20. If you still wish to assert that God the Father in solitude said these words to Himself, I can go with you as far as to admit the possibility that He might in solitude have spoken to Himself as if He were conversing with a companion, and that it is credible that He wished the words I have made man after the image of God to be equivalent to I have made man after My own image. But your own confession of faith will refute you. For you have confessed that all things are from the Father, but all through the Son; and the words, Let Us make man, shew that the Source from Whom are all things is He Who spoke thus, while God made him after the image of God clearly points to Him through Whom the work was done.
20. Patrem non sibi ut solitario FACIAMUS locutum esse.---Quod si Deum patrem solitarium sibi haec locutum fuisse affirmare voles, tamquam concedi tibi 0112B possit, ut unus secum velut cum altero sit locutus, credaturque in eo, quod ad imaginem Dei feci hominem, ita voluisse intelligi, tamquam, Ad imaginem meam feci hominem; primum ipse testimonio tuo redargueris. Dixisti enim, Ex Patre omnia, sed per Filium omnia. Namque per id quod dictum est. Faciamus hominem, ex eo origo est ex quo coepit et sermo: in eo vero quod Deus ad imaginem Dei fecit, significatur etiam is per quem consummatur operatio.