Chapter II.— By what Means the Emperor Constantine became a Christian.
Chapter III.— While Constantine favors the Christians, Licinius, his Colleague, persecutes them.
Chapter IV.— War arises between Constantine and Licinius on Account of the Christians.
Chapter V.— The Dispute of Arius with Alexander, his Bishop.
Chapter VIII.— Of the Synod which was held at Nicæa in Bithynia, and the Creed there put forth.
Chapter X.— The Emperor also summons to the Synod Acesius, Bishop of the Novatians.
Chapter XI.— Of the Bishop Paphnutius.
Chapter XII.— Of Spyridon, Bishop of the Cypriots.
Chapter XIII.— Of Eutychian the Monk.
Chapter XX.— In what Manner the Iberians were converted to Christianity.
Chapter XXI.— Of Anthony the Monk.
Chapter XXII.— Manes, the Founder of the Manichæan Heresy, and on his Origin.
Chapter XXV.— Of the Presbyter who exerted himself for the Recall of Arius.
Chapter XXIX.— Of Arsenius, and his Hand which was said to have been cut off.
Chapter XXX.— Athanasius is found Innocent of what he was accused his Accusers take to Flight.
Chapter XXXII.— On the Departure of Athanasius, those who composed the Synod vote his Deposition.
Chapter XXXVI.— Of Marcellus Bishop of Ancyra, and Asterius the Sophist.
Chapter XXXVIII.— The Death of Arius.
Chapter XXXIX.— The Emperor falls sick and dies.
Chapter XL.— The Funeral of the Emperor Constantine.
Chapter IV.— On the Death of Eusebius Pamphilus, Acacius succeeds to the Bishopric of Cæsarea.
Chapter V.— The Death of Constantine the Younger.
Chapter IX.— Of Eusebius of Emisa.
Chapter XI.— On the Arrival of Gregory at Alexandria, tended by a Military Escort, Athanasius flees.
Chapter XIV.— The Arians remove Gregory from the See of Alexandria, and appoint George in his Place.
Chapter XVII.— Athanasius, intimidated by the Emperor’s Threats, returns to Rome again.
Chapter XIX.— Of the Creed sent by the Eastern Bishops to those in Italy, called the Lengthy Creed.
Chapter XX.— Of the Council at Sardica.
Chapter XXI.— Defense of Eusebius Pamphilus.
Chapter XXV.— Of the Usurpers Magnentius and Vetranio.
Chapter XXIX.— Of the Heresiarch Photinus.
Chapter XXX.— Creeds published at Sirmium in Presence of the Emperor Constantius.
Chapter XXXI.— Of Hosius, Bishop of Cordova.
Chapter XXXII.— Overthrow of the Usurper Magnentius.
Chapter XXXIII.— Of the Jews inhabiting Dio-Cæsarea in Palestine.
Chapter XXXIV.— Of Gallus Cæsar.
Chapter XXXV.— Of Aëtius the Syrian, Teacher of Eunomius.
Chapter XXXVI.— Of the Synod at Milan.
Chapter XXXVII.— Of the Synod at Ariminum, and the Creed there published.
Chapter XXXVIII.— Cruelty of Macedonius, and Tumults raised by him.
Chapter XXXIX.— Of the Synod at Seleucia, in Isauria.
Chapter XL.— Acacius, Bishop of Cæsarea, dictates a new Form of Creed in the Synod at Seleucia.
Chapter XLII.— On the Deposition of Macedonius, Eudoxius obtains the Bishopric of Constantinople.
Chapter XLIII.— Of Eustathius Bishop of Sebastia.
Chapter XLIV.— Of Meletius Bishop of Antioch.
Chapter XLV.— The Heresy of Macedonius.
Chapter XLVI.— Of the Apollinarians, and their Heresy .
Chapter XLVII.— Successes of Julian Death of the Emperor Constantius.
Chapter II.— Of the Sedition excited at Alexandria, and how George was slain.
Chapter III.— The Emperor Indignant at the Murder of George, rebukes the Alexandrians by Letter.
Chapter V.— Of Lucifer and Eusebius.
Chapter VI.— Lucifer goes to Antioch and consecrates Paulinus.
Chapter VIII.— Quotations from Athanasius’ ‘Defense of his Flight.’
Chapter X.— Of Hilary Bishop of Poictiers.
Chapter XI.— The Emperor Julian extracts Money from the Christians.
Chapter XIII.— Of the Outrages committed by the Pagans against the Christians.
Chapter XIV.— Flight of Athanasius.
Chapter XV.— Martyrs at Merum in Phrygia, under Julian.
