Letters of the Blessed Theodoret, Bishop of…

 Letters of the Blessed Theodoret,

 When men love warmly, I doubt whether in the case of the children of those whom they love, they can be impartial judges. Justice is carried away by af

 Comparisons of this kind are forbidden by the divine Apostle. In his Epistle to the Romans he writes “Therefore judge nothing before the time until th

 The Creator of our souls and bodies has given His bounty to both, and at one and the same time has overwhelmed us with good things that both heart and

 The God who made us gives us care and sorrow after our sin. But He has furnished us with divine occasions of consolation by appointing divine feasts.

 Our loving Lord has allowed us, with the zeal of folks who love the Christ, to celebrate the divine feast of salvation and enjoy the fruit of the spir

 Had I heard of the death of your dignity’s most honourable husband I should have written long ago, and now my object in writing is not to lull your gr

 It is needless for me to bring once more to bear upon your grief the spells of the spirit. The mere mention of the sufferings that wrought our salvati

 Your piety is annoyed and distressed at the sentence passed on me unjustly and without a trial. I am comforted that you are so feeling. Had I been jus

 Legislators have made laws in aid of the oppressed, and advocates have practised the orator’s arts to help them that stand in need of fair defence. Yo

 The Creator and Guide of the Universe has made you a luminary of the world, and changed the deep moonless night into clear noon. Just as by the haven’

 Job, that famous tower of adamant and noble champion of goodness, was not shaken even by blows of continuous troubles of every sort and kind, but stoo

 I had heard of the island of Lesbos, and its cities Mitylene, Methymna, and the rest but I was ignorant of the fruit of the vine cultivated in it. No

 Had I only considered the character of the loss which you have sustained, I should have wanted consolation myself, not only because I count that what

 I know that in my words of consolation I am somewhat late, but it is not without reason that I have delayed to send them, for I have thought it worth

 There is nothing good, it seems, in prospect for us, so, far from calming down, the tempest troubling the Church seems to rise higher every day. The c

 Had I only considered the greatness of your sorrow, I should have put off writing a little while, that I might make time my ally in my attempt to cure

 Whenever I cast my eyes on the divine law which calls those who are joined together in marriage “one flesh,” I am at a loss how to comfort the limb th

 I have found the right eloquent orator Athanasius to be just what your letter described him. His tongue is adorned by his speech, and his speech by hi

 Natural disposition appears in us before resolution of character, and, in this sense, takes the lead but disposition is overcome by resolution, as is

 The disseminators of this great news, with the idea that it would be very distasteful to me, fancied that they might in this way annoy me. But I by Go

 It is said that what is faulty in men’s ways may be brought to order and improved by words. But I think that characters made beautiful by nature, them

 In distributing wealth and poverty among men the Creator and Governor of all gives no unjust judgment, but gives the poverty of the poor to the rich a

 Your piety, nursling of God’s love, longs, I am sure, for my society. But I am all the more eager for yours in proportion as I know that from it more

 When the only begotten God had been made Man, and had wrought out our salvation, they who in those days saw Him from whom these bounties flowed kept n

 The fountains of the Lord’s kindness are ever gushing forth with good things for them that believe but some further good is conveyed by the celebrati

 No one who has won the divine adoption weeps for orphanhood, for what guardian care can be more powerful than that of our Father which is on high, bec

 They who have made the vigour of their manhood bright by virtuous industry hasten happily towards old age, gladdened by the recollection of their form

 The sufferings of the Carthaginians would demand, and, in their greatness, perhaps out-task, the power of the tragic language of an Æschylus or a Soph

 XXX. To Aerius the Sophist .

 The most admirable and honourable Celestinianus is a native of the famous Carthage, and of an illustrious family in that city. Now he has been exiled

 If the God of all had forthwith inflicted punishment on all that err he would utterly have destroyed all men. But He spares He is a merciful Judge a

 To narrate the sufferings of the most honourable and dignified Celestinianus would require tragic eloquence. Tragic writers set forth fully the ills o

 All kinds of goodness are praiseworthy, but all are made more beautiful by loving kindness. For it we earnestly pray the God of all through it alone

 You are conspicuous, my Lord, for many forms of goodness, and your holiness is beautified in an especial degree by loving-kindness, by contempt of ric

 I know very well that your means are small and your heart is great, and that in your case generosity is not prevented by limited resources. I therefor

 When rulers keep the scales of justice true, and let them hang in even balance, they confer all kinds of benefits upon their subjects if they are als

 The divine feast of salvation has brought us the founts of God’s good gifts, the blessing of the Cross, and the immortality which sprang from our Lord

 My wish was to write in cheerful terms and sound the note of the spiritual joy of the feast, but I am prevented by the multitude of our sins, which ar

 The custom of the feast bids me write a festal letter, but the cloud of our calamities suffers me not to gather the usual happy fruit from it. Who is

 The divine Celebration has as usual conferred on us its spiritual boons but the sour fruits of sin have not suffered us to enjoy them with gladness.

