Treatises of St. Athanasius

  Annotations on Theological Subjects in the foregoing Treatises, alphabetically arranged.


 Alexander's Encyclical



 The Arians

 Arian Tenets and Reasonings



 The Vicarious Atonement


 Cursus Publicus



 Economical Language



 The Father Almighty

 The Flesh

 Use of Force in Religion

 Freedom of Our Moral Nature

 Grace of God

 The Divine Hand




 Hypocrisy, Hypocrites

 Idolatry of Arianism

 Ignorance Assumed Economically by Our Lord


 Imperial Titles and Honours

 The Incarnation

 The Divine Indwelling


 The Blessed Mary



 Two Natures of Emmanuel

 The Nicene Tests of Orthodoxy

 Omnipresence of God

 Paul of Samosata

 Personal Acts and Offices of Our Lord


 Priesthood of Christ

 Private Judgment on Scripture  (Vid. art. Rule of Faith .)

 The Rule of Faith



 Scripture Canon

 Authority of Scripture

 Scripture Passages


 Son of God

 Spirit of God



 The Holy Trinity in Unity

 Two Wills in Christ


 The Word of God

 The [ Agenneton ], or Ingenerate

 The [ Aeigennes ]

 [ Aion ]

 [ Akratos ]

 [ Aletheia ]

 [ Alogia,Alogos ]

 [ Anthropos ]

 [ Antidosis ton idiomaton ]

 [ Apaugasma ]

 [ Aporrhoe ]

 [ Areiomanitai ]

 The [ Atreptos ]

 [ Boule, kata boulesin ]

 [ Gennema ]

 The [ Geneton,Genneton ]

 [ Demiourgos ]

 [ Diabolikos ]

 [ Eidos ]

 [ Ensarkos parousia ]

 The [ Exoukontion ]

 [ Epinoia ]

 [ Epispeiras ]

 [ Eusebeia ]

 [ Theandrike energeia ]

 [ Theomachos, Christomachos ]

 [ Theotes ] (vid. Trinity )

 [ Theotokos ]

 [ Katapetasma ]

 [ Kurios, Kurios ]

 [ Logos,  endiathetos kai prophorikos ]

 [ Mia physis ]  ( of our Lord's Godhead and of His Manhood ).

 [ Monarchia ]

 [ Monogenes ]

 The [ Homoion ]

 [ Homoousios ]

 [ Onomata ]

 [ Organon ]

 [ Orthos ]

 [ Ousia, on ]

 [ Peribole ]

 [ Pege ]

 [ Probole ]

 [ Prototokos ]  Primogenitus, First-born

 [ Rheustos ]


 [ Sumbebekos ]

 The [ Teleion ]

 [ Trias ]  

 [ Huiopator ]

 [ Christomachos ]

  Catholicism and Religious Thought Fairbairn

  Development of Religious Error

  Catholicism and Reason Barry

  Reason and Religion Fairbairn

  Further remarks

  On the Inspiration of Scripture

  Preface to Froude's Remains

  Hymni Ecclesiae

   Library of Fathers Preface, St. Cyril

  Library of Fathers Preface, St. Cyprian

  Library of Fathers Preface, St. Chrysostom

  Catena Aurea

  Memoir  of  Henry W. Wilberforce

 Notes of a Visit to the Russian Church  by the Late William Palmer, M.A.  Selected and Arranged by Cardinal Newman

[ Kurios, Kurios ]

 THE meaning of [ kurios ], when applied to language, on the whole presents no difficulty. It answers to the Latin propriè, and is the contrary to impropriè . Thus Athan. says, "When the thing is a work or creature, the words 'He made' etc. are used of it properly, [ kurios ]; when an offspring, then they are no longer used [ kurios ]." Orat. ii. § 3.

 But the word has an inconvenient latitude (vid. art. Father Almighty, fin.) Sometimes it is used in the sense of archetypal or transcendent, as when Athan. says, "The Father is [ kurios ] Father, and the Son [ kurios ] Son," Orat. i. § 21; and in consequence in Their instance alone is the Father always Father and the Son always Son, ibid. Sometimes the word is used of us as sons, and opposed to figuratively, [ ek metaphoras ], as in Basil c. Eunom. ii. 23; while Hilary seems to deny that we are sons propriè . Justin says, [ ho monos legomenos kurios huios ], Apol. ii. 6, but here [ kurios ] seems to be used in reference to the word [ kurios ], Lord, which he has just been using, [ kuriologein ] being sometimes used by him as by others in the sense of "naming as Lord," like [ theologein ]. vid. Tryph. 56. There is a passage in Justin's ad Græc. 21, where he (or the anon. writer), when speaking of [ ego eimi ho on ], uses the word in the same ambiguous sense; [ ouden gar onoma epi theou kuriologeisthai dunaton ]; as if [ kurios ], the Lord, by which "I am" is translated, were a sort of symbol of that proper name of God which cannot be given.

 On [ kuriologia ], vid. Lumper, Hist. Theol. t. 2, p. 478.