God's Revelation to Moses on Mount Sinai
God commands the Angel to write (i. 27-29).
Paradise and the Fall (iii. 1-35 cf. Gen. ii. 4-iii .).
Cain and Abel (iv. 1-12 cf. Gen. iv.).
The Patriarchs from Adam to Noah (cf. Gen. v.) Life of Enoch Death of Adam and Gain (iv. 13-33).
The Fall of the Angels and their Punishment the Deluge foretold (v. 1-20 cf. Gen. vi. 1-12).
The Building of the Ark the Flood (v. 21-32 cf. Gen. vi. 13-viii. 19).
Genealogy of the Descendants of Shem: Noah and his Sons divide the Earth (viii. 1-30 cf. Gen. x.).
The Tower of Babel and the Confusion of Tongues (x. 18-27 cf. Gen. xi. 1-9).
Abram's Knowledge of God and wonderful Deeds (xi. 16-24).
The Campaign of Chedorlaomer (xiii. 22-29 cf. Gen. xiv.).
God's Covenant with Abram (xiv. 1-20 cf. Gen. xv.).
The Birth of Ishmael (xiv. 21-24 cf. Gen. xvi. 1-4. 11).
The Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael (xvii. 1-14 cf. Gen. xxi. 8-21).
Mastêmâ proposes to God that Abraham shall be put to the Proof (xvi. 15-18).
The Sacrifice of Isaac: Abraham returns to Beersheba (xviii. 1-19 Cf. Gen. xxii. 1-19).
The Death and Burial of Sarah (xix. 1-9 cf. Gen. xxiii.).
Abraham loves Jacob and blesses him (xix. 15-31).
Abraham's Last Words to his Children and Grandchildren (xx. i-ii).
The Dwelling-places of the Ishmaelites and of the Sons of Keturah (xx. 12-13).
Abraham's Last Words to Isaac (xxi. 1-25).
Abraham's Last Words to and Blessings of Jacob (xxii. 10-30).
The Death and Burial of Abraham (xxiii. 1-8 cf. Gen. xxv. 7-10).
The decreasing Years and increasing Corruption of Mankind (xxiii. 9-17).
The Messianic Woes (xxiii. 18-25). [Eschatological partly.]
Isaac at the Well of Vision: Esau sells his Birthright (xxiv. 1-7 cf. Gen. xxv. 11, 29-34).
Isaac's Sojourn in Gerar and Dealings with Abimelech (xxiv. 8-27 cf. Gen. xxvi.).
Isaac curses the Philistines (xxiv. 28-33).
Jacob obtains the Blessing of the Firstborn (xxvi. 1-35 cf. Gen. xxvii.).
Jacob's Flight with his Family: his Covenant with Laban (xxix. 1-12 cf. Gen, xxxi.).
Jacob's Journey to Bethel and Hebron. Isaac blesses Levi and Judah (xxxi. 1-25 cf. Gen. xxxv.).
Rebecca journeys with Jacob to Bethel (xxxi. 26-32).
The Wives of Jacob's Sons (xxxiv. 20-21).
Rebecca's Last Admonitions and Death (xxxv. 1-27).
Isaac's Last Words and Admonitions: his Death. The Death of Leah (xxxvi. 1-24).
Esau and his Sons wage War with Jacob (xxxvii. 1-25).
The Kings of Edom (xxxviii. 15-24 cf. Gen. xxxvi. 31-39).
Joseph's Service with Potiphar his Purity and Imprisonment (xxxix. 1-13 cf. Gen. xxxix.).
Joseph interprets the Dreams of the Chief Butler and the Chief Baker (xxxix. 14-18 cf. Gen. xl.).,
Pharaoh's Dreams and their Interpretation. Joseph's Elevation and Marriage (xl. 1-13 cf. Gen. xli.).
Judah's Incest with Tamar his Repentance and Forgiveness (xli. 1-28 Cf. Gen. xxxviii.).
The Two Journeys of the Sons of Jacob to Egypt (xlii. 1-25 cf. Gen. xlii., xliii.).
The Birth and Early Years of Moses (xlvii. 1-12 cf. Exod. ii.).
From the Flight of Moses to the Exodus (xlviii. 1-19 cf. Exod. ii. 15 ff., iv. 19-24, vii-xiv.).
Regulations regarding the Passover (xlix. 1-23 cf. Exod. xii.).
XXIX. And it came to pass when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Laban went to shear his sheep; for they were distant from him a three days' journey. 2. And Jacob saw that Laban was going to shear his
sheep, and Jacob called Leah and Rachel, and spake kindly unto them that they should come with him to the land of Canaan. 3. For he told them how he had seen everything in a dream, even all that He had spoken unto him that he should return to his father's house; and they said: "To every place whither thou goest we will go with thee." 4. And Jacob blessed the God of Isaac his father, and the God of Abraham his father's father, and he arose and mounted his wives and his children, and took all his possessions and crossed the river, and came to the land of Gilead, and Jacob hid his intention from (2135 A.M.) Laban and told him not. 5. And in the seventh year of the fourth week Jacob turned (his face) toward Gilead in the first month, on the twenty-first thereof. And Laban pursued after him and overtook Jacob in the mountain of Gilead in the third month, on the thirteenth thereof. 6. And the Lord did not suffer him to injure Jacob; for He appeared to him in a dream by night. And Laban spake to Jacob, 7. And on the fifteenth of those days Jacob made a feast for Laban, and for all who came with him, and Jacob sware to Laban that day, and Laban also to Jacob, that neither should cross the mountain of Gilead to the other with evil purpose. 8. And he made there a heap for a witness; wherefore the name of that place is called: "The Heap of Witness," after this heap. 9. But before they used to call the land of Gilead the land of the Rephaim; for it was the land of the Rephaim, and the Rephaim were born (there), giants whose height was ten, nine, eight down to seven cubits. 10. And their habitation was from the land of the children of Ammon to Mount Hermon, and the seats of their kingdom were Karnaim and Ashtaroth, and Edrei, and Mîsûr, and Beon. 11. And the Lord destroyed them because of the evil of their deeds; for they were very malignant, and the Amorites dwelt in their stead, wicked and sinful, and there is no people to-day which hath wrought to the full all their sins, and they have no longer length of life on the earth. 12. And Jacob sent away Laban, and he departed into Mesopotamia, the land of the East, and Jacob returned to the land of Gilead.