9. “And in this,” saith he, “we do know Him, if we keep His commandments.” i.e.
10. “For all that is in the world, is the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride
9. “Let us love, because He first loved us.” i.e.
8. “Every one that doeth sin, doeth also iniquity.”236 1 John iii. 4. Lawlessness. Let no man say, Sin is one thing, iniquity another: let no man say, I am a sinful man, but not237 Iniquus. a doer of iniquity. For, “Every one that doeth sin, doeth also iniquity. Sin is iniquity.” Well then, what are we to do concerning sins and iniquities? Hear what He saith: “And ye know that He was manifested to take away sin; and sin in Him is not.”238 1 John iii. 5. He, in Whom sin is not, the same is come to take away sin. For were there sin in Him, it must be taken away from Him, not He take it away Himself. “Whosoever abideth in Him, sinneth not.”239 1 John iii. 6. In so far as he abideth in Him, in so far sinneth not. “Whosoever sinneth hath not seen Him, neither known Him.” A great question this: “Whosoever sinneth hath not seen Him, neither known Him.” No marvel. We have not seen Him, but are to see; have not known Him, but are to know: we believe on One we have not known. Or haply, by faith we have known, and by actual beholding240 Specie. have not yet known? But then in faith we have both seen and known. For if faith doth not yet see, why are we said to have been enlightened? There is an enlightening by faith, and an enlightening by sight. At present, while we are on pilgrimage, “we walk by faith, not by sight,”241 2 Cor. v. 7.or, actually beholding. Therefore also our righteousness is “by faith, not by sight.” Our righteousness shall be perfect, when we shall see by actual beholding.242 Per speciem. Only, in the meanwhile, let us not leave that righteousness which is of faith, since “the just doth live by faith,”243 Rom. i. 17. as saith the apostle. “Whosoever abideth in Him, sinneth not.” For, “whosoever sinneth, hath not seen Him, neither known Him.” That man who sins, believes not: but if a man believes, so far as pertains to his faith, he sinneth not.
8. Omnis qui facit peccatum, et iniquitatem facit.2010 Nemo dicat, Aliud est peccatum, aliud iniquitas: nemo dicat, Ego peccator homo sum, sed iniquus non sum. Omnis enim qui facit peccatum, et iniquitatem facit. Peccatum est iniquitas. Quid ergo facimus de peccatis nostris et iniquitatibus? Audi quid dicat: Et scitis quia ille manifestatus est, ut peccatum auferat; et peccatum in ipso non est. In quo non est peccatum, ipse venit auferre peccatum. Nam si esset et in illo peccatum, auferendum esset illi, non ipse auferret. Omnis qui in ipso manet, non peccat. In quantum in ipso manet, in tantum non peccat. Omnis qui peccat, non vidit eum, neque cognovit eum. Magna ista quaestio: Omnis qui peccat, non vidit eum, neque cognovit eum. Non est mirum. Non eum vidimus, sed visuri sumus; non eum cognovimus, sed cognituri sumus: credimus in eum quem non cognovimus. An forte ex fide cognovimus, et specie nondum cognovimus? Sed in fide et vidimus et cognovimus. Si enim nondum videt fides, quare dicimur illuminati? Est illuminatio per fidem, est illuminatio per speciem. Modo cum peregrinamur, per fidem ambulamus, non per speciem (II Cor. V, 7). Ergo et justitia nostra per fidem est, non per speciem. Erit perfecta nostra justitia, cum videbimus per speciem Modo non relinquamus eam justitiam quae est ex fide, quoniam justus ex fide vivit (Rom. I, 17), sicut ait Apostolus. Omnis qui manet in ipso, non peccat. Nam omnis qui peccat, non vidit eum, neque cognovit eum. Non credit iste qui peccat: si autem credit, quantum ad fidem ejus pertinet, non peccat.