consecratae eminuit haud mediocri desiderio sanctitatis. Anno MDCCLXI vota
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Congregatio pro Gentium Evangelizatione 825
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die 28 Augusti. - Exc.mum R.P. Fridericum Rubwejanga, Episcopum
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Ad Patriarcham Oecumenicum Bartholomaeum I, Archiepiscopum Constantino-
To His Holiness Bartholomaios I
Archbishop of Constantinople
Ecumenical Patriarch
It gives me great joy to greet you and all those taking part in the Seventh
Symposium of the Religion, Science and the Environment movement, which
this year turns its attention to the subject: "The Arctic: Mirror of Life". Your
own dedication and personal commitment to the protection of the environ-
ment demonstrates the pressing need for science and religion to work togeth-
er to safeguard the gifts of nature and to promote responsible stewardship.
Through the presence of Cardinal McCarrick I wish to reaffirm my fervent
solidarity with the aims of the project and to assure you of my hope for a
deepening global recognition of the vital relationship between the ecology of
the human person and the ecology of nature.1
Preservation of the environment, promotion of sustainable development
and particular attention to climate change are matters of grave concern for
the entire human family. No nation or business sector can ignore the ethical
implications present in all economic and social development. With increasing
clarity scientific research demonstrates that the impact of human actions in
any one place or region can have worldwide effects. The consequences of
disregard for the environment cannot be limited to an immediate area or
populus because they always harm human coexistence, and thus betray hu-
man dignity and violate the rights of citizens who desire to live in a safe
This year's symposium, dedicated again to the earth's water resources,
takes you and various religious leaders, scientists, and other interested par-
ties to the Ilulissat Icefjord on the west coast of Greenland. Gathered in the
magnificent beauty of this unique glacial region and World Heritage site your
hearts and minds turn readily to the wonders of God and in awe echo the
words of the Psalmist praising the name of the Lord who is "majestic in all
1 Cfr Message for the 2007 World Day of Peace, 8. 2 Cfr ibid., 8-9.