83. But when I at last turn to speak on the third point, I pray you to let there be no conflict of suspicions where there is peace at heart. Do not think I would advance anything hurtful to the progress of unity. For it is absurd to fear cavil about a word when the fact expressed by the word presents no difficulty. Who objects to the fact that the Council of Nicæa adopted the word ὁμοούσιον́̈ He who does so, must necessarily like its rejection by the Arians. The Arians rejected the word, that God the Son might not be asserted to be born of the substance of God the Father, but formed out of nothing, like the creatures. This is no new thing that I speak of. The perfidy of the Arians is to be found in many of their letters and is its own witness. If the godlessness of the negation then gave a godly meaning to the assertion, I ask why we should now criticise a word which was then rightly adopted because it was wrongly denied? If it was rightly adopted, why after supporting the right should that which extinguished the wrong be called to account? Having been used as the instrument of evil it came to be the instrument of good48 Impiare seis used by Plautus, Rud. 1, 3, 8, in the sense of ἀσεβεῖν. The sentence probably refers to the misuse of the word by Paul of Samosata..
83. Quod pie a Nicaena synodo susceptum, non debeat 0535Bimprobari.---Dicturo autem me tandem de tertia quaestione, oro vos, ne ubi pax conscientiae est, ibi sit pugna suspicionum: neque quidquam me nisi ad unitatis profectum proferre existimetis. Inane enim est, calumniam verbi pertimescere, ubi res ipsa, cujus verbum est, non habeat difficultatem. Displicet cuiquam in synodo Nicaena homousion esse susceptum? Hoc si cui displicet, placeat necesse est quod ab Ariis sit negatum. Negatum enim idcirco est homousion, ne ex substantia Dei patris Deus filius natus, sed secundum creaturas ex nihilo conditus praedicaretur. Nihil novum loquimur, pluribus edita litteris ipsa Ariorum perfidia sibi testis est. Si propter negantium impietatem pia tum fuit intelligentia confitentum; quaero cur hodie convellatur, quod tum pie susceptum est, quia impie negabatur? 0535C Si pie susceptum est: cur venit constitutio pietatis in crimen, quae impietatem pie per ea ipsa quibus impiabatur exstinxit?