28. Can any man, who has accepted the first principles even of reason, be found to mar or dishonour the unchanging nature of Deity with morals so vile? to credit the gods with natures such as human kindness has often charmed away and moderated in the beasts of the field? How,760 Lit., “where, I ask, is the (assertion) that,” etc. I ask, can it be said that the gods are far removed from any feeling of passion? that they are gentle, lovers of peace, mild? that in the completeness of their excellence they reach761 Lit., “hold.” the height of perfection, and the highest wisdom also? or, why should we pray them to avert from us misfortunes and calamities, if we find that they are themselves the authors of all the ills by which we are daily harassed? Call us impious as much as you please, contemners of religion, or atheists, you will never make us believe in gods of love and war, that there are gods to sow strife, and to disturb the mind by the stings of the furies. For either they are gods in very truth, and do not do what you have related; or if762 In the ms. these words, aut si, are wanting. they do the things which you say, they are doubtless no gods at all.
XXVIII. Quisquamne est hominum rationis alicujus primordiis indutus, qui divinitatis constantiam tam foedis polluat aut contaminet moribus? qui naturas attribuat diis tales, quas in agrestibus belluis lenitudo saepe permulsit atque extenuavit humana? Ubinam quaeso est illud, quod ab omni perturbationis affectu dii procul amoti sunt? quod lenes, placidi, mites, quod in genere virtutis unito perfectionis apicem, atque ipsius retinent sapientiae summitatem? aut cur eos oramus, ut a nobis adversa atque inimica propellant, si malorