Much distressed as I was by the flouts of what is called fortune, who always seems to be hindering my meeting you, I was wonderfully cheered and comfo

 Basil to Gregory .

 To Candidianus .

 To Olympius .

 To Nectarius .

 To the wife of Nectarius .

 To Gregory my friend .

 To the Cæsareans .  A defence of his withdrawal, and concerning the faith .

 To Maximus the Philosopher .

 To a widow .

 Without address.  To some friends .

 To Olympius .

 To Olympius .

 To Gregory his friend .

 To Arcadius, Imperial Treasurer .

 Against Eunomius the heretic .

 To Origenes .

 To Macarius and John .

 To Gregory my friend .

 To Leontius the Sophist .

 To Leontius the Sophist .

  Without address.  On the Perfection of the Life of Solitaries .

 To a Solitary .

 To Athanasius, father of Athanasius bishop of Ancyra .

 To Athanasius, bishop of Ancyra .

 To Cæsarius, brother of Gregory .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To the Church of Neocæsarea.  Consolatory .

 To the Church of Ancyra.  Consolatory .

 To Eusebius of Samosata .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To Sophronius the Master .

 To Aburgius .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 Without address .

 Without address .

 Without address .

 To his Brother Gregory, concerning the difference between οὐσία and ὑπόστασις.

 Julian to Basil .

 Julian to Basil .

 Basil to Julian .

 To Chilo, his disciple .

 Admonition to the Young .

  To a lapsed Monk .

 To a lapsed Monk .

 To a fallen virgin .

 To Gregory .

 To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata .

 To Arcadius the Bishop .

 To Bishop Innocentius .

 To Bishop Bosporius .

 To the Canonicæ .

 To the Chorepiscopi .

 To the Chorepiscopi .

 To Paregorius, the presbyter .

 To Pergamius .

 To Meletius, Bishop of Antioch .

 To Gregory my brother .

 To Gregory, his uncle .

 To Gregory his uncle .

 To Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria .

 To the Church of Parnassus .

 To the Governor of Neocæsarea .

 To Hesychius .

 To Atarbius .

 To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria .

 To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria .

 To Meletius, bishop of Antioch .

 To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria .

 Without address .

 Basil to Gregory .

 To Hesychius .

 To Callisthenes .

 To Martinianus .

 To Aburgius .

 To Sophronius the Master .

 Without inscription:  about Therasius .

 Without inscription, on behalf of Elpidius .

 To Eustathius bishop of Sebastia .

 To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria .

 To Bishop Innocent .

 To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria .

 To a Magistrate .

 To the President .

 That the oath ought not to be taken .

 To the Governor .

 Without address on the same subject .

 Without address on the subject of the exaction of taxes .

 To Meletius, bishop of Antioch .

 To the holy brethren the bishops of the West .

 To Valerianus, Bishop of Illyricum .

 To the Italians and Gauls.

 To the Patrician Cæsaria , concerning Communion .

 To Elias, Governor of the Province .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To Sophronius, the master .

 To the Senate of Tyana .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To Count Terentius .

  To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata .

 Consolatory .

 To the citizens of Satala .

  To the people of Satala .

 To the prefect Modestus .

 To the deaconesses, the daughters of Count Terentius .

 To a soldier .

 To the Widow Julitta .

 To the guardian of the heirs of Julitta .

 To the Count Helladius .

 To the prefect Modestus .

  To Modestus, the prefect .

 To Andronicus, a general .

 To the presbyters of Tarsus .

 To Cyriacus, at Tarsus .

 To the heretic Simplicia .

 To Firminius .

 Letter CXVII.

 To Jovinus, Bishop of Perrha .

 To Eustathius, Bishop of Sebasteia .

 To Meletius, bishop of Antioch .

 To Theodotus, bishop of Nicopolis .

 To Pœmenius , bishop of Satala .

 To Urbicius, the monk .

 To Theodorus .

