40. Thus God is in God, and it is God in Whom God dwells. But how is There is no God beside Thee true, if God be within Him? Heretic! In support of your confession of a solitary Father you employ the words, There is no God beside Me; what sense can you assign to the solemn declaration of God the Father, There is no God beside Thee, if your explanation of There is no God beside Me be a denial of the Godhead of the Son? To whom, in that case, can God have said, There is no God beside Thee? You cannot suggest that this solitary Being said it to Himself. It was to the King Whom He summoned that the Lord said, by the mouth of the men of stature who worshipped and made supplication, For God is in Thee. The facts are inconsistent with solitude. In Thee implies that there was One present within range, if I may say so, of the Speaker’s voice. The complete sentence, God is in Thee, reveals not only God present, but also God abiding in Him Who is present. The words distinguish the Indweller from Him in Whom He dwells, but it is a distinction of Person only, not of character. God is in Him, and He, in Whom God is, is God. The residence of God cannot be within a nature strange and alien to His own. He abides in One Who is His own, born from Himself. God is in God, because God is from God. For Thou art God, and we knew it not, O God of Israel, the Saviour.
40. Pater de se dicit, Non est Deus praeter me, et de Filio, Non est Deus praeter te. Filius persona non genere a patre discretus.---Deus ergo in Deo est: et in quo est Deus, Deus est. Et quomodo non 0125Cest Deus praeter te; cum in eodem Deus sit? Usurpas, o haeretice, ad confessionem solitarii Dei patris, Non est Deus praeter me: quomodo ex praedicatione Dei patris dicentis, Non est Deus praeter te, dictum interpretaberis, si per id quod dictum est, Non est Deus praeter me (Deut. XXXII, 39), affirmare contendis, ne Dei filius Deus sit? Et cui ergo Deus (Pater) dixerit, Non est Deus praeter te? subjicere enim hic tibi personam solitarii non licebit. Dominus enim dixit regi quem excitavit, ex persona virorum excelsorum adorantium et deprecantinm, Quoniam in te est Deus. Solitarium res ista non recipit. In te enim praesentem, veluti ad quem sit sermo, significat. Quod autem 0126A sequitur, In te est Deus, non solum eum qui praesens est, sed etiam eum 100 qui maneat in praesente demonstrat: habitantem ab eo in quo habitet discernens, personae tamen tantum distinctione, non generis: Deus enim in eo est: et in quo est Deus, Deus est. Non enim Deus in diversae atque alienae a se naturae habitaculo est, sed in suo atque ex se genito manet. Deus in Deo, quia ex Deo Deus est. Tu es enim Deus, et nesciebamus, Deus Israel salvator (Is. XLV, 15).