Chapter XIX.— Wrath of the Emperor, and Firmness of Theodore the Confessor.
Chapter XXI.— The Emperor’s Invasion of Persia, and Death.
Chapter XXII.— Jovian is proclaimed Emperor.
Chapter XXIII.— Refutation of what Libanius the Sophist said concerning Julian.
Chapter XXIV.— The Bishops flock around Jovian, each attempting to draw him to his own Creed.
Chapter XXVI.— Death of the Emperor Jovian.
Chapter IX.— Valens persecutes the Novatians, because they accepted the Orthodox Faith.
Chapter X.— Birth of Valentinian the Younger.
Chapter XI.— Hail of Extraordinary Size and Earthquakes in Bithynia and the Hellespont.
Chapter XV.— The Emperor banishes Evagrius and Eustathius. The Arians persecute the Orthodox.
Chapter XVI.— Certain Presbyters burnt in a Ship by Order of Valens. Famine in Phrygia.
Chapter XVIII.— Events at Edessa: Constancy of the Devout Citizens, and Courage of a Pious Woman.
Chapter XX.— Death of Athanasius, and Elevation of Peter to His See.
Chapter XXIII.— The Deeds of Some Holy Persons who devoted themselves to a Solitary Life .
Chapter XXV.— Of Didymus the Blind Man.
Chapter XXVI.— Of Basil of Cæsarea, and Gregory of Nazianzus.
Chapter XXVII.— Of Gregory Thaumaturgus (the Wonder-Worker).
Chapter XXXI.— Death of Valentinian.
Chapter XXXIII.— The Goths, under the Reign of Valens, embrace Christianity.
Chapter XXXV.— Abatement of Persecution against the Christians because of the War with the Goths.
Chapter III.— The Principal Bishops who flourished at that Time.
Chapter V.— Events at Antioch in Connection with Paulinus and Meletius.
Chapter XIII.— The Arians excite a Tumult at Constantinople.
Chapter XIV.— Overthrow and Death of the Usurper Maximus.
Chapter XV.— Of Flavian Bishop of Antioch.
Chapter XVII.— Of the Hieroglyphics found in the Temple of Serapis.
Chapter XVIII.— Reformation of Abuses at Rome by the Emperor Theodosius.
Chapter XIX.— Of the Office of Penitentiary Presbyters and its Abolition.
Chapter XX.— Divisions among the Arians and Other Heretics.
Chapter XXI.— Peculiar Schism among the Novatians.
Chapter XXIII.— Further Dissensions among the Arians at Constantinople. The Psathyrians.
Chapter XXIV.— The Eunomians divide into Several Factions.
Chapter XXVI.— Illness and Death of Theodosius the Elder.
Chapter II.— Death of Nectarius and Ordination of John.
Chapter III.— Birth and Education of John Bishop of Constantinople.
Chapter IV.— Of Serapion the Deacon on whose Account John becomes Odious to his Clergy.
Chapter X.— Epiphanius Bishop of Cyprus convenes a Synod to condemn the Books of Origen.
Chapter XI.— Of Severian and Antiochus: their Disagreement from John.
Chapter XIII.— The Author’s Defence of Origen.
Chapter XVI.— Sedition on Account of John Chrysostom’s Banishment. He is recalled.
Chapter XVIII.— Of Eudoxia’s Silver Statue. On account of it John is exiled a Second Time.
Chapter XX.— Death of Arsacius, and Ordination of Atticus.
Chapter XXI.— John dies in Exile.
Chapter XXII.— Of Sisinnius Bishop of the Novatians. His Readiness at Repartee.
Chapter XXIII.— Death of the Emperor Arcadius.
Chapter II.— Character and Conduct of Atticus Bishop of Constantinople.
Chapter III.— Of Theodosius and Agapetus Bishops of Synada.
Chapter IV.— A Paralytic Jew healed by Atticus in Baptism.
Chapter V.— The Presbyter Sabbatius, formerly a Jew, separates from the Novatians.
Chapter VI.— The Leaders of Arianism at this Time.
Chapter VII.— Cyril succeeds Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria.
Chapter VIII.— Propagation of Christianity among the Persians by Maruthas Bishop of Mesopotamia.
Chapter IX.— The Bishops of Antioch and Rome.
Chapter X.— Rome taken and sacked by Alaric.
Chapter XI.— The Bishops of Rome.
Chapter XII.— Of Chrysanthus Bishop of the Novatians at Constantinople.
Chapter XIV.— The Monks of Nitria come down and raise a Sedition against the Prefect of Alexandria.
Chapter XV.— Of Hypatia the Female Philosopher.
