Chapter I.—On the Authority of the Gospels.
Chapter II.—On the Order of the Evangelists, and the Principles on Which They Wrote.
Chapter IV.—Of the Fact that John Undertook the Exposition of Christ’s Divinity.
Chapter IX.—Of Certain Persons Who Pretend that Christ Wrote Books on the Arts of Magic.
Chapter XIII.—Of the Question Why God Suffered the Jews to Be Reduced to Subjection.
Chapter XVII.—In Opposition to the Romans Who Rejected the God of Israel Alone.
Chapter XIX.—The Proof that This God is the True God.
Chapter XXII.—Of the Opinion Entertained by the Gentiles Regarding Our God.
Chapter XXIII.—Of the Follies Which the Pagans Have Indulged in Regarding Jupiter and Saturn.
Chapter XXVIII.—Of the Predicted Rejection of Idols.
Chapter XXXI.—The Fulfilment of the Prophecies Concerning Christ.
Chapter XXXIV.—Epilogue to the Preceding.
Chapter VI.—On the Position Given to the Preaching of John the Baptist in All the Four Evangelists.
Chapter VII.—Of the Two Herods.
Chapter XII.—Concerning the Words Ascribed to John by All the Four Evangelists Respectively.
Chapter XIII.—Of the Baptism of Jesus.
Chapter XIV.—Of the Words or the Voice that Came from Heaven Upon Him When He Had Been Baptized.
Chapter XVI.—Of the Temptation of Jesus.
Chapter XVII.—Of the Calling of the Apostles as They Were Fishing.
Chapter XVIII.—Of the Date of His Departure into Galilee.
Chapter XIX.—Of the Lengthened Sermon Which, According to Matthew, He Delivered on the Mount.
Chapter XXI.—Of the Order in Which the Narrative Concerning Peter’s Mother-In-Law is Introduced.
Chapter XXIX.—Of the Two Blind Men and the Dumb Demoniac Whose Stories are Related Only by Matthew.
Chapter XVII.—Of the Harmony of the Four Evangelists in Their Notices of the Draught of Vinegar.
Chapter X.—Of the Evangelist John, and the Distinction Between Him and the Other Three.
Chapter XLIV.—Of the Order in Which the Accounts of John’s Imprisonment and Death are Given by These Three Evangelists.
92. Matthew then proceeds with his narrative in the following terms: “For Herod laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prison for Herodias’ sake, his brother’s wife;” and so on, down to the words, “And his disciples came and took up the body, and buried it, and went and told Jesus.”546 Matt. xiv. 3–12. Mark gives this narrative in similar terms.547 Mark vi. 17–29. Luke, on the other hand, does not relate it in the same succession, but introduces it in connection with his statement of the baptism wherewith the Lord was baptized. Hence we are to understand him to have acted by anticipation here, and to have taken the opportunity of recording at this point an event which took place actually a considerable period later. For he has first reported those words which John spake with regard to the Lord—namely, that “His fan is in His hand, and that He will thoroughly purge His floor, and will gather the wheat into His garner; but the chaff He will burn up with fire unquenchable;” and immediately thereafter he has appended his statement of an incident which the evangelist John demonstrates not to have taken place in direct historical sequence. For this latter writer mentions that, after Jesus had been baptized, He went into Galilee at the period when He turned the water into wine; and that, after a sojourn of a few days in Capharnaum, He left that district and returned to the land of Judæa, and there baptized a multitude about the Jordan, previous to the time when John was imprisoned.548 John ii. 1, 12, iii. 22–24. Now what reader, unless he were all the better versed549 The reading in the mss. and in Migne’s text is, quis autem non putet qui minus in his litteris eruditus est; for which some give, quis autem non putet nisi qui minus, etc. in these writings, would not take it to be implied here that it was after the utterance of the words with regard to the fan and the purged floor that Herod became incensed against John, and cast him into prison? Yet, that the incident referred to here did not, as matter of fact, occur in the order in which it is here recorded, we have already shown elsewhere; and, indeed, Luke himself puts the proof into our hands.550 Luke iii. 15–21. For if [he had meant that] John’s incarceration took place immediately after the utterance of those words, then what are we to make of the fact that in Luke’s own narrative the baptism of Jesus is introduced subsequently to his notice of the imprisonment of John? Consequently it is manifest that, recalling the circumstance in connection with the present occasion, he has brought it in here by anticipation, and has thus inserted it in his history at a point antecedent to a number of incidents, of which it was his purpose to leave us some record, and which, in point of time, were antecedent to this mishap that befell John. But it is as little the case that the other two evangelists, Matthew and Mark, have placed the fact of John’s imprisonment in that position in their narratives which, as is apparent also from their own writings, belonged to it in the actual order of events. For they, too, have told us how it was on John’s being cast into prison that the Lord went into Galilee;551 Matt. iv. 12; Mark i. 14. and then, after [relating] a number of things which He did in Galilee, they come to Herod’s admonition or doubt as to the rising again from the dead of that John whom he beheaded;552 Matt. xiv. 1, 2; Mark vi. 14–16. and in connection with this latter occasion, they give us the story of all that occurred in the matter of John’s incarceration and death.
