Verses on Various Occasions

















































































































































































 Dream of Gerontius



 154. The Transfiguration Matins  Quicunque Christum quæritis.

   O YE who seek the Lord,

  Lift up your eyes on high,

 For there He doth the Sign accord

  Of His bright majesty.

   We see a dazzling sight

  That shall outlive all time, Older than depth or starry height,  Limitless and sublime.

   'Tis He for Israel's fold

  And heathen tribes decreed,

 The King to Abraham pledged of old

  And his unfailing seed.

   Prophets foretold His birth,  And witness'd when He came,

 The Father speaks to all the earth

  To hear, and own His name.

   To Jesus, who displays

  To babes His beaming face,

 Be, with the Father, endless praise,

  And with the Spirit of grace. Amen .