Diocese of Fabriano and Matelica
Giulio Carlo de' Toschi di Fagnano
Protestant Confessions of Faith
Society of the Faithful Companions of Jesus
Hervé-Auguste-Etienne-Albans Faye
Rudolph William Basil Feilding
Anti-Pope Felix V (Amadeus of Savoy)
Johann Michael Nathanael Feneberg
François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon
Baron Ernst Von Feuchtersleben
Benito Jerónimo Feyjóo y Montenegro
Francisco García de la Rosa Figueroa
Guillaume Fillastre (Philastrius)
Fioretti di San Francesco d'Assisi
Jean-Pierre Claris, Chevalier de Florian
Order and Abbey of Fontevrault
Comte de Charles-Auguste-Marie-Joseph Forbin-Janson
Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus
Diocese of Fossombrone (Forum Sempronii)
Diocese of Fréjus (Forum Julii)
French Catholics in the United States
University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Count Louis de Buade Frontenac
St. Fabius Claudius Gordianus Fulgentius
Lady Georgiana Charlotte Fullerton
An eighteenth-century canonist of the Franciscan Order. The exact dates of his birth and death are unknown, but he was born at Solero, near Alessandria in Northern Italy. He was also professor, provincial of his order, and consultor of the Holy Office. It would seem he died before 1763. He is the author of the "Prompta Bibliotheca canonica, juridica, moralis, theologica, necnon ascetica, polemica, rubricistica, historica", a veritable encyclopedia of religious knowledge. The first edition of this work appeared at Bologna, in 1746. A second edition, much enlarged, also a third, were published by the author himself. The fourth edition, dating from 1763 seems to have been published after his death. This, like those which followed it, contains the additions which the author had made to the second edition under the title of additiones auctoris, and also other enlargements (additiones ex aliena manu) inserted in their respective places in the body of the work (and no longer in the appendix as in the former editions) and supplements. The various editions thus differ from each of her. The most recent are: that of the Benedictines (Naples, 1844-55), reproduced by Migne (Paris, 1861-1863), and an edition published at Paris 1884. A new edition was published at Rome in 1899 at the press of the Propaganda in eight volumes, with a volume of supplements, edited by the Jesuit, Bucceroni, containing several dissertations and the recent and important documents of the Holy See. This supplement serves to keep up to date the work of Ferraris, which will ever remain a precious mine of information, although it is sometimes possible to reproach the author with laxism.