11. And next? The centurion of the cohort, the guardian of the cross, cries out, Truly this was the Son of God138 St. Matt. xxvii. 54.. Creation is set free by the mediation of this Sin-offering; the very rocks lose their solidity and strength. They who had nailed Him to the cross confess that truly this is the Son of God. The outcome justifies the assertion. The Lord had said, Glorify Thy Son. He had asserted, by that word Thy, that He was God’s Son not in name only, but in nature. Multitudes of us are sons of God; He is Son in another sense. For He is God’s true and own Son, by origin and not by adoption, not by name only but in truth, born and not created. So, after He was glorified, that confession touched the truth; the centurion confessed Him the true Son of God, that no believer might doubt a fact which even the servant of His persecutors could not deny.
11. Christus proprius est Dei filius.---Quid ad haec? Proclamat quoque centurio cohortis, et crucis custos, vere Dei 56 Filius erat iste (Matth. XXVII, 54). Creatura intercessione hujus piaculi liberatur; firmitatem et virtutem saxa non retinent. Qui cruci affixerant, vere Dei Filium confitentur: praedicationi consentit effectus. Dominus dixerat: Clarifica Filium tuum. Non solum nomine contestatus est esse se filium, sed et proprietate, qua dicitur tuum. Multi enim nos filii Dei, sed non talis hic filius. Hic enim et verus 0082B et proprius est filius, origine, non adoptione; veritate, non nuncupatione; nativitate, non creatione. Ergo post clarificationem ejus, veritatem confessio consecuta est. Nam verum Dei filium centurio confitetur; ne quis credentium ambigeret, quod homo persequentium non negasset.