41. Ut essentiae nomine, ita sunt unum essentiae genere. 0513C
58. Filius ex Dei substantia, non ut creaturae ex voluntate. 0520C
71. Et pie dici potest, et pie taceri. ---Non est, 0527B
78. Orientalium laus ob haeresim coercitam. ---O 0530C 0531A 0531B
82. Quo sensu judicio communi damnetur. ---Sed 0535A
83. Quod pie a Nicaena synodo susceptum, non debeat 0535B improbari. 0535C
90. I am afraid, brethren, of the brood of heresies which are successively produced in the East: and I have already read what I tell you I fear. There was nothing whatever suspicious in the document which some of you, with the assent of certain Orientals, took on your embassy to Sirmium to be there subscribed. But some misunderstanding has arisen in reference to certain statements at the beginning which I believe you, my holy brethren, Basil, Eustathius, and Eleusius, omitted to mention lest they should give offence. If it was right to draw them up, it was wrong to bury them in silence. But if they are now unmentioned because they were wrong we must beware lest they should be repeated at some future time. Out of consideration for you I have hitherto said nothing about this: yet you know as well as I do that this creed was not identical with the creed of Ancyra. I am not talking gossip: I possess a copy of the creed, and I did not get it from laymen, it was given me by bishops.
90. Ancyrae fides quibusdam tacitis Sirmium delata.---Vereor enim, Fratres, Orientis haereses in tempora singula pullulantes: et quid vereri me dicam, jam et legi. Nihil quidem in his, quae vos, de Orientalium quorumdam assensu, susceptae legationis ministri subscribenda Sirmium detulistis, nihil suspicionis relictum est: sed habuerunt ab exordio non nihilum offensionis, quae credo vos, sanctissimi 0542B viri Basili et Eustathi et Eleusi, ne quid scandali afferretur, abolenda tacuisse. Quae si recte scripta sunt, taceri non debuerunt. Si autem quia non recte scripta sunt nunc tacentur, cavendum est ne aliquando dicantur. Parcens enim adhuc de his nihil dico: tamen mecum recognoscitis, 517 quod 0543A non ita omnis conscripta apud Ancyram fides se habebat. Non famae fabulam loquor: litterarum fidem teneo, non a laicis sumptam, sed ab episcopis datam.