CAPUT XLIV. De Joanne incluso, vel etiam occiso, quo ordine ab his tribus narretur.
92. Sequitur ergo Matthaeus, et dicit: Herodes enim tenuit Joannem, et alligavit eum, et posuit in carcerem propter Herodiadem, uxorem fratris sui, etc., usque ad eum locum ubi ait, Et accedentes discipuli ejus, tulerunt corpus , et sepelierunt illud; et venientes nuntiaverunt Jesu (Matth. XIV, 3-12). Marcus hoc similiter narrat (Marc. VI, 17-29): Lucas autem non eodem ordine id recordatur, sed circa ipsum baptismum quo Dominus baptizatus est. Unde hoc praeoccupasse intelligitur et ipse ex occasione, ut ibi narraret quod multo post factum est. Cum enim commemorasset Joannis verba de Domino, quod ventilabrum in manu ejus, et mundabit aream suam, frumenta recondet in horreum suum, paleas autem comburet igni inexstinguibili: continuo subjecit, quod non continuo factum esse Joannes evangelista apertissime exponit, cum commemorat, posteaquam baptizatus esset Jesus, isse illum in Galilaeam, quando fecit de aqua vinum; et inde post paucorum dierum in Capharnaum habitationem, rediisse ad Judaeam terram, et ibi baptizasse multos circa Jordanem, antequam missus esset Joannes in carcerem (Joan. II, 1, 12, et III, 22-24). Quis autem non putet, qui minus in his litteris eruditus est, tanquam post illa verba de ventilabro et de area mundata, continuo sit a Joanne offensus Herodes, et eum in carcerem miserit? Non autem hoc ordine ista narrata quo gesta sunt, et alibi jam probavimus, et hoc ipso loco non quilibet alius, sed idem Lucas hoc probat (Luc. III, 15-21). Si enim post verba illa continuo Joannes in carcerem missus est, quomodo post ipsam commemorationem Joannis in carcerem missi baptizatus est Jesus, secundum ipsius Lucae narrationem? Proinde manifestum est, ex occasione recordatum praeoccupasse, et ante multa quae priusquam Joanni hoc fieret, gesta narraturus erat, hoc praeoccupatum in sua narratione praemisisse. Sed nec illi duo Matthaeus et Marcus eo rerum ordine de Joanne in carcerem misso in sua narratione posuerunt, quo factum apparet etiam in eorum scriptis: nam et ipsi dixerunt, tradito Joanne Dominum isse in Galilaeam (Matth. IV, 12, et Marc. I, 14); et post multa quae fecit in Galilaea, veniunt ad Herodis 1124 admonitionem vel haesitationem, quod Joannes, quem decollavit, a mortuis resurrexit (Matth. XIV, 1, 2, et Marc. VI, 14-16); et ex hac occasione narrant omnia quae de Joanne contigerunt incluso et occiso.