 Did no necessity compel me to address a letter to your greatness, I might haply be found guilty of presumption, for neither taking due measure of myse

 Since you adorn the empire by your piety and render the purple brighter by your faith, we make bold to write to you, no longer conscious of our insign

 Thanks be to the Saviour of the world because to your greatness He is ever adding dignity and honour. The reason of my not writing up to this time to

 Your greatness knows full well how all the inhabitants of the East feel towards your magnificence, as sons feel towards an affectionate father. Why th

 Nothing is able to stay the praiseworthy purpose of them that highly esteem what is right. That this is the case is confirmed by the grief shown by yo

 A year ago, thanks to your holiness, the illustrious Philip governor of our city was delivered from serious danger. After entering into the enjoyment

 I have gladly received the accusation, although I have no difficulty in disproving the indictment. I have written not three letters only but four and

 It is the nature of mirrors to reflect the faces of them that gaze into them, and so whoever looks at them sees his own form. This is the same too wit

 The characters of souls are often depicted in words and their unseen forms revealed so now your reverence’s letter exhibits the piety of your holy so

 The works of virtue are admirable in themselves, but yet more admirable do they appear if they find an eloquence able to report them well. Neither of

 LII. To Ibas, Bishop of Edessa .

 LIII. To Sophronius, Bishop of Constantina .

 By our divine and saving celebrations both the down-hearted are cheered, and the joyous made yet more joyful. This I have learnt by experience, for, w

 We are much distressed, for we are gifted with the nature not of rocks but of men, but the recollection of the Lord’s Epiphany has been to me a very p

 My grief is now at its height and my mind is seriously affected by it, but I have thought it right to fulfil the custom of the feast, so now I take my

 Besides other boons the Ruler of the universe has granted to us that of hearing of your excellency’s honour, and of congratulating at once yourself on

 I am divided in mind at the idea of sending a letter to your greatness. On the one hand I know how everything depends on your judgment I see you unde

 Sincere friendships are neither dissolved by distance of place nor weakened by time. Time indeed inflicts indignities on our bodies, spoils them of th

 Among many forms of virtue by which we hear that your holiness is adorned (for all men’s ears are filled by the flying fame of your glory, which speed

 I did not let the two letters which I had just received from you go unheeded, but wrote without delay, and gave my letter to the very devout presbyter

 A saying of one of the men who used to be called wise was, “Live unseen.” I applaud the sentiment, and have determined to confirm the word by deed, fo

 We have enjoyed the wonted blessings of the Feast. We have kept the memorial Feast of the Passion of Salvation by means of the resurrection of the Lo

 When the Master underwent the Passion of salvation for the sake of mankind, the company of the sacred Apostles was much disheartened, for they knew no

 To be smitten by human ills is the common lot of all men to endure them bravely and rise superior to their attack is no longer common. The former is

 She that gave you birth and nurtured you invites you to the longed-for feast. The holy shrine is crowned by a roof it is fitly adorned it is eager f

 It was thy work, my good Sir, to call the rest also to the feast of the dedication. Through thy zeal and energy the holy temple has been built, and th

 It was my wish to summon you to the feast of holy Apostles and Prophets, not only as a citizen, but as one who shares both my faith and my home. But I

 Had I not been unavoidably prevented, I should no sooner have heard that your great and glorious husband had fallen asleep than I should straightway h

 The story of the noble Mary is one fit for a tragic play. As she says herself, and as is attested by several others, she is a daughter of the right ho

 Your fortitude rouses universal admiration, tempered as it is by gentleness and meekness, and exhibited to your household in kindliness, to your foes

 At the time when men were whelmed in the darkness of ignorance, all did not keep the same feasts, but celebrated distinct ceremonies in different citi

 Themistocles the son of Neocles, the far-famed and admirable general, is described by the admiring historian as endowed with natural virtue alone. Of

 It has been granted to us by our generous Lord once again to enjoy the feast and to send to your excellency the festal salutation. We pray that you ma

 I perceive that it is with reason that I am well disposed to your reverences, for I have been assured by your kindly letter that my affection was retu

 True friendship is strengthened by intercourse, but separation cannot sunder it, for its bonds are strong. This truth might easily be shewn by many ot

 I know that Satan has sought to sift you as wheat, and that the Lord has allowed him so to do that He may shew the wheat, and prove the gold, crown th

 Whenever anything happens to the helmsman, either the officer in command at the bows, or the seaman of highest rank, takes his place, not because he b

 The Lord God has given your excellency to us to be at the present time a source of very great comfort, and has afforded us a meet haven for the storm.

