The first from Flavian, Bp. of Constantinople to Pope Leo.
A Second One from Flavian to Leo.
To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
To the Catholic Bishops of Egypt Sojourning in Constantinople.
To Rusticus, Bishop of Gallia Narbonensis, with the replies to his Questions on various points.
Letter LXXIII.
From Valentinian and Marcian.
(Announcing their election as Emperors387 Valentinian III. had been nominally Emperor of the West since 425, but his mother’s (Galla Placidia) death this year compelled him to rule as well as have the name of ruler: almost simultaneously in the East the death of Theodisius II. brought to the front his sister Pulcheria and her soldier husband Marcian. (a.d. 450), and asking his prayers that (per celebrandam synodum, te auctore), peace may be restored to the Church.)