10. We, however, who propose to discourse of that most perfect majesty and fullest Divinity which appertains to the Only-begotten Son of God, have no fear lest our readers should imagine that amplitude of phrase in speaking of the Son is a detraction from the glory of God the Father, as though every praise assigned to the Son had first been withdrawn from Him. For, on the contrary, the majesty of the Son is glory to the Father; the Source must be glorious from which He Who is worthy of such glory comes. The Son has nothing but by virtue of His birth; the Father shares all veneration received by that birthright. Thus the suggestion that we diminish the Father’s honour is put to silence, for all the glory which, as we shall teach, is inherent in the Son will be reflected back, to the increased glory of Him who has begotten a Son so great.
10. Filii honor nil detrahit Patri.---Dicturi autem 0103A de absolutissima majestate et de plenissima divinitate unigeniti Dei filii, non existimamus quemquam arbitraturum, omnem hunc sermonem, quo usuri erimus, ad Dei patris contumeliam pertinere, quasi ex ejus 78 dignitate decedat, si quid eorum referatur ad filium: cum potius honor filii dignitas sit paterna; et gloriosus auctor sit, ex quo is, qui tali gloria sit dignus, exstiterit. Nihil enim nisi natum habet filius, et geniti honoris admiratio in honore generantis est. Cessat ergo opinio contumeliae: cum quidquid inesse Filio majestatis docebitur, id ad amplificandam potestatem ejus, qui istiusmodi genuerit, redundabit.