 I have been much astonished that no information has been sent me by your lordship of the plots against me. To counteract them would very likely have b

 For but a brief portion of a day I enjoyed the society of your lordship, for I was deprived by unavoidable circumstances of what I so earnestly desire

 I had hoped at this time to hear frequently from your holiness. Suffering as I do under charges which are plain calumny I stand in need of brotherly c

 To them that suffer under false accusation the greatest comfort is given by the words of Scripture. When such a sufferer is wounded by the lying words

 Your piety has heard of the calumnies directed against me. The opponents of the truth allege that I divide our one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotte

 The chief good is said by the divine Paul to be love, and by love he ordered the nurslings of the faith to be fed. Of this love your piety possesses g

 At the present time, most God-beloved lord, I have received many buffetings of billows, but I called upon the great Pilot, and have been able to stand

 The law of brotherly love demanded that I should receive many letters from your godliness at this time. For the divine Apostle charges us to weep with

 Slanderers have forced me to go beyond the bounds of moderation, and compel me to write to you who have adorned the highest offices, and obtained the

 In sending a letter to your greatness I am daring what is beyond me, but the cause of my daring is not self-confidence, but the slanders of my calumni

 I have passed through the contests of my prime. I see before me the confines of old age, and have expected as an old man to have more honour given me.

 I well know, and need no words to tell me, how your excellency regards me. Actions speak more clearly than words, but I have been anxious for you to k

 The very holy lord archbishop Domnus has arranged for the most pious bishops to repair to the imperial city, with a view to the complete refutation of

 I cherish an indelible memory of your magnificence, and now by very religious and holy bishops I salute you. The very holy lord bishop Domnus has arra

 The loving-kindness of the Lord has already given you an opportunity of carrying out your good intentions. He has given you a greater opportunity now,

 You have laid aside the cares of your very important government, but your fame flourishes among all for they that have reaped the fruit of your benev

 I have written to you two letters, indeed I think three, but without getting any answer. I had wished to say no more, but to know my own place and the

 I am delighted with your excellency’s letter. My pleasure has been increased by the very religious presbyter and monk Iamblichus, who has told me of y

 We are distressed to see the tempest of the churches, but their Master and Ruler ever through mighty billows shows to men His own wisdom and power. He

 Although you have not yet met me, I think that your excellency is aware of the open calumnies that have been published against me, for you have often

 I have recently received your excellency’s letter. For the zeal you have shewn on my behalf I thank you, and pray the God of all to guard the goods yo

 The flames of the war against us have been lit up again. After yielding awhile, the enemy of men has once more armed against us men nurtured in lies,

 There is nothing remarkable in the reproaches that are directed against me being heard in silence by men who do not know me but that your holiness sh

 The very godly bishops have been led to travel to the imperial city by the calumnies uttered against me, and I by their holinesses send your excellenc

 I have already in another letter informed your holiness how openly the calumniators of our teaching are slandering us. Now in like manner by means of

 We have heard from many sources of your piety’s efforts on behalf of true religion. It is therefore right that you should readily succour one who is c

 By the godly bishops I salute you. I beseech you to give heed to the churches’ calm, and to disperse the waves of calumny. “Whatsoever a man soweth th

 The struggles which your piety has undergone on behalf of the apostolic doctrines are not unknown, but are frequently mentioned alike by those who hav

 True indeed is the promise of David’s Psalm, for through him the Spirit of truth gave this promise to them that believe, “Commit thy way unto the Lord

 Many are the devices secretly plotted against me, and through me patched up against the faith of apostles. I am however comforted by the sufferings of

 When I read your letter I remembered the very blessed Susannah, who when she saw the famous villains, and believed that the God of all was present, ut

 Your excellency will be recompensed for the kindness you have shewn me by the God of all, for all that is done for His sake has its reward. I laugh at

 When news was brought to me that the pettiness of the victorious emperor had been put an end to, a reconciliation effected between him and the very go

 If Paul, the herald of the truth, the trumpet of the Holy Ghost, hastened to the great Peter in order that he might carry from him the desired solutio

 To our much beloved brother Theodoretus, bishop, Leo, bishop.

 CXIV . To Andiberis.

