9. “And in this,” saith he, “we do know Him, if we keep His commandments.” i.e.
10. “For all that is in the world, is the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride
9. “Let us love, because He first loved us.” i.e.
3. Mark well, brethren; we have brought forward somewhat in which, to them that have good understanding, the question is solved. But do we only walk in the way with them that run more swiftly? Those that walk more slowly must not be left behind. Let us turn the matter every way, in such words as we can, in order that it may be brought within reach of all. For I suppose, brethren, that every man is concerned for his own soul, who does not come to Church without cause, who does not seek temporal things in the Church, who does not come here to transact secular business; but comes here in order that he may lay hold upon some eternal thing, promised unto him, whereunto he may attain: he must needs consider how he shall walk in the way, lest he be left behind, lest he go back, lest he go astray, lest by halting he do not attain. Whoever therefore is in earnest, let him be slow, let him be swift, yet let him not leave the way. This then I have said, that in saying, “Whosoever is born of God sinneth not,” it is probable he meant it of some particular sin: for else it will be contrary to that place: “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” In this way then the question may be solved. There is a certain sin, which he that is born of God cannot commit; a sin, which not being committed, other sins are loosed, and being committed, other sins are confirmed. What is this sin? To do contrary to the commandment of Christ, contrary to the New Testament.257 [Translator here follows Eras.; Bened. (Migne) omits “of Christ, contrary to the New Testament,” and omits “new” in next sentence.—J.H.M.] What is the new commandment? “A new commandment give I unto you, that ye love one another.”258 John xiii. 34. Whoso doeth contrary to charity and contrary to brotherly love, let him not dare to glory and say that he is born of God: but whoso is in brotherly love, there are certain sins which he cannot commit, and this above all, that he should hate his brother. And how fares it with him concerning his other sins, of which it is said, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us?” Let him hear that which shall set his mind at rest from another place of Scripture; “Charity covereth a multitude of sins.”259 1 Pet. iv. 8.
3. Intendite, fratres; protulimus aliquid in quo bene intelligentibus soluta est quaestio. Sed numquid cum celerioribus tantum ambulamus viam? Et qui tardius ambulant, non sunt relinquendi. Versemus hoc quibus possumus verbis, ut ad omnes perveniat. Puto enim, fratres, quia omnis homo sollicitus est pro anima sua, qui non sine causa intrat Ecclesiam, qui non temporalia quaerit in Ecclesia, qui non propterea intrat ut transigat negotia saecularia; sed ideo intrat, ut aliquid sibi aeternum promissum teneat, quo perveniat: necesse est cogitet quemadmodum ambulet in via, ne remaneat, ne retro eat, ne aberret, ne claudicando non perveniat. Qui ergo sollicitus est, tardus sit, velox sit, non recedat de via Hoc ergo dixi, quia qui natus est ex Deo, non peccat, fortassis secundum quoddam peccatum voluit intelligi: nam erit contrarium illi loco, Si dixerimus quia peccatum non habemus, nos ipsos seducimus, et veritas in nobis non est. Sic ergo potest solvi quaestio. Est quoddam peccatum quod non potest admittere ille qui natus est ex Deo; et quo non admisso solvuntur caetera, quo admisso confirmantur caetera. Quod est hoc peccatum? Facere contra mandatum Christi, contra testamentum novum. Quod est mandatum novum? Mandatum novum do vobis, ut vos invicem diligatis. Qui facit contra charitatem 2014 et contra dilectionem fraternam, non audeat gloriari, et dicere natum se esse ex Deo: qui autem in dilectione fraterna constitutus est, certa sunt peccata quae non potest admittere, et hoc maxime ne oderit fratrem. Et quid de caeteris peccatis facit, unde dictum est, Si dixerimus quia peccatum non habemus, nos ipsos seducimus, et veritas in nobis non est? Audiat securitatem de alio loco Scripturae: Charitas cooperit multitudinem peccatorum (I Petr. IV, 8).