Chapter XVI.— The Jews commit Another Outrage upon the Christians and are punished.
Chapter XIX.— Of Palladius the Courier.
Chapter XX.— A Second Overthrow of the Persians by the Romans.
Chapter XXI.— Kind Treatment of the Persian Captives by Acacius Bishop of Amida.
Chapter XXII.— Virtues of the Emperor Theodosius the Younger.
Chapter XXVI.— Sisinnius is chosen to succeed Atticus.
Chapter XXVII.— Voluminous Productions of Philip, a Presbyter of Side.
Chapter XXVIII.— Proclus ordained Bishop of Cyzicus by Sisinnius, but rejected by the People.
Chapter XXX.— The Burgundians embrace Christianity under Theodosius the Younger.
Chapter XXXI.— Nestorius harasses the Macedonians.
Chapter XXXII.— Of the Presbyter Anastasius, by whom the Faith of Nestorius was perverted.
Chapter XXXIII.— Desecration of the Altar of the Great Church by Runaway Slaves.
Chapter XXXIV.— Synod at Ephesus against Nestorius. His Deposition.
Chapter XXXVI.— The Author’s Opinion of the Validity of Translations from One See to Another.
Chapter XXXVII.— Miracle performed by Silvanus Bishop of Troas formerly of Philippopolis.
Chapter XXXVIII.— Many of the Jews in Crete embrace the Christian Faith.
Chapter XXXIX.— Preservation of the Church of the Novatians from Fire.
Chapter XL.— Proclus succeeds Maximian Bishop of Constantinople.
Chapter XLI.— Excellent Qualities of Proclus.
Chapter XLII.— Panegyric of the Emperor Theodosius Younger.
Chapter XLIII.— Calamities of the Barbarians who had been the Usurper John’s Allies.
Chapter XLIV.— Marriage of the Emperor Valentinian with Eudoxia the Daughter of Theodosius.
Chapter XLVI.— Death of Paul Bishop of the Novatians, and Election of Marcian as his Successor.
Chapter XLVII.— The Empress Eudocia goes to Jerusalem sent there by the Emperor Theodosius.
Chapter XLVIII.— Thalassius is ordained Bishop of Cæsarea in Cappadocia.
Chapter XII.— The Macedonians, pressed by the Emperor’s Violence toward them, send a Deputation to Liberius Bishop of Rome, and subscribe the Nicene Creed.
When the maintainers of the ‘homoousian’ doctrine had been thus severely dealt with, and put to flight, the persecutors began
afresh to harass the Macedonians; who impelled by fear rather than violence, send deputations to one another from city to
city, declaring the necessity of appealing to the emperor’s brother, and also to Liberius bishop of Rome: and that it was
far better for them to embrace their faith, than to communicate with the party of Eudoxius. They sent for this purpose Eustathius
bishop of Sebastia, who had been several times deposed, Silvanus of Tarsus in Cilicia, and Theophilus of Castabala in the
same province; charging them to dissent in nothing from Liberius concerning the faith, but to enter into communion with the
Roman church, and confirm the doctrine of the
homoousian. These persons therefore proceeded to Old Rome, carrying with them the letters of those who had separated themselves from Acacius
at Seleucia. To the emperor they could not have access, he being occupied in the Gauls with a war against the Sarmatæ; but
they presented their letters to Liberius. He at first refused to admit them; saying they were of the Arian faction, and could
not possibly be received into communion by the church, inasmuch as they had rejected the Nicene Creed. To this they replied
that by change of sentiment they had acknowledged the truth, having long since renounced the Anomœan
See II. 35, and Hefele, Hist. of the Ch. Councils, Vol. II. p. 218 seq.
Creed, and avowed the Son to be in every way ‘like the Father’: moreover that they considered the terms ‘like’ (
homoios ) and
homoousios to have precisely the same import. When they had made this statement, Liberius demanded of them a written confession of their
faith; and they accordingly presented him a document in which the substance of the Nicene Creed was inserted. I have not introduced
here, because of their length, the letters from Smyrna, Asia, and from Pisidia, Isauria, Pamphylia, and Lycia, in all which
places they had held Synods. The written profession which the deputies sent with Eustathius, delivered to Liberius, is as
‘To our Lord, Brother, and fellow-Minister Liberius: Eustathius, Theophilus, and Silvanus, salutations in the Lord.