 When I undertook the direction of the see of Cyrus, I procured for it from all directions men who practised necessary arts, and besides this induced s

 We have heard of the warm and righteous zeal of your holiness, and the just and lawful boldness of speech which you employed in condemning the audacio

 Truly the grace of our God and Saviour has not yet abandoned the human race, but has left us a seed in your holiness “lest we should become as Sodom,

 A terrible storm has attacked our churches, but the adherents of the apostolic faith have in your holiness a safe and quiet haven. Not only do you cha

 CXIX. To Anatolius the Patrician .

 Even the enemies of the truth must, I think, be indignant at the injustice and illegality of the violence done us. It is only reasonable that the nurs

 The Lord who overlooks and governs all things has shewn both the apostolic truth of my doctrines, and the falsehood of the slander laid at my door. Fo

 I have been greatly delighted that we who correspond in character should have corresponded by letter. But I do not quite see what you mean by saying “

 Your letter was a long one, and a pleasant one, and it shews how warm and genuine is your affection. So delighted am I with it that I am not at all so

 I too am distressed at the calamities of the Church, and wail over the storm that is raging for myself I am glad to be quit of agitation, and to be e

 I know the strength and stability of your faith, and have been filled with the greatest possible delight, for, since we worshippers of the eternal Tri

 I praised your holiness on your quitting the envied see. Once it was venerable now it is ridiculous, for we have made it a thing to be bought and sol

 The patriarch Abraham won a victory in his old age. The great Moses was now an old man when, so long as he stretched out his hands in prayer, he vanqu

 I am afraid that the vigour of your godly soul has been overcome by old age, and that you do not keep your hands stretched out as usual. So Amalek is

 Sailors at night are cheered by the sight of the harbour lights, and so are they who are in peril for the sake of the apostolic faith by the zeal of t

 Not without purpose does the supreme Ruler allow the spirits that are against us to agitate the waves of impiety. He does so that He may try the coura

 You have shewn alike your zeal for the true religion, and your love for your neighbour, both of which are at the present time clearly connected, for i

 The Lord has taught them that suffer wrong not to be cast down, but to rejoice, and to derive consolation from the examples of old. For from the perio

 I have always known, sir, that you are not unmindful of our friendship. And it has ever been my wish and prayer that your piety should give heed to ex

 Our Saviour, Lawgiver, and Lord, was once asked, “What is the first commandment?” His reply was “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,

 You have reminded me of the ancient story, and remarked how the King of the Syrians, bethinking him of the loving kindness of the kings of Israel, ass

 I was very much distressed to hear of the trouble which had befallen you. How indeed could I fail to suffer, making as I do your interest mine, and re

 The blessed David fell into several errors, which God, who wisely orders all things, has caused to be recorded for the good of them that were to come

 I have cordially welcomed the rest which has fallen to my lot, and am harvesting its beneficial and pleasant results. Our Christ-loving Emperor, after

 To the other good deeds of your excellency must be added your having acquainted our pious and most christian emperor, whom God’s grace has appointed f

 I have been much astonished to learn that your magnificence, though quite unacquainted with me and mine, and knowing only the wrong that had been done

 Bright is made your holiness by your goodly life, exhibiting on earth the image of the conversation of the angels, but it is made still brighter by yo

 I have already addressed your reverence in another letter, and have delivered it to your much respected brethren. Now again I address your holiness. I

 I have never seen your piety nor have we ever communicated by letter, but I have become warmly attached to you. What has wrought the charm and continu

 Human nature is everywhere the same, but pursuits in life are many and various. Some men prefer a sailor’s career, some a soldier’s some men become a

 There is nothing new or surprising in the fact that the men who have made their tongues weapons against our God and Saviour should also aim their shaf

 Rest and a life free from care are very grateful to me. I have therefore blocked the door of the monastery, and decline intercourse with my friends.

 Immediately on receipt of your holiness’s former letter I replied. About the present state of affairs, it is impossible to entertain any good hope. I

 Is “the minute of the most holy bishop Cyril, delivered to Posidonius, when sent by him to Rome, in the matter of Nestorius.” (Cyrill. Ep. XI. tom. lx

 This letter has sometimes been supposed to have been really composed by Theodoret.

 I have been much distressed at reading the anathematisms which you have sent to request me to refute in writing, and to make plain to all their hereti

 When I contemplate the condition of the Church at the present crisis of affairs,—the tempest which has recently beset the holy ship, the furious blast

 In obedience to the order of your pious letter we have journeyed to the Ephesian metropolis. There we have found the affairs of the Church in confusio

 We had expected to be able to report to your pious majesties in different terms, but we are now compelled to make known to you the following facts, fo




 Your piety, which shines forth for the good of the empire and of the churches of God, has commanded us to assemble at Ephesus, in order to bring about

 On receiving the letter of your piety we entertained hopes that the Egyptian storm which has lately struck the churches of God would be driven away. B




 Writing from Ephesus I salute your holiness, I congratulate you on your infirmity, and deem you dear to God, in that you have known what evil deeds ha

 On our arrival at Chalcedon, for neither we ourselves nor our opponents were permitted to enter Constantinople, on account of the seditions of the exc

 Through the prayers of your holiness our most pious prince has granted us an audience, and by God’s grace we have got the better of our opponents, as

 To the very pious bishops now in Ephesus: Johannes, Himerius, Paulus, Apringius, Theodoretus, greeting. For the fifth time an audience has been grante

 It had been much to be desired that the word of true religion should not be adulterated by ridiculous explanations, and least of all by men who have o

 Your piety has been informed on several occasions, both by ourselves in person and by our emissaries, that the doctrine of the true faith seems to sta

 We never expected the summons of your piety to meet with this result. We were honourably convoked, as priests by prince we were convoked to ratify th

 We have left no means untried, of courtesy, of sternness, of entreaty, of eloquence before the most pious emperor, and the illustrious assembly, testi

 To our most godly and holy fellow-minister Rufus, Joannes, Himerius, Theodoretus, and the rest, send greeting in the Lord.