 1.  Both men whose minds have been preoccupied by a heterodox creed and now wish to change over to the congregation of the orthodox, and also those wh

 To Atarbius .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To Meletius Bishop of Antioch .

 To Theodotus bishop of Nicopolis .

 To Olympius .

 To Abramius, bishop of Batnæ .

 Letter CXXXIII.

 To the presbyter Pœonius .

 To Diodorus, presbyter of Antioch .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To Antipater, on his assuming the governorship of Cappadocia .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To the Alexandrians .

 To the Church of Antioch .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To the prefects’ accountant .

 To another accountant .

 To the prefects’ officer .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To Antiochus .

 To Aburgius .

 To Trajan .

 To Trajan .

 To Amphilochius in the name of Heraclidas .

 To Eustathius the Physician .

 To Victor, the Commander .

 To Victor the Ex-Consul .

 To Ascholius, bishop of Thessalonica .

 Without address .   In the case of a trainer

 To the Presbyter Evagrius .

 To Amiochus .

 To Antiochus .

 To Eupaterius and his daughter .

 To Diodorus .

 To Amphilochius on his consecration as Bishop .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To Count Jovinus .

 To Ascholius .

 To Ascholius, bishop of Thessalonica .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To Antiochus .

 Basil to Gregory .

 To Glycerius .

 To Gregory .

 To Sophronius, the bishop .

 To Theodora the Canoness .

 To a Widow .

 To Count Magnenianus .

 To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium .

 To Saphronius the Master .

 To Aburgius .

 To Arinthæus .

 To the Master Sophronius, on behalf of Eunathius .

 To Otreius, bishop of Melitene .

 To the presbyters of Samosata .

 To the Senate of Samosata .

 To Eustathius, bishop of Himmeria .

 To Theodotus, bishop of Beræa .

 To Antipater, the governor .



 To Eustathius the physician .

 To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium .

 To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium .

 To Sophronius the Master .

 To Meletius the Physician .

 To Zoilus .

 To Euphronius, bishop of Colonia Armeniæ .

 To Aburgius .

 To Ambrose, bishop of Milan .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .


 To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium .

 To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium .

 To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium .

 To the bishops of the sea coast .

 To the Neocæsareans .

 To Elpidius the bishop .

 To Elpidius the bishop. Consolatory .

 To the clergy of Neocæsarea .

 To Eulancius .

 Without address .

 To the notables of Neocæsarea .

 To Olympius .

 To Hilarius .

 Without address .

 1. When I heard that your excellency had again been compelled to take part in public affairs, I was straightway distressed (for the truth must be told

 To the Presbyter Dorotheus.

 To Meletius, bishop of Antioch.

 Letter CCXVII.

 To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.

 To the clergy of Samosata.

 To the Beræans .

 To the Beræans.

 To the people of Chalcis .

 Against Eustathius of Sebasteia .

 To the presbyter Genethlius.

 I am always very thankful to God and to the emperor, under whose rule we live, when I see the government of my country put into the hands of one who i

 To the ascetics under him.

 Consolatory, to the clergy of Colonia .

 To the magistrates of Colonia.

 To the clergy of Nicopolis.

 To the magistrates of Nicopolis.

 To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.

 To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.

 To Amphilochius, in reply to certain questions.

 To the same, in answer to another question.

 To the same, in answer to another question.

 To the same Amphilochius.

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.

 To the presbyters of Nicopolis .

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.

 To the Presbyters of Nicopolis.

 To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata .

 To the Westerns .

 To the bishops of Italy and Gaul concerning the condition and confusion of the Churches.

 To Patrophilus, bishop of Ægæ .

 To Theophilus the Bishop .

 To the Nicopolitans.

 To the Nicopolitans.

 To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.

 Without address.  Commendatory.

 To Patrophilus, bishop of Ægæ.

