56. Since it is contrary to religion to say that there are two Gods, because we remember and declare that nowhere has it been affirmed that there is more than one God: how much more worthy of condemnation is it to name three Gods in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Nevertheless, since heretics say this, Catholics rightly condemn it.
XXIII. “If any man, after the example of the Jews, understand as said for the destruction of the Eternal Only-begotten God, the words, I am the first God, and I am the last God, and beside Me there is no God36 Is. xliv. 6., which were spoken for the destruction of idols and them that are no gods: let him be anathema.”
0519D 56. Dii tres negantur.---Duum deorum professio cum irreligiosa sit, quia nusquam nisi unum Deum praedicatum meminerimus et praedicemus: quanto magis trium deorum in Patre et Filio et Spiritu 0520A sancto nuncupatio damnabilis est? Quod tamen quia haeretici dicunt, recte catholici condemnant.
XXIII. «Si quis quod dictum est, Ego Deus primus, et ego Deus novissimus, et praeter me non est Deus (Esai. XLIV, 6), ad destructionem idolorum dictum et eorum qui non sunt dii, in destructionem unigeniti ante saecula Dei judaice dictum intelligat: anathema sit.»