41. Ut essentiae nomine, ita sunt unum essentiae genere. 0513C
58. Filius ex Dei substantia, non ut creaturae ex voluntate. 0520C
71. Et pie dici potest, et pie taceri. ---Non est, 0527B
78. Orientalium laus ob haeresim coercitam. ---O 0530C 0531A 0531B
82. Quo sensu judicio communi damnetur. ---Sed 0535A
83. Quod pie a Nicaena synodo susceptum, non debeat 0535B improbari. 0535C
87. But perhaps you will reply, ‘Some of those who were then present at Nicæa have now decreed that we ought to keep silence about the word ὁμοούσιον.’ Against my will I must answer: Do not the very same men rule that we must keep silence about the word ὁμοιούσιον? I beseech you that there may be found no one of them but Hosius, that old man who loves a peaceful grave too well, who shall be found to think that we ought to keep silence about both. Amid the fury of the heretics into what straits shall we fall at last, if while we do not accept both, we keep neither? For there seems to be no impiety in saying that since neither is found in Scripture, we ought to confess neither or both.
87. An quod tacendum decrevit Osius, qui Nicaeae interfuit.---Sed forte dicetur mihi, Aliqui hodie ex his, qui tum synodo interfuerunt, tacendum de homousio esse decreverunt. Et ego invitus licet respondebo dicenti: Numquid non et ipsi tacendum 0539B de homoeusio esse constituunt? Oro vos, ne quisquam alius ex his praeter senem Osium, et ipsum illum nimium sepulchri sui amantem, reperiatur, qui 514 tacendum esse existimet de utroque. Et quo tandem in tantis haereticorum furoribus recidemus, si dum non utrumque recipimus, neutrum retinemus? Non 0540A enim videri potest impie dici, ut quia neutrum scriptum reperiatur, aut neutrum confitendum sit, aut utrumque.