 1.  My occupations are very numerous, and my mind is full of many anxious cares, but I have never forgotten you, my dear friends, ever praying my God

 The honours of martyrs ought to be very eagerly coveted by all who rest their hopes on the Lord, and more especially by you who seek after virtue.  By

 The anxious care which you have for the Churches of God will to some extent be assuaged by our very dear and very reverend brother Sanctissimus the pr

 May the Lord grant me once again in person to behold your true piety and to supply in actual intercourse all that is wanting in my letter.  I am behin

 Would that it were possible for me to write to your reverence every day!  For ever since I have had experience of your affection I have had great desi

 News has reached me of the severe persecution carried on against you, and how directly after Easter the men who fast for strife and debate attacked yo

 To the monks harassed by the Arians.

 1.  It has long been expected that, in accordance with the prediction of our Lord, because of iniquity abounding, the love of the majority would wax c

 To the monks Palladius and Innocent.

 To Optimus the bishop .

 To the Sozopolitans .

 1.  You have done well to write to me.  You have shewn how great is the fruit of charity.  Continue so to do.  Do not think that, when you write to me

 To the Westerns.

 To Barses the bishop, truly God-beloved and worthy of all reverence and honour, Basil sends greeting in the Lord.  As my dear brother Domninus is sett

 To Eulogius, Alexander, and Harpocration, bishops of Egypt, in exile.

 1.  You have very properly rebuked me, and in a manner becoming a spiritual brother who has been taught genuine love by the Lord, because I am not giv

 To Barses, bishop of Edessa, in exile.

 To Eusebius, in exile.

 To the wife of Arinthæus, the General.  Consolatory.

 I am distressed to find that you are by no means indignant at the sins forbidden, and that you seem incapable of understanding, how this raptus , whic

 At once and in haste, after your departure, I came to the town.  Why need I tell a man not needing to be told, because he knows by experience, how dis

 1.  It has been reported to me by Actiacus the deacon, that certain men have moved you to anger against me, by falsely stating me to be ill-disposed t

 Without address.  Concerning Hera.

 To Himerius, the master.

 Without address.  Concerning Hera.

 To the great Harmatius.

 To the learned Maximus.

 To Valerianus.

 To Modestus the Prefect.

 To Modestus the Prefect.

 To Modestus the Prefect.

 To a bishop.

 To a widow.

 To the assessor in the case of monks.

 Without Address.

 To the Commentariensis .

 Without address.

 Without address.  Excommunicatory.

 Without address.  Concerning an afflicted woman.

 To Nectarius.

 To Timotheus the Chorepiscopus .

 Letter CCXCII.

 Letter CCXCIII.

 Letter CCXCIV.

 Letter CCXCV.

 Letter CCXCVI.

 Letter CCXCVII.


 Letter CCXCIX.

 Letter CCC.

 Letter CCCI.

 Letter CCCII.

 Letter CCCIII.

 Letter CCCIV.

 Letter CCCV.

 Letter CCCVI.

 Letter CCCVII.

 Letter CCCVIII.

 Letter CCCIX.

 Letter CCCX.

 Letter CCCXI.

 Letter CCCXII.

 Letter CCCXIII.

 Letter CCCXIV.

 Letter CCCXV.





 Letter CCCXX.

 Letter CCCXXI.

 Letter CCCXXII.


 Letter CCCXXIV.

 Letter CCCXXV.

 Letter CCCXXVI.



 Letter CCCXXIX.






 Letter CCCXXXV.





 Letter CCCXL.

 Letter CCCXLI.

 Letter CCCXLII.


 Letter CCCXLIV.

 Letter CCCXLV.

 Letter CCCXLVI.



 Letter CCCXLIX.

 Letter CCCL.

 Letter CCCLI.

 Letter CCCLII.

 Letter CCCLIII.

 Letter CCCLIV.

 Letter CCCLV.

 Letter CCCLVI.

 Letter CCCLVII.


 Letter CCCLIX.

 Of the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation, the invocation of Saints, and their Images.

