4. But we do not purpose delaying further on this part of the subject, lest we seem desirous to stir up most violent strife, and engage in agitating contests.
Let there be, as you affirm, that crowd of deities, let there be numberless families of gods; we assent, agree, and do not examine too closely, nor in any part of the subject do we assail the doubtful and uncertain positions you hold. This, however, we demand, and ask you to tell us, whence you have discovered, or how you have learned, whether there are these gods,689 According to Orelli’s punctuation, “whether there are these gods in heaven whom,” etc. whom you believe to be in heaven and serve, or some others unknown by reputation and name? For it may be that beings exist whom you do not believe to do so; and that those of whose existence you feel assured, are found nowhere in the universe. For you have at no time been borne aloft to the stars of heaven, at no time have seen the face and countenance of each; and then established here the worship of the same gods, whom you remembered to be there, as having been known and seen by you. But this, too, we again would learn from you, whether they have received these names by which you call them, or assumed them themselves on the days of purification.690 So LB. and later edd., from a conj. of Meursius, reading diebus lustricis for the ms.ludibriis; read by some, and understood by others, as ludicris, i.e., festal days. If these are divine and celestial names, who reported them to you? But if, on the other hand, these names have been applied to them by you, how could you give names to those whom you never saw, and whose character or circumstances you in no wise691 The ms. followed by Hild. and Oehler, reads neque…in ulla cognatione—“in no relationship,” for which the other edd. give cognitione, as above. knew?
0941A IV. Sit ista, ut praedicatis, plebs numinum, sint deorum innumerae gentilitates; adstipulamur, acquiescimus, connivemus, nec in aliqua quaestione dubitabile istud ambiguumque configimus. Illud tamen a vobis audire exposcimus et rogamus, unde vobis compertum est, vel quibus rationibus comprehensum, hinc desint in coelo, quos esse existimatis et colitis; an nescio qui alii, opinionis et nominis inauditi? Potest enim fieri, ut et hi sint quos esse non remini; et quos esse confiditis, in nulla inveniantur parte naturae. Neque enim coeli aliquando subvolastis ad sidera, singulorum facies atque ora vidistis: et quos esse memineritis illic deos, eosdem hic colere, 0941B tamquam notos instituistis ac visos. Sed et illud rursus 0942A desideramus audire a vobis, ne imposita habeant haec nomina quibus eos vocatis, an ipsi haec sibi diei bus imposuerint lustricis? Si divina haec sunt et coelestia nomina, quis detulit ad vos ea? Sin autem a vobis appositas appellationes has habent, quemadmodum potuistis vocabula his dare, quos neque videbatis aliquando, neque quales aut qui essent, in ulla cognatione noratis?