TRACTATUS III. De eo quod sequitur, Pueri, novissima hora est usque ad id, Cap.
TRACTATUS IV. De eo quod sequitur, Et verax est, et non est mendax usque ad id, Cap. et cap.
TRACTATUS V. In id quod sequitur, Omnis qui natus est ex Deo, non facit peccatum usque ad id, Cap.
TRACTATUS VI. In illud, Et in hoc cognoscimus quia ex veritate sumus usque ad id, etc. Cap. et cap.
TRACTATUS VII. Ab eo quod sequitur, Jam vos ex Deo estis filioli usque ad id, Cap.
TRACTATUS VIII. De eo quod sequitur, Si diligamus invicem, Deus in nobis manebit usque ad id, Cap.
TRACTATUS IX. De eo quod sequitur, In hoc perfecta est dilectio in nobis usque ad id, Cap.
9. “Marvel not, brethren, if the world hate us.”283 1 John iii. 13. Gr. ὑμᾶς; Vulg. vos. Must one often be telling you what “the world” means? Not the heaven, not the earth, nor these visible works which God made; but lovers of the world. By often saying these things, to some I am burdensome: but I am so far from saying it without a cause, that some may be questioned whether I said it, and they cannot answer. Let then, even by thrusting it upon them, something stick fast in the hearts of them that hear. What is “the world”? The world, when put in a bad sense, is, lovers of the world: the world, when the word is used in praise, is heaven and earth, and the works of God that are in them; whence it is said, “And the world was made by Him.”284 John i. 10. Also, the world is the fullness of the earth, as John himself hath said, “Not only for our sins is He the propitiator, but (for the sins) of the whole world:”285 1 John ii. 2. he means, “of the world,” of all the faithful scattered throughout the whole earth. But the world in a bad sense, is, lovers of the world. They that love the world, cannot love their brother.
9. Nolite mirari, fratres, si odit nos mundus. Numquid saepe vobis dicendum est quid est mundus? Non coelum, non terra, nec ista opera quae Deus fecit; sed dilectores mundi. Ista saepe dicendo quibusdam onerosus sum: sed usque adeo non frustra dico, ut aliqui interrogentur an dixerim, et non respondeant. Ergo vel inculcando haereat aliquid in cordibus audientium. Quid est mundus? Mundus est, quando in malo ponitur, dilectores mundi: mundus quando in laude ponitur, coelum et terra est, et quae in his opera Dei; unde dicitur, Et mundus per eum factus est (Joan. I, 10). Item mundus est plenitudo terrae, sicut dixit ipse Joannes, Non solum autem nostrorum peccatorum propitiator est, sed et totius mundi (I Joan. II, 2). Mundi dicit omnium fidelium per orbem sparsorum. Mundus autem in malo, amatores mundi sunt. Qui amant mundum, fratrem amare non possunt.