18. But, my Fisherman, the objection will be raised that you are reckless and extravagant in your language; that All things were made through Him needs qualification. There is the Unbegotten, made of none; there is also the Son, begotten of the Unborn Father. This All things is an unguarded statement, admitting no exceptions. While we are silent, not daring to answer or trying to think of some reply, do you break in with, And without Him was nothing made. You have restored the Author of the Godhead to His place, while proclaiming that He has a Companion. From your saying that nothing was made without Him, I learn that He was not alone. He through Whom the work was done is One; He without Whom it was not done is Another: a distinction is drawn between Creator and Companion.
18. Verbum non est solitarium.---Sed dicitur tibi ab aliquo, piscator meus: Nimium facilis et promiscuus hic fuisti; omnia per eum facta sunt non habet modum. Est ingenitus, qui factus a nemine est: est et ipse genitus ab innato. Sine exceptione sunt omnia, et 0062C nihil quod extra sit derelinquunt. Sed dum nihil ultra dicere audemus, aut forte dum dicere molimur, occurre: Et sine eo factum est nihil. Reddidisti auctorem, cum socium professus es. Cum enim nihil sine eo, intelligo non solum; quia alius est per quem, alius est sine quo: utroque discernitur significatio et intervenientis et agentis.