62. You perceive that the truth has been sought by many paths through the advice and opinions of different bishops, and the ground of their views has been set forth by the separate declarations inscribed in this creed. Every separate point of heretical assertion has been successfully refuted. The infinite and boundless God cannot be made comprehensible by a few words of human speech. Brevity often misleads both learner and teacher, and a concentrated discourse either causes a subject not to be understood, or spoils the meaning of an argument where a thing is hinted at, and is not proved by full demonstration. The bishops fully understood this, and therefore have used for the purpose of teaching many definitions and a profusion of words that the ordinary understanding might find no difficulty, but that their hearers might be saturated with the truth thus differently expressed, and that in treating of divine things these adequate and manifold definitions might leave no room for danger or obscurity.
62. Difficultas de Deo paucis loquendi.---Multifarie, ut intelligitur, episcoporum consiliis atque sententiis quaesita veritas est, et intelligentiae ratio exposita est per singulas scriptae fidei professiones: singulis quibusque generibus impiae praedicationis exstinctis. Non enim infinitus et immensus Deus brevibus humani sermonis eloquiis vel intelligi potuit, vel ostendi. Fallit 0522B enim plerumque et audientes et docentes brevitas verborum: et compendio sermonum aut non intelligi potest quod requiritur, aut etiam corrumpitur quod significatum magis, quam enarratum, rationis absolutione non constat. Et idcirco episcopi intelligentiae sensu loquentes, ob difficultatem naturalis intelligentiae, et plurimis definitionibus et copiosioribus verbis usi sunt ad docendum: ut et sensum audientium distinctione editae per multa veritatis imbuerent, et de divinis rebus nihil aliud periculosum aut obscurum in hac multimoda plurium sententiarum absolutione loquerentur.