St. Cyprian
Library of Fathers Preface, St. Chrysostom
ATHAN. will not allow that the Pastor is canonical, Decr. § 18. "In the Shepherd it is written, since they [the Arians] allege this book also, though it is not in the Canon;" yet he uses the formula, "It is written."
And so in Ep. Fest. fin. he enumerates it with Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Esther, Judith, Tobit, and others, "not canonised, but appointed by the Fathers to be read by recent converts and persons under teaching." He calls it elsewhere a most profitable book. Incarn. 3.
As to the phrase, "it is written," or "he says," [ tade legei ], the Douay renders such phrases by "he," [ dio legei ], "wherefore he saith," Eph. v. 14; [ eireke peri tes hebdomes houto ], " he spoke," Heb. iv. 4; and 7, " he limiteth." And we may take in explanation, "As the Holy Ghost saith, Today," etc. Heb. iii. 7. Or understand with Athan. [ dielenxei legon ho Paulos ]. Orat. i. § 57. [ hos heipen ho Ioannes ]. Orat. iii. § 30. vid. also iv. § 31. On the other hand, "doth not the Scripture say," John vii. 42; "what saith the Scripture ?" Rom. iv. 3; "do you think that the Scripture saith in vain?" etc. James iv. 5. And so Athan. [ hoiden he theia graphe legousa ]. Orat. i. § 56. [ ethos tei theiei graphei ... phesi ]. Orat. iv. § 27. [ legei he graphe ], Decr. § 22. [ phesin he graphe ], Syn. § 52.