9. “And in this,” saith he, “we do know Him, if we keep His commandments.” i.e.
10. “For all that is in the world, is the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride
9. “Let us love, because He first loved us.” i.e.
2. “Now,” saith he, “are ye of God little children, and have overcome him:”368 1 John iv. 4. whom but Antichrist? For above he had said, “Whosoever unmaketh369 Solvit. Jesus Christ and denieth that He is come in the flesh is not of God.” Now we expounded, if ye remember, that all those who violate charity deny Jesus Christ to have come in the flesh. For Jesus had no need to come but because of charity: as indeed the charity we are commending is that which the Lord Himself commendeth in the Gospel, “Greater love than this can no man have, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”370 John xv. 13. How was it possible for the Son of God to lay down His life for us without putting on flesh in which He might die? Whosoever therefore violates charity, let him say what he will with his tongue, his life denies that Christ is come in the flesh; and this is an antichrist, wherever he may be, whithersoever he have come in. But what saith the apostle to them who are citizens of that country for which we sigh? “Ye have overcome him.” And whereby have they overcome? “Because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in this world.” Lest they should attribute the victory to their own strength, and by arrogance of pride should be overcome, (for whomsoever the devil makes proud, he overcomes,) wishing them to keep humility, what saith he? “Ye have overcome him.” Every man now, at hearing this saying, “Ye have overcome,” lifts up the head, lifts up the neck, wishes himself to be praised. Do not extol thyself; see who it is that in thee hath overcome. Why hast thou overcome? “Because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Be humble, bear thy Lord; be thou the beast for Him to sit on. Good is it for thee that He should rule, and He guide. For if thou have not Him to sit on thee, thou mayest lift up the neck, mayest strike out the heels: but woe to thee without a ruler, for this liberty sendeth thee among the wild beasts to be devoured!
2. Jam vos, inquit, ex Deo estis filioli, et vicistis eum: quem, nisi Antichristum? Superius enim dixerat, Omnis qui solvit Jesum Christum et negat eum in carne venisse, non est ex Deo (Joan. IV, 3). Exposuimus autem, si meministis, quia omnes negant Jesum Christum in carne venisse, qui violant charitatem. Jesus enim non opus erat ut veniret, nisi propter charitatem. Charitas enim nobis illa commendatur, quam et ipse in Evangelio commendat: Majorem hac dilectionem nemo potest habere, quam ut animam suam ponat pro amicis suis (Id. XV, 13). Quomodo poterat Filius Dei animam suam ponere pro nobis, nisi carne inducretur, ubi mori posset? Quisquis ergo violat charitatem, quodlibet dicat lingua, vita ipsius negat Christum in carne venisse; et iste est antichristus, ubicumque fuerit, quocumque intraverit. Sed quid dicit eis qui cives sunt illius patriae cui suspiramus? Vicistis eum. Et unde vicerunt? Quia major est qui est in vobis, quam qui in hoc mundo. Ne victoriam suis viribus tribuerent, et arrogantia superbiae vincerentur (quemcumque enim diabolus superbum fecerit, vincit), volens eos servare humilitatem, quid ait? Vicistis eum. Jam omnis homo qui audit, Vicistis, erigit caput, erigit cervicem, laudari se vult. Noli te extollere, vide quis in te vicit. Quare vicisti? Quia major est qui est in vobis, quam qui in hoc mundo. Esto humilis, porta Dominum tuum; esto jumentum sessoris tui. Bonum tibi est ut ipse regat, et ipse ducat. Nam si ipsum sessorem non habueris, cervicem erigere potes, calces potes mittere: sed vae tibi sine rectore; quia libertas ista in bestias te mittit comedendum.