‘On account of the insane opinion of heretics, who cease not to introduce occasions of offense into the catholic churches,
we being desirous of checking their career, come forward to express our approbation of the doctrines recognized the Synod
of orthodox bishops which has been convened at Lampsacus, Smyrna, and various other places: from which Synod we being constituted
a deputation, bring a letter to your benignity and to all the Italian and Western bishops, by which we declare that we hold
and maintain the catholic faith which was established in the holy council at Nicæa under the reign of Constantine of blessed
memory, by three hundred and eighteen bishops, and has hitherto continued entire and unshaken; in which creed the term
homoousios is holily and devoutly employed in opposition to the pernicious doctrine of Arius. We therefore, together with the aforesaid
persons whom we represent, profess under our own hand, that we have held, do hold, and will maintain the same faith even unto
the end. We condemn Arius, and his impious doctrine, with his disciples, and those who agree with his sentiments; as also
the same heresy of Sabellius,
See I. 5, and note.
the Patripassians,
The Patripassians were a sect of the early Church (end of second century), who
asserted the identity of the Son with the Father. And, as on being confronted with
the question whether it was the Father that suffered on the cross they answered in
the affirmative, they were called Patripassians. Their leader was Praxeas. See Tertull.
Adv. Praxeam (the whole treatise is meant to be a refutation of this heresy).
the Marcionites,
Followers of the well-known Gnostic leader of the second century. For his peculiar
views, see Tertull. Adv. Marcionem; Epiphan. Hæres. XLII.; also Smith and Wace, Dict.
of Christ. Biog., under Marcion, and ecclesiastical histories.
the Photinians,
Cf. II. 18 and 29.
the Marcellians,
Cf. I. 36; II. 20.
that of Paul of Samosata,
See note, I. 36.
and those who countenance such tenets; in short all the heresies which are opposed to the aforesaid sacred creed, which was
piously and in a catholic spirit set forth by the holy fathers at Nicæa. But we especially anathematize that form of the creed
which was recited at the Synod of Ariminum,
See II. 37.
as altogether contrary to the before-mentioned creed of the holy Synod of Nicæa, to which the bishops at Constantinople affixed
their signatures, being deceived by artifice and perjury, by reason of its having been brought from Nice,
See II. 37. As it appears from V. 4, Liberius was actually deceived by the artifice.
a town of Thrace. Our own creed, and that of those whose delegates we are, is this:
‘“We believe in one God the Father Almighty, the Maker of all things visible and invisible: and in one only-begotten God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God; begotten of the Father; that is of the substance of the Father; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten not made, of the same substance with the Father, through whom all things were made which are in heaven, and which are upon the earth: who for us men, and for our salvation, descended, became incarnate, and was made man; suffered, and rose again the third day; ascended into the heavens, and will come to judge the living and the dead. [We believe] also in the Holy Spirit. But the Catholic and Apostolic Church of God anathematizes those who assert that ‘there was a time when he was not,’ and ‘that he was not before he was begotten,’ and that ‘he was made of things which are not’; or those that say ‘the Son of God is of another hypostasis’ or ‘substance than the Father,’ or that ‘he is mutable, or susceptible of change.’
‘“I, Eustathius, bishop of the city of Sebastia, with Theophilus and Silvanus, delegates of the Synod of Lampsacus, Smyrna, and other places, have voluntarily subscribed this confession of faith with our own hands. And if, after the publication of this creed, any one shall presume to calumniate either us, or those who sent us, let him come with the letters of your holiness before such orthodox bishops as your sanctity shall approve of, and bring the matter to an issue with us before them; and if any charge shall be substantiated, let the guilty be punished.”’
Liberius having securely pledged the delegates by this document, received them into communion, and afterwards dismissed them with this letter:
The Letter of Liberius Bishop of Rome, to the Bishops of the Macedonians.
To our beloved brethren and fellow-ministers, Evethius, Cyril, Hyperechius, Uranius, Heron, Elpidius, Maximus, Eusebius, Eucarpius, Heortasius, Neon, Eumathius, Faustinus, Proclinus, Pasinicus, Arsenius, Severus, Didymion, Brittanius, Callicrates, Dalmatius, Ædesius, Eustochius, Ambrose, Gelonius, Pardalius, Macedonius, Paul, Marcellus, Heraclius, Alexander, Adolius, Marcian, Sthenelus, John, Macer, Charisius, Silvanus, Photinus, Anthony, Aythus, Celsus, Euphranon, Milesius, Patricius, Severian, Eusebius, Eumolpius, Athanasius, Diophantus, Menodorus, Diocles, Chrysampelus, Neon, Eugenius, Eustathius, Callicrates, Arsenius, Eugenius, Martyrius, Hieracius, Leontius, Philagrius, Lucius, and to all the orthodox bishops in the East, Liberius bishop of Italy, and the bishops throughout the West, salutations always in the Lord.
Your letters, beloved brethren, resplendent with the light of faith, delivered to us by our highly esteemed brethren, the
bishops Eustathius, Silvanus, and Theophilus, brought to us the much longed-for joy of peace and concord: and this chiefly
because they have demonstrated and assured us that your opinion and sentiments are in perfect harmony with those both of our
insignificance, and also with those of all the bishops in Italy and the Western parts. We knowledge this to be the Catholic
and Apostolic faith, which until the time of the Synod at Nicæa had continued unadulterated and unshaken. This creed your
legates have professed that they themselves hold, and to our great joy have obliterated every vestige and impression of an
injurious suspicion, by attesting it not only in word, but also in writing. We have deemed it proper to subjoin to these letters
a copy of this their declaration, lest we should leave any pretext to the heretics for entering into a fresh conspiracy, by
which they might stir up the smouldering embers of their own malice, and according to their custom, rekindle the flames of
discord. Moreover our most esteemed brethren, Eustathius, Silvanus, and Theophilus, have professed this also, both that they
themselves, and also your love, have always held, and will maintain unto the last, the creed approved of at Nicæa by 318 Orthodox
Bishops; which contains the perfect truth, and both confutes and overthrows the whole swarm of heretics. For it was not of
their own will, but by Divine appointment that so great a number of bishops was collected against the madness of Arius, as
equaled that of those by whose assistance blessed Abraham through faith destroyed so many thousand of his enemies.
Gen. xiv. 14.
This faith being comprehended in the terms
hypostasis and
homoousios, like a strong and impregnable fortress checks and repels all the assaults and vain machinations of Arian perverseness. Wherefore
when all the Western bishops were assembled at Ariminum, whither the craft of the Arians had drawn them, in order that either
by deceptive persuasions, or to speak more truly, by the coercion of the secular power, they might erase, or indirectly revoke
what had been introduced into the creed with so much prudence, their subtlety was not of the least avail. For almost all those
who at Ariminum were either allured into error, or at that time deceived, have since taken a right view of the matter; and
after anathematizing the exposition of faith set forth by those who were convened at Ariminum, have subscribed the Catholic
and Apostolic Creed which was promulgated at Nicæa. They have entered into communion with us, and regard the dogma of Arius
and his disciples with increased aversion, and are even indignant against it. Of which fact when the legates of your love
saw the indubitable evidences, they annexed yourselves to their own subscription; anathematizing Arius, and what was transacted
at Ariminum against the creed ratified at Nicæa, to which even you yourselves, beguiled by perjury, were induced to subscribe.
Whence it appeared suitable to us to write to your love, and to accede to your just request, especially since we are assured
by the profession of your legates that the Eastern bishops have recovered their senses, and now concur in opinion with the
orthodox of the West. We further give you to understand, lest ye should be ignorant of it, that the blasphemies of the Synod
of Ariminum have been anathematized by those who seem to have been at that time deceived by fraud, and that all have acknowledged
the Nicene Creed. It is fit therefore that it should be made generally known by you that such as have had their faith vitiated
by violence or guile, may now emerge from heretical darkness into the Divine light of catholic liberty. Moreover whosoever
of them, after this council, shall not disgorge the poison of corrupt doctrine, by abjuring all the blasphemies of Arius,
and anathematizing them, let them know that they are themselves, together with Arius and his disciples and the rest of the
serpents, whether Sabellians, Patripassians, or the followers of any other heresy, dissevered and excommunicated from the
assemblies of the Church, which does not admit of illegitimate children. May God preserve you steadfast, beloved brethren.
When the adherents of Eustathius had received this letter, they proceeded to Sicily, where they caused a Synod of Sicilian bishops to be convened, and in their presence avowed the homoousian faith, and professed their adherence to the Nicene Creed: then having received from them also a letter to the same effect as the preceding, they returned to those who had sent them. They on their part, on the receipt of the letters of Liberius, sent delegates from city to city to the prominent supporters of the doctrine of the homoousion, exhorting them to assemble simultaneously at Tarsus in Cilicia, in order to confirm the Nicene Creed, and terminate all the contentions which had subsequently arisen. And indeed this would probably have been accomplished had not the Arian bishop, Eudoxius, who at that time possessed great influence with the emperor, thwarted their purpose; for on learning of the Synod that had been summoned to meet [at Tarsus], he became so exasperated that he redoubled his persecution against them. That the Macedonians by sending legates to Liberius were admitted to communion with him, and professed the Nicene Creed, is attested by Sabinus himself, in his Collection of Synodical Transactions.