1. The earlier books of this treatise, written some time ago, contain, I think, an invincible proof that we hold and profess the faith in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which is taught by the Evangelists and Apostles, and that no commerce is possible between us and the heretics, inasmuch as they deny unconditionally, irrationally, and recklessly, the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet certain points remained which I have felt myself bound to include in this and the following books, in order to make our assurance of the faith even more certain by exposure of every one of their falsehoods and blasphemies. Accordingly, we will enquire first what are the dangers of their teaching, the risks involved by such irreverence; next, what principles they hold, and what arguments they advance against the apostolic faith to which we adhere, and by what sleight of language they impose upon the candour of their hearers; and lastly, by what method of comment they disarm the words of Scripture of their force and meaning.
1. Tria in haereticos praemittenda veritatis assertioni. ---Quamquam anterioribus libellis, quos jam pridem conscripsimus, absolute cognitum existimemus, fidem nos et confessionem Patris et Filii et Spiritus 0097B sancti ex evangelicis atque apostolicis institutis obtinere, neque quidquam nobis cum haereticis posse esse commune, quippe illis divinitatem Domini nostri Jesu Christi sine modo et ratione et metu abnegantibus: tamen etiam his libellis quaedam necessario fuerunt comprehendenda, ut omnibus fallaciis eorum et impietatibus editis, absolutior fieret cognitio veritatis. Et primum cognoscendum est, quae doctrinae eorum temeritas sit, quodve irreligiositas periculum: dehinc quid adversum fidem apostolicam, cui nos congruimus, habeant sententiae, quidve dicere soleant e contrario, quave verborum ambiguitate simplicitati audientium illudant: postremo qua intepretationum suarum arte veritatem divinorum dictorum virtutemque corrumpant.