 Letters CCCLXI. and CCCLXIII., to Apollinarius, and Letters CCCLXII. and CCCLXIV., from Apollinarius to Basil, are condemned as indubitably spurious,

 Letters CCCLXI. and CCCLXIII., to Apollinarius, and Letters CCCLXII. and CCCLXIV., from Apollinarius to Basil, are condemned as indubitably spurious,

 Letters CCCLXI. and CCCLXIII., to Apollinarius, and Letters CCCLXII. and CCCLXIV., from Apollinarius to Basil, are condemned as indubitably spurious,

 Letters CCCLXI. and CCCLXIII., to Apollinarius, and Letters CCCLXII. and CCCLXIV., from Apollinarius to Basil, are condemned as indubitably spurious,

 Letters CCCLXI. and CCCLXIII., to Apollinarius, and Letters CCCLXII. and CCCLXIV., from Apollinarius to Basil, are condemned as indubitably spurious,

 Basil to Urbicius the monk, concerning continency.

Letter XCVI.602    Placed in 372.

To Sophronius, the master.603    On the removal of Elias.

Who ever loved his city, honouring with filial love the place which gave him birth and nurture, as you do; praying for the whole city together, and for every one in it individually, and not merely praying but confirming your prayers by your own means?  For this you are able to effect by God’s help, and long, good man that you are, may you be able so to do.  Nevertheless in your time our city has enjoyed but a brief dream of prosperity, in being committed to the charge of one the like of whom, according to the students of our oldest annals, never sat in the præfectorial chair.  But now the city has suddenly lost his services, through the wickedness of men who have found a ground of attack in his very liberality and impartiality, and, without the knowledge of your excellency, have made up calumnies against him.  There is therefore universal depression among us at the loss of a governor with unique capacity for raising our dejected community, a true guardian of justice, accessible to the wronged, a terror to law breakers, of like behaviour to rich and poor, and, what is most important, one who has restored the interests of Christians to their old place of honour.  That he was, of all men that I know, the most incapable of being bribed, and never did any one an unfair favour, I have passed by as a small point in comparison with his other virtues.  I am indeed testifying to all this too late, like men who sing dirges to console themselves when they can get no practical relief.  Yet, it is not useless that his memory should remain in your generous heart, and that you should be grateful to him as a benefactor of your native place.  Should any of those who feel a grudge against him, for not sacrificing justice to their interests, attack him, it will be well for you to defend and protect him.  Thus you will make it clear to all that you count his interests yours, and think it quite a sufficient reason for this your close association with him that his record should be so unimpeachable, and his administration so remarkable in view of the time.  For what any other man would not be able to affect in many years has been quickly accomplished by him.  It will be a great favour to me, and a comfort under the circumstances, if you will recommend him to the Emperor, and dispel the calumnious charges brought against him.  Believe me that I am speaking here not for myself alone, but for the whole community, and that it is our unanimous prayer that he may reap some benefit from your excellency’s aid.


