Letters of the Blessed Theodoret, Bishop of…
Letters of the Blessed Theodoret,
LII. To Ibas, Bishop of Edessa .
LIII. To Sophronius, Bishop of Constantina .
To our much beloved brother Theodoretus, bishop, Leo, bishop.
CXIX. To Anatolius the Patrician .
This letter has sometimes been supposed to have been really composed by Theodoret.
XCII. To Anatolius the Patrician.196 Seven Letters are addressed to Anatolius; viz., XLV, LXXIX, XCII, CXI, CXIX, CXXI, and CXXXVIII.
The very holy lord archbishop Domnus has arranged for the most pious bishops to repair to the imperial city, with a view to the complete refutation of the false accusation made against us all. At this time we stand in especial need of the aid of your magnificence, since the Lord of all has endowed you with the gifts of pure faith, of warm zeal in its behalf, of intelligence and capacity, and power withal to carry out your prudent counsels. I beg you therefore to defend the cause of the wronged, to contend against lies, and champion the apostolic teaching now assailed. Without doubt the master and guide of the churches will bless your endeavour, will scatter the lowering cloud, and bless the nurslings of the faith with clear sky. Even should He permit the tempest to prevail, your greatness will reap your perfect reward, and we shall bow our heads before the storm, ready to live with cheerfulness wheresoever it may drive us, and waiting the judgment of God and his true and righteous sentence.