The Conferences of John Cassian.
II. Second Conference of Abbot Moses.
III. Conference of Abbot Paphnutius.
IV. Conference of Abbot Daniel.
V. Conference of Abbot Serapion.
VI. Conference of Abbot Theodore.
VII. First Conference of Abbot Serenus.
VIII. The Second Conference of Abbot Serenus.
IX. The First Conference of Abbot Isaac.
X. The Second Conference of Abbot Isaac.
The Conferences of John Cassian.
The Second Part of the Conferences
XII. The Second Conference of Abbot Chæremon.
XIII. The Third Conference of Abbot Chæremon.
XIV. The First Conference of Abbot Nesteros.
XV. The Second Conference of Abbot Nesteros.
XVI. The First Conference of Abbot Joseph.
XVII. The Second Conference of Abbot Joseph.
The Conferences of John Cassian.
The Third Part of the Conferences
XIX. Conference of Abbot John.
XX. Conference of Abbot Pinufius.
XXI. The First Conference of Abbot Theonas.
XXII. The Second Conference of Abbot Theonas.
XXIII. The Third Conference of Abbot Theonas.
What Abbot Joseph asked us in the first instance.
The blessed Joseph, 282 Jer. i. 10. Jer. i. 10. Jer. i. 10. whose instructions and precepts are now to be set forth, and who was one of the three whom we mentioned in the first Conference, 283 1 Cor. xii. 31. 1 Cor. xii. 31. belonged to a most illustrious family, and was the chief man of his city in Egypt, which was named Thmuis, 284 See on Conference XIV. c. iv. and so was carefully trained in the eloquence of Greece as well as Egypt, so that he could talk admirably with us or with those who were utterly ignorant of Egyptian, not as the others did through an interpreter, but in his own person. And when he found that we were anxious for instruction from him, he first inquired whether we were own brothers, and when he heard that we were united in a tie of spiritual and not carnal brotherhood, and that from the first commencement of our renunciation of the world we had always been joined together in an unbroken bond as well in our travels, which we had both undertaken for the sake of spiritual service, as also in the pursuits of the monastery, he began his discourse as follows.