Pierre Le Moyne, Sieur d'Iberville
St. Ignatius of Constantinople
Congregation of the Immaculate Conception
Innocenzo di Pietro Francucci da Imola
Incardination and Excardination
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
Order of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament
Civil Incorporation of Church Property
Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions
Patriarchate of the East Indies
Asylums and Care for the Insane
Institute of Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart
Irish Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools
Vicariate Apostolic of Intendencia Oriental y Llanos de San Martín
Irish, in Countries other than Ireland
Irish Colleges, on the Continent
(Lat. installare, to put into a stall).
This word, strictly speaking, applies to the solemn induction of a canon into the stall or seat which he is to occupy in the choir of a cathedral or collegiate church. It is the symbolical act (institutio corporalis) by which a canon is put in possession of the functions which he exercises in the chapter, and by which the chapter admits him. The ceremonies of this installation are regulated by local usage; very often they consist in the assignment of a staff in the choir and a place in the hall in which the meetings of the chapter are held. At the same time the dean invests the new canon with the capitular insignia, puts the biretta on his head, and receives his profession of faith and his oath to observe the statutes of the chapter. The term installation is also applied to the institutio corporalis, or putting in possession of any ecclesiastical benefice whatsoever (see INSTITUTION, CANONICAL); or, again, to the solemn entry of a parish priest into his new parish, even when this solemn act takes place after the parish priest has really been put in possession of his benefice. The corresponding ceremony for a bishop is known as enthronization (q.v.).
AYERR, De symbolica canonicorum et canonicarum investitura (Göttingen, 1768); MAYER, Thesaurus novus juris ecclesiastici (Ratisbon, 1791-1794); FERRARIS, Prompta bibliotheca, s.v. Canonicatus, II (Paris, 1861), 134-138; HINSCHIUS, System des katholischen Kirchenrechts, II (Berlin, 1878), 700.