54. We remember that the Paraclete was sent by the Son, and at the beginning the creed explained this. But since through the virtue of His nature, which is exactly similar, the Son has frequently called His own works the works of the Father, saying, I do the works of My Father35 John x. 37.: so when He intended to send the Paraclete, as He often promised, He said sometimes that He was to be sent from the Father, in that He was piously wont to refer all that He did to the Father. And from this the heretics often seize an opportunity of saying that the Son Himself is the Paraclete: while by the fact that He promised to pray that another Comforter should be sent from the Father, He shews the difference between Him who is sent and Him who asked.
XXI. “If any man says that the Holy Spirit is a part of the Father or of the Son: let him be anathema.”
54. Cur dicatur mitti a Patre.---A Filio Paracletum missum meminimus, et in principio hoc fides ipsa exposuit. Sed quia frequenter Filius per indifferentis natutae virtutem opera sua opera Patris esse dixit, dicens: Ego opera Patris mei facio (Joan. X, 37), missurus quoque Paracletum, sicuti frequenter spopondit, interdum eum et mittendum dixit a Patre, dum omne quod ageret, pie referre est solitus ad Patrem. Ex quo haeretici occasionem frequenter arripiunt, ut ipsum esse Filium Paracletum dicant: cum in eo, quod alium Paracletum mittendum a Patre sit 0519C precaturus, differentiam missi rogantisque significet.
XXI. «Si quis Spiritum sanctum partem dicat Patris vel Filii: anathema sit.»