 God, who governs all things in wisdom, who provides for our unanimity, and cares for the salvation of His people, has caused us to be assembled togeth

 To the very reverend and religious lord and very holy Father, Nestorius, the bishop Theodoretus sends greeting in the Lord. Your holiness is, I think,

 “God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be a

 We wish to acquaint your holiness that on reading and frequently discussing the letter brought from Egypt we find it in harmony with the doctrine of t

 CLXXV. To Alexander of Hierapolis .

 Be it known to your holiness that when I read the letter addressed to the emperor I was much distressed, because I know perfectly well that the writer

 The illustrious Aristolaus has sent Magisterianus from Egypt with a letter of Cyril in which he anathematizes Arius, Eunomius, Apollinarius and all wh

 I think that more than all the very holy and venerable bishop, my lord John, must have been gratified at my refusing either to give my consent to the


 At last and with difficulty the villain has gone. The good and the gentle pass away all too soon the bad prolong their life for years.

 CLXXXI. Letter to Abundius, Bishop of Como .

CXLV. To the Monks of Constantinople.404 This, remarks Garnerius, is less a letter than a prolix exposition of Theodoret’s view of the Incarnation. Theodoret mentions his condemnation at the Latrocinium and the exile of Eutyches, but says nothing of the favourable action towards himself of Marcianus. Theodosius died on the 29th of July, and Marcian began his reign on the 25th of August, 450. Theodoret could not possibly hear of the exile of Eutyches before the end of September. The document may therefore be dated in the late autumn of 450 before Theodoret had received the imperial permission to return to Cyrus.

There is nothing new or surprising in the fact that the men who have made their tongues weapons against our God and Saviour should also aim their shafts of falsehood against His right minded servants. It must needs be that the servants who grieve sorely at the outrage inflicted on their Master should share it. That so it should be they have been forwarned by their Lord Himself, Who consoles His holy disciples with the words “If they have persecuted me they will also persecute you.”405 John xv. 20 “If they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of His household.”406 Matt. x. 25 Then He cheered them by pointing out that calumny is easily detected, for He went on “There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed and hid that shall not be known.”407 Matt. x. 26 I have often seen the truth of the divine prediction, but I see it with special clearness now. The authors of the calumny against me, who have bought my destruction for large sums of money, have been distinctly seen to be involved in the unsoundness of Valentinus and Bardesanes. They had hoped to cloke their own iniquity if only they could whet their tongues on the hone of falsehood in order to wound me. For ever since I saw that the heresy long ago extinguished had been renewed by these men I never ceased to cry aloud, bearing my testimony in private and in public, as well in social gatherings as in the temples of God, and strive to confute their conspiracy against the faith. They have consequently poured out their insults on my head, and allege that I preach two sons. But they ought to have convicted me to my face, not slandered me behind my back. They have done just the contrary. They tied me hand and foot at Cyrus by the imperial decree; they compelled the very righteous judges to condemn me without a trial, and delivered their most equitable sentence against a man who was five and thirty stages away. Such treatment was never suffered by any criminal charged with witchcraft or robbery of the dead, by murderer or by adulterer. But for the present I will leave the judges alone, for the Lord is at hand “Who judges the world with righteousness and the people with his truth;”408 Ps. xcvi. 13 Who exacts an account not only of words and deeds, but even of evil thoughts. But think it right to refute the false charge which has been made. What proof have they of my asserting two sons? Had I been one of the silent kind there might have been some ground for the suspicion, but my task has been to contend on behalf of the apostolic decrees, to bring the pasture of instruction to the Lord’s flocks, and to this end I have written five and thirty books interpreting the divine Scripture, and proving the falsehood of the heresies. The falsehoods these men have concocted are therefore easy of refutation. Tens on tens of thousands of hearers testify that I have taught the truth of the doctrines of the Gospel, and for any one who likes to bring them to the test my writings lie before the world. Not on behalf of a duality of sons, but of the only begotten Son of God, against the heathen, against Jews, against the recipients of the plague of Arius and Eunomius, against the supporters of the madness of Apollinarius, against the victims of the corruption of Marcion, I have never ceased to struggle; trying to convince the heathen that the Eternal Son of the ever living God is Himself Creator of the Universe; the Jews that about Him the prophets uttered their predictions, the Arians and Eunomians that He is of one substance, of one dignity and of equal power with the Father; Marcion’s mad adherents that He is not only good but just; and Saviour not, as they fable, of another’s works, but of His own. Once for all, fighting against each heresy, I charge men to fall down and worship the one Son.

