39. As for the men of stature who shall come over to Him and follow Him in chains, there is no doubt who they are. Turn to the Gospels; Peter, when he is to follow his Lord, is girded up. Read the Apostles: Paul, the servant of Christ, boasts of his bonds. Let us see whether this ‘prisoner of Jesus Christ’ conforms in his teaching to the prophecies uttered by God concerning God His Son. God had said, They shall make supplication, for God is in Thee. Now mark and digest these words of the Apostle:—God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself228 2 Cor. v. 19.. And then the prophecy continues, And there is no God beside Thee. The Apostle promptly matches this with For there is one Jesus Christ our Lord, through Whom are all things229 1 Cor. viii. 6.. Obviously there can be none other but He, for He is One. The third prophetic statement is, Thou art God and we knew it not. But Paul, once the persecutor of the Church, says, Whose are the fathers, from Whom is Christ, Who is God over all230 Rom. ix. 5.. Such is to be the message of these men in chains; men of stature, indeed, they will be, and shall sit on twelve thrones to judge the tribes of Israel, and shall follow their Lord, witnesses to Him in teaching and in martyrdom.
39. Apostoli viri excelsi.---Excelsi autem viri, qui ad eum transituri sunt, atque eum vincti sequentur, qui tandem isti sunt, non in obscuro est. Respice ad Evangelia; Petrus Dominum suum secuturus praecingitur (Joan. XXI, 7). Intuere Apostolos: servus Christi Paulus in vinculis gloriatur (Philem. I). Et videamus an vinctus Christi Jesu ea, quae Deus de filio suo Deo fuerat locutus, impleverit. Precabuntur, inquit, quoniam in te est Deus (Esai. XLV, 14). Dictum itaque ab Apostolo recognosce, et recognitum intellige: Deus in Christo erat mundum reconcilians sibi0125B (II Cor. V, 19). Dehinc sequitur, Et non est Deus praeter te. Quibus continuo idem Apostolus ait, unus est enim Dominus noster Jesus Christus per quem omnia (I Cor. VIII, 6); et nullus praeter eum videtur alius esse, quia unus est. Tertio quoque ait, Tu es Deus, et nesciebamus. Sed ex persecutore Ecclesiae dixit: Quorum patres, ex quibus Christus, qui est super omnia Deus (Rom. IX, 5). Hi igitur vincti haec praedicabunt: excelsi videlicet, et in duodecim thronis judicaturi tribus Israel, et Dominum suum doctrinae et passionis suae martyrio secuturi.