[1] Καὶ τίς οὕτω φιλόπολις ὃς τὴν ἐνεγκοῦσαν καὶ θρεψαμένην πατρίδα ἴσα γονεῦσι τιμῶν, ὡς αὐτὸς σύ, κοινῇ τε πάσῃ τῇ πόλει καὶ ἰδίᾳ ἑκάστῳ τὰ ἀγαθὰ συνευχόμενος, καὶ οὐκ εὐχόμενος μόνον, ἀλλὰ καὶ βεβαιῶν τὰς εὐχὰς διὰ σαυτοῦ. Δύνασαι γάρ που, σὺν Θεῷ, τὰ τοιαῦτα καὶ δύναιό γε ἐπὶ μήκιστον, οὕτω χρηστὸς ὤν. Ἀλλ' ὅμως ἐπὶ σοῦ ὄναρ ἐπλούτησεν ἡ πατρὶς ἡμῶν, ἄνδρα μὲν ἔχουσα τὸν τὴν ἐπιμέλειαν αὐτῆς ἐπιτραπέντα, οἷον οὔ φασιν ἄλλον οἱ τὰ παλαιότατα τῶν παρ' ἡμῖν ἐπιστάμενοι ἐπὶ τῶν ἀρχικῶν θρόνων πρότερον ἀναβῆναι, ἐπηρείᾳ δέ τινων ἀφαιρεθεῖσα ταχέως, οἳ τὸ ἐλεύθερον τοῦ ἀνδρὸς καὶ ἀθώπευτον τοῦ πρὸς αὐτὸν πολέμου ἀφορμὴν ἐποιήσαντο καὶ διαβολὰς αὐτῷ κατεσκεύασαν, λαθόντες τὰς ἀκοὰς τῆς σῆς τελειότητος. Διὸ πανδημεὶ πάντες σκυθρωπάζομεν, ζημιωθέντες ἄρχοντα μόνον δυνάμενον εἰς γόνυ κλιθεῖσαν ἤδη τὴν πόλιν ἡμῶν ἀνορθῶσαι, ἀκριβῆ φύλακα τοῦ δικαίου, εὐπρόσιτον τοῖς ἀδικουμένοις, φοβερὸν τοῖς παρανομοῦσιν, ἴσον καὶ πένησι καὶ πλουσίοις, καί, τὸ μέγιστον, τὰ τῶν χριστιανῶν πράγματα πρὸς τὴν ἀρχαίαν ἐπανάγοντα τιμήν. Τὸ γὰρ ὅτι ἀδωρότατος ὧν ἴσμεν ἀνθρώπων καὶ οὐδὲν παρὰ τὸ δίκαιον χαριζόμενος, ὡς μικρότερα τῆς λοιπῆς ἀρετῆς τοῦ ἀνδρός, παρελίπομεν. Ταῦτα ὀψὲ μὲν τοῦ καιροῦ μαρτυροῦμεν, ὥσπερ οἱ μονῳδοῦντες ἑαυτοὺς παραμυθούμενοι, οὐχὶ τοῖς πράγμασί τι ποιοῦντες χρήσιμον. Πλὴν οὐδὲ τοῦτο ἄχρηστον ἐν τῇ μεγάλῃ σου ψυχῇ τὴν μνήμην τοῦ ἀνδρὸς ἀποκεῖσθαι χάριν τε εἰδέναι ὡς εὐεργέτῃ τῆς ἐνεγκούσης, καί, εἴ τις ἐπιφύοιτο αὐτῷ τῶν διὰ τὸ μὴ προτιμηθῆναι τοῦ δικαίου χαλεπαινόντων, ὑπερμαχεῖν καὶ προΐστασθαι, πᾶσι ποιήσαντα φανερὸν ὅτι οἰκεῖον σεαυτῷ τὸν ἄνδρα τίθεσαι, ἀρκοῦσαν ἀφορμὴν εἰς οἰκειότητα τὴν ἀγαθὴν περὶ αὐτοῦ μαρτυρίαν τιθέμενος καὶ τὴν τῶν πραγμάτων πεῖραν οὐ κατὰ τὴν τῶν χρόνων ἀναλογίαν ὑπάρχουσαν. Ἃ γὰρ οὐδ' ἂν ἐν πολλοῖς ἔτεσι παρ' ἄλλου γένοιτο, ταῦτα ἐν ὀλίγῳ παρ' αὐτοῦ κατώρθωται. Ἀρκοῦσα δ' ἡμῖν χάρις καὶ τῶν συμβάντων παραμυθία, ἐὰν καὶ Βασιλεῖ συστήσῃς αὐτὸν καὶ τὰς ἐπενεχθείσας αὐτῷ διαβολὰς ἀποσκευάσῃ Ταῦτά σοι πᾶσαν οἴου τὴν πατρίδα διὰ μιᾶς τῆς ἡμετέρας φωνῆς διαλέγεσθαι καὶ κοινὴν εἶναι πάντων εὐχὴν γενέσθαι τι τῷ ἀνδρὶ διὰ τῆς σῆς τελειότητος δεξιόν.