And what need is there of many words, when it is possible to refute falsehood in few? We provide that those who year by year come up for holy baptism should carefully learn the faith set forth at Nicæa by the holy and blessed Fathers; and initiating them as we have been bidden,409 μυσταγωγοῦντες μυσταγωγέω came ultimately to equal “baptize.” The word and its correlatives had long passed out of special mystic use. In Cicero a μυσταγωγός is a “Cicerone” (Verr. iv. 59) and Strabo uses μυσταγωγεῖν for to be a guide. (812.) we baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, pronouncing each name singly. Furthermore when performing divine service in the churches, both at the beginning and the decline of day and when dividing the day itself into three parts, we glorify the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost.410 Reference appears to be made here to offices at the 3d, 6th, and 9th hours, and to morning and evening services, without specification of their number. If, as our slanderers allege, we preach two sons, which do we glorify and which do we leave unworshipped? It were the wildest folly to believe that there are two sons, and to give the doxology to one alone. And who is so distraught as, while hearing the words of the divine Paul “one Lord, one faith, one baptism,”411 Ephes. iv. 5 and again “there is one Lord Jesus Christ by Whom are all things,”412 1 Cor. viii. 6 to lay down the law at variance with the teaching of the Spirit, and cut the one in two. But I am prating unnecessarily, for these men, nurtured in falsehood as they are, do not even dare to assert that they have ever heard me say anything of the kind; but they affirm that I preach two sons because I confess the two natures of our Master Christ. And they refuse to perceive that every human being has both an immortal soul and a mortal body; yet no one has hitherto been found to call Paul two Pauls because he has both soul and body, any more than Peter two Peters or Abraham or Adam. Everyone recognises the distinction of the natures, and does not call one man two Pauls. Precisely in the same way, when styling our Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God, God the Word incarnate, both Son of God and Son of Man, as we have been taught by the divine Scripture, we do not assert two sons, but we do confess the peculiar properties of the Godhead and of the manhood. The party however who deny the nature assumed of us men cannot hear these arguments without irritation.

It is only right that I should point out from what sources they have derived this impiety. Simon, Menander, Cerdo, and Marcion absolutely deny the incarnation, and call the birth from a Virgin fable. Valentinus, however, Basilides, Bardesanes, and Harmonius and their following, accept the conception of the Virgin and the birth; but they deny that God the Word took anything from the Virgin, but made as it were a transit through her as through a conduit, and appeared to mankind in semblance only, and seeming to be a man, in like manner as He was seen by Abraham and certain others of the ancients. Arius and Eunomius on the contrary held that He assumed a body, but that the Godhead played the part of the soul, in order that they may attribute to it what was lowly in His words and deeds. Apollinarius did indeed assert that He assumed a soul with the body, not the reasonable soul, but the soul which is called animal or phytic.413 i.e. the life common to man with animals and plants. cf. p. 194 n. Their contention is that the Godhead took the part of the mind. He had learnt the distinction of soul and of mind from the philosophers that are without while divine Scripture says that man consists of soul and body. For we read “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.”414 Gen. ii. 7 And the Lord in the sacred Gospels said to His apostles “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul.”415 Matt. x. 28

So great is the divergence between the doctrines. These men have now done their best to outdo Apollinarius, Arius and Eunomius, in their impiety and have now endeavoured to plant anew the heresy sown of old by Valentinus and Bardesanes, and afterwards uprooted by most excellent husbandmen. Like Valentinus and Bardesanes they have denied that the body of our Lord was assumed of our nature. But the Church, following the footprints of the Apostles, contemplates in the Lord Christ both perfect Godhead and perfect manhood. For just as He took a body, not that He needed a body, but by its means to give immortality to all bodies; so too He took a soul, the guide of the body, that every soul by its means might share His immutability. For even if souls are immortal, they are not however immutable; for they undergo many and frequent changes, as they experience pleasure, now from one object, and now from another. Whence it cometh about that we err when we are changed and are inclined to what is worse. But after the resurrection our bodies enjoy immortality and incorruptibility, and our souls impassibility and immutability. For this reason the only begotten Son of God took both a body and a soul, preserved them free from all blame, and offered the sacrifice for the race. And this is why He is called our high priest; and He is named high priest not as God but as man. He makes the offering as man, and accepts the sacrifice with the Father and the Holy Spirit as God. If only Adam’s body had sinned, it alone should have benefited by the cure. But since the soul not only shared in the sin but was first in the sin, for first the thought forms an image of the sin and then carries it out by means of the body, it was just, I ween, that the soul too should be healed. But it is perhaps superfluous to demonstrate these points by reasoning, when the divine Scripture clearly proclaims them. This doctrine is distinctly taught by the holy David and the very divine Peter, the one foretelling from distant ages, and the other interpreting his prediction. The words of the first of the apostles are “David therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, He would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; he seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that His soul was not left in hell neither His flesh did see corruption.”416 Acts ii. 30 and 31. Ps. xvi. 10

