21. This Life is the Light of men, the Light which lightens the darkness. To comfort us for that powerlessness to describe His generation of which the prophet speaks89 Isai. liii. 8., the Fisherman adds, And the darkness comprehended Him not90 St. John i. 4.. The language of unaided reason was baffled and silenced; the Fisherman who lay on the bosom of the Lord was taught to express the mystery. His language is not the world’s language, for He deals with things that are not of the world. Let us know what it is, if there be any teaching that you can extract from his words, more than their plain sense conveys; if you can translate into other terms the truth we have elicited, publish them abroad. If there be none—indeed, because there are none—let us accept with reverence this teaching of the fisherman, and recognise in his words the oracles of God. Let us cling in adoration to the true confession of Father and Son, Unbegotten and Only-begotten ineffably, Whose majesty defies all expression and all perception. Let us, like John, lie on the bosom of the Lord Jesus, that we too may understand and proclaim the mystery.
21. Verbi generatio humana ratione non capitur; tenenda igitur fide.---Haec vita lux hominum est, haec lux tenebras illuminans. Et ut impossibilitatem generationis ejus enarrandae secundum prophetam piscator consolaretur (Esa. LIII, 8); adjecit, Et tenebrae eam non comprehenderunt (Joan. I, 4). Cessit sermo naturae, et non habet quo excurrat; et tamen hoc piscator iste recubans in Domini pectus accepit. Non est iste saeculi sermo; quia de qua agitur, non saeculi res est. Edatur aliquid, si in significatione verborum reperiri potest ultra quam dictum sit: et si qua sunt 0064B alia expositae a nobis naturae nomina, proferantur. Quae si non sunt, immo quia non sunt; miremur hanc in piscatore doctrinam, et in eo eloquia Dei sentiamus: confessionemque Patris et Filii, ingeniti et unigeniti inenarrabilem, et excedentem complexum omnem et sermonis et sensus, teneamus atque adoremus: et in Domino Jesu, exemplo Joannis, ut haec possimus sentire et colloqui, accubemus (Joan. XIII, 25).