9. “And in this,” saith he, “we do know Him, if we keep His commandments.” i.e.
10. “For all that is in the world, is the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride
9. “Let us love, because He first loved us.” i.e.
8. So then ought the Christian to be, that he glory not over other “men.” For God hath given it thee to be over the beasts, i.e. to be better than the beasts. This hast thou by nature; thou shalt always be better than a beast. If thou wish to be better than another man, thou wilt begrudge him when thou shalt see him to be thine equal. Thou oughtest to wish all men to be thine equals; and if by wisdom thou surpass any, thou oughtest to wish that he also may be wise. As long as he is slow, he learns from thee; as long as he is untaught, he hath need of thee; and thou art seen to be the teacher, he the learner; therefore thou seemest to be the superior, because thou art the teacher; he the inferior, because the learner. Except thou wish him thine equal, thou wishest to have him always a learner. But if thou wish to have him always a learner, thou wilt be an envious teacher. If an envious teacher, how wilt thou be a teacher? I pray thee, do not teach him thine enviousness. Hear the apostle speaking of the bowels of charity: “I would that all were even as I.”432 1 Cor. vii. 7. In what sense did he wish all to be his equals? In this was he superior to all, that by charity he wished all to be his equals. I say then, man has past bounds; he would needs be greedy of more than his due, would be above men, he that was made above the beasts: and this is pride.
8. Sic ergo debet esse christianus, ut non glorietur super alios homines. Dedit enim tibi Deus esse super bestias, id est, meliorem esse quam bestias. Hoc naturale habes; semper melior eris quam bestia. Si vis melior esse quam alius homo, invidebis ei quando tibi esse videbis aequalem. Debes velle omnes homines aequales tibi esse; et si viceris aliquem per prudentiam, optare debes ut sit et ipse prudens. Quamdiu tardus est, discit a te; quamdiu indoctus est, indiget tui; et tu videris doctor, ille autem discens: tu ergo superior, quia doctor es; ille inferior, quia discens. Nisi illum optes aequalem, semper vis habere discentem. Si autem vis semper habere discentem, invidus eris doctor. Si invidus doctor, quomodo eris doctor? Rogo te, noli docere ipsum invidentiam tuam. Audi Apostolum dicentem de visceribus charitatis: Vellem omnes homines esse sicut meipsum (Id. VII, 7). Quomodo volebat omnes esse aequales? Ideo erat omnibus superior, quia charitate optabat omnes aequales. Excessit ergo homo modum; avarior voluit esse, ut supra homines esset, qui supra pecora factus est: et ipsa est superbia.