Now he has given us much instruction on the same point in these few words. First he states that the assumed nature derives its descent from the loins of David; secondly that He took not a body only, but also an immortal soul, and thirdly that He delivered body and soul to death, and, after taking them again, raised them as He would. His own words are “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”417 John ii. 19 But we have learnt that the divine nature is immortal. What suffered was the passible, and the impassible remained impassible. For God the Word was made man not to render the impassible nature passible, but on the passible nature, by means of the Passion, to bestow the boon of impassibility. And the Lord Himself in the holy Gospels at one time says “I have power to lay down my life and I have power to take it again, no man taketh it from me but I lay it down of myself;” “That I may take it again.”418 John x. 18, 17. Observe the inversion and inexactitude. And again “Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life for the sheep,”419 John x. 17 and 15 and again “Now is my soul troubled”420 John xii. 27 “my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death”421 Matt. xxvi. 38 and of His body He says “The bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world,”422 John vi. 51 and when He delivered the divine mysteries and broke the symbol and distributed it, He added “This is my body which is being broken for you for the remission of sins,”423 1 Cor. xi. 24. Matt. xxvi. 28. But it is to be noticed that for St. Paul’s word κλώμενον, i.e. “being broken,” Theodoret substitutes θρυπτόμενον, i.e. “being crushed,” or “broken small,” a verb not used by the evangelists. And the clause “for the remission of sins” is misplaced. and again “This is my blood which is shed for many for the remission of sins,”424 Matt. xxvi. 28 and again “Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood ye have no life in you”425 John vi. 53 and “Whosoever eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life” “in himself” he adds.426 John vi. 54 Innumerable passages of the same character may be quoted, both in the old Testament and the new, pointing out the assumption both of the body and of the soul, and that they are descended from Abraham and David. Joseph of Arimathea when he came to Pilate begged the body of Jesus, and the fourfold authority427 Cf. note on page 302. of the holy Gospels tells us how he received the body, wrapped it in the linen cloth, and committed it to the tomb. I do, indeed, sorrow and lament that I am compelled by the attacks of error to adduce against men supposed to be of one and the same faith with myself the arguments which I have already urged against the victims of the plague of Marcion,—of whom, by God’s grace, I have converted more than ten thousand, and brought them to Holy Baptism. What child of the church ever had any doubts on these points? Who has not cited this teaching of the holy Fathers? The works of the great Basil are full of it; as well, as those of his fellow soldiers Gregory and Amphilochius, and of those who in the West have been illustrious teachers of grace, Damasus, bishop of great Rome, and Ambrose of Milan; and Cyprian of Carthage who for the sake of these doctrines won the martyr’s crown. Five times was the famous Athanasius driven from his flock and compelled to dwell in exile; and in the cause of these doctrines strove too his master Alexander. Eustathius, Meletius, and Flavianus, luminaries of the East, and Ephraim, harp of the Spirit, who daily waters the people of Syria with the streams of grace; John and Atticus, loud heralds of the truth; and men of an earlier age than they, Ignatius, Polycarp, Irenæus, Justin, and Hippolytus, of whom the more part not only shine at the head of the company of bishops, but also adorn the martyr’s band.

He, too, who now rules great Rome and diffuses in all directions from the West the rays of right teaching, the most holy Leo, has expressed to me this distinctive mark of the faith in his own letters. All these have clearly taught that the only begotten Son of God and everlasting God, ineffably begotten of the Father, is one Son; and that after the incarnation He was called both Son of man and man, not because He was changed into manhood, for His nature is immutable, but because He took what was ours. They teach too that He was both impassible and immortal as God, and mortal and passible as man; but after the resurrection even in relation to His humanity He received impassibility and immortality, for, though the body remained a body, still it is impassible and immortal, verily a divine body and glorified with divine glory. This is distinctly told us by the blessed Paul in the words “For our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto the body of His glory.”428 Phil. iii. 20 and 21 He does not say to “His glory” but to “the body of His glory,” and the Lord Himself, when He had said to His apostles “There be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the Son of man coming in His Father’s glory,”429 Matt. xvi. 28. Observe variation. The mss. agree. took them after six days into an exceeding high mountain, and was transfigured before them, and His face became as the sun, and His raiment was bright like the light.430 Cf. Matt. xxxvii. 1, 2 By these means He shewed the manner of the second advent. He taught that the assumed nature is not uncircumscribed (for this is characteristic of the Godhead alone) but that it shall send forth flashes of the divine glory, and emit rays of light transcending the powers of the sense of sight. With this glory He was taken up; with this the angels said that He should come; for their words were “He who was taken from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”431 Acts i. 11 When moreover He was seen by the divine apostles after the resurrection, He shewed them both hands and feet; and to Thomas He shewed also His side and the wounds of the nails and of the spear. For on account of those men who positively deny the assumption of the flesh, and further of those others who assert that after the resurrection the nature of the body was changed into the nature of Godhead, He preserved unaltered the prints of the nails and of the spear. And while raising all other bodies free from every disfigurement,432 Cf. p. 199. n. in His own body He left the marks of His sufferings, to the end that deniers of the assumption of the body may be convicted of their error by means of His sufferings; and holders of the notion that His body was changed into another nature may be taught by the print of the nails that it abides in its own proper qualities. Suppose any one to imagine that he has a proof that the body of the Lord did not remain a body after the resurrection in the fact that He came in to the disciples when the doors were shut, let such an one remember how He walked upon the sea while His body was still mortal, how He was born after keeping the seals of virginity intact, and how again when encircled by them that were plotting against Him He frequently escaped from their hands. But why need I mention the Lord, who was not only man, but God before the ages, and to whom it was easy to do whatsoever He would? Let them tell how Habakkuk was translated from Judæa into Babylon in a moment of time and passed through the covering of the den, and brought the food to Daniel, and returned again. without destroying the seals of the den.433 Bel 36 It is sheer foolishness to enquire into the manner of the miracles of the Lord, but in addition to what has been said it ought also to be known that after the resurrection our bodies also will be incorruptible and immortal, and being released from what is earthly will become light and æthereal. This moreover is distinctly taught us by the divine Paul in the words “It is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption, it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown in dishonour it is raised in glory; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body”434 1 Cor. xv. 42, 43 and in another place “We shall be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.”435 1 Thess. iv. 17. If then the bodies of the saints become light and æthereal and easily travel through the air, we cannot wonder that the Lord’s body united to the Godhead of the only begotten, when, after the resurrection, it had become immortal, entered in when the doors were shut.

Countless other proofs might be quoted without difficulty from apostles and prophets. But what has been already said is enough to show the drift of my teaching. I believe in one Father, one Son and one Holy Ghost; and I confess one Godhead, one Lordship, one substance and three hypostases. For the incarnation of the only begotten did not add to the number of the Trinity, and make the Trinity a quaternity, but, even after the incarnation the Trinity was still a Trinity. And while confessing that the only begotten Son of God was made man I do not deny the nature which He took, but confess, as I have said, both the nature which took and the nature which was taken. The union did not confound the properties of the natures. For if the air by receiving the light through all its parts does not cease to be air, nor yet at the same time destroy the nature of the light, for with our eyes we behold the light and by our feeling we recognise the air, as it meets us cold or hot, or moist or dry, so it were sheer folly to call the union of the Godhead and the manhood confusion. If created natures which share at once subordinate and temporal existence, when united and in some sense mingled, yet remain unimpaired, and, when the light withdraws, the nature of the air is left alone, much more proper is it, I apprehend, for the nature which fashioned all things, when conjoined with and united to the nature which it assumed from us, to be acknowledged to continue itself in its purity, and in like manner to preserve unimpaired that which it had assumed. Gold, too, when brought in contact with the fire, participates both in the colour and power of fire, but it does not lose its own nature, but at the same time remains gold and has the active qualities of fire. In this manner also the Lord’s body is a body, but impassible, incorruptible, immortal, of the Lord, divine and glorified with the divine glory. It is not separated from the Godhead, nor yet is of any one else, save of the only begotten Son of God Himself. For it does not show to us another person, but the only-begotten Himself clad in our nature.

This is the doctrine which I am continually preaching. They on the other hand who deny the incarnation wrought on our behalf have called me a heretic, adopting a course something like that of unchaste females, who, while they sell their own charms, assail honest women with the insults of their profession, and apply language proper to their own wantonness to women who hold such wantonness in abhorrence. This is how Egypt has acted. She has herself fallen willingly into the thraldom of base desire. She has lavished her servile adulation on a man of chaste character. Then, failing to entice him by her wiles, or to trap him in the snares of her voluptuous passion, she describes one who is faithful to purity as an adulterer.

But these men will be called to account by God, as well for their devices against the faith as for the snares they have laid against me. I only charge those who have been influenced by the false accusations uttered against me to keep one ear for the accused, and not to give both to the accusers. In this manner they will fulfil the divine law which lays down “Thou shalt not raise a false report,”436 Ex. xxiii. 1 and “Judge righteously between every man and his brother.”437 Deut. i. 16 In these words the divine law charges us not to believe the calumnies uttered against the absent but to judge the accused face to face.