64. Kept always from guile by the gift of the Holy Spirit, we confess and write of our own will that there are not two Gods but one God; nor do we therefore deny that the Son of God is also God; for He is God of God. We deny that there are two incapable of birth, because God is one through the prerogative of being incapable of birth; nor does it follow that the Unbegotten is not God, for His source is the Unborn substance. There is not one subsistent Person, but a similar substance in both Persons. There is not one name of God applied to dissimilar natures, but a wholly similar essence belonging to one name and nature. One is not superior to the other on account of the kind of His substance, but one is subject to the other because born of the other. The Father is greater because He is Father, the Son is not the less because He is Son. The difference is one of the meaning of a name and not of a nature. We confess that the Father is not affected by time, but do not deny that the Son is equally eternal. We assert that the Father is in the Son because the Son has nothing in Himself unlike the Father: we confess that the Son is in the Father because the existence of the Son is not from any other source. We recognize that their nature is mutual and similar because equal: we do not think them to be one Person because they are one: we declare that they are through the similarity of an identical nature one, in such a way that they nevertheless are not one Person.
64. Hilarii fides de Patre et Filio.---Confitemur sane in sancti Spiritus dono semper innocentes, et scribimus volentes, non deos duos, sed Deum unum: neque per id non et Deum Dei filium; est enim ex Deo Deus. Non innascibiles duos, quia auctoritate innascibilitatis Deus unus est: neque per id non et Unigenitus 0524A Deus est; namque origo sua innascibilis substantia est. Non unum subsistentem, sed substantiam non differentem. Non unum in dissimilibus naturis Dei nomen, sed unius nominis atque naturae indissimilem essentiam. Non praestantem quemquam cuiquam genere substantiae, sed subjectum alterum alteri nativitate naturae. Patrem in eo majorem esse quod pater est, Filium in eo non minorem esse quod filius est. Significationem interesse, non interesse naturam. Patrem non intra tempora confiteri, sed cointemporalem Patri Filium non negare. Patrem in Filio praedicare, quia nihil in se habeat Filius a Patre dissimile: Filium in Patre confiteri, quia non est aliunde quod filius est. Mutuam sibi ac similem invicem naturam non nescire, quia par sit: quod unus 0524B sit non existimare, quia unum sunt: unum eos sic per indissimilis naturae indifferentiam praedicare, ne unus sit.