The Seven Books of Arnobius Against the Heathen.…
The Seven Books of Arnobius Against the Heathen.
42. You worship, says my opponent , one who was born a mere But the He exhibited
16. But, they say , while we are moving swiftly down towards our mortal bodies, to be all even
35. But, say my opponents , if souls are mortal and One than we anything must who is if into
45. But let this monstrous and impious fancy be put far from us
74. And why, my opponent says , did God, the Ruler and Lord of the universe you ask
25. Unxia, my opponent says , presides over the anointing of door-posts
34. Some of your learned men —men, too, who do not chatter merely
12. But let them be true, as you maintain, yet will you have us also believe deity who are
32. But you err, says my opponent , and are mistaken, and show, even in criticising these gratify
7. But why do I speak of the body story in men’s minds which is of all
36. You say that some of them cause excite and these things these to be
38. If the immortal gods cannot be angry, says my opponent is the meaning of had they if
48. But some one will perhaps say that the care of such a god has been denied being to the city
68. On the Alban hill, it was not allowed in ancient times to sacrifice any but snow-white bulls: have you not changed that custom and religious observance, and has it not been enacted by decree of the senate, that reddish ones may be offered? While during the reigns of Romulus and Pompilius the inner parts, having been quite thoroughly cooked and softened, were burnt up in sacrificing to the gods, did you not begin, under king Tullius,637 i.e. Servius Tullius. The first four edd. read Tullo, i.e., Tullus Hostilius. to hold them out half-raw and slightly warm, paying no regard to the former usage? While before the arrival of Hercules in Italy supplication was made to father Dis and Saturn with the heads of men by Apollo’s advice; have you not, in like manner, changed this custom too, by means of cunning deceit and ambiguous names?638 Cf. v. c. 1. Since, then, yourselves also have followed at one time these customs, at another different laws, and have repudiated and rejected many things on either perceiving your mistakes or seeing something better, what have we done contrary to common sense and the discretion all men have, if we have chosen what is greater and more certain, and have not suffered ourselves to be held back by unreasoning respect for impostures?
LXVIII. In Albano antiquitus monte nullos alios licebat, quam nivei tauros immolare candoris: nonne istum morem religionemque mutastis, atque ut rufulos liceret dari, Senatus constitutum sanctione? Cum Romulo, Pompilioque regnantibus, percocta plane, ac madida concremarentur diis exta: nonne rege sub Tullio semicruda coepistis, et leviter animata porricere, prisca observatione contempta? Ante adventum in Italiam Herculis, cum ex Apollinis monitu patri Diti ac Saturno humanis capitibus supplicaretur: et hunc similiter morem, non fraude callidula, et nominum ambiguitate mutastis? Cum igitur 0921B et vos ipsi modo illos mores, modo alias leges fueritis secuti, multaque vel erroribus cognitis, vel animadversione meliorum sint a vobis repudiata, contempta: 0922A quid est a nobis factum contra sensum, judiciumque commune, si majora, et certiora delegimus, nec sumus nos passi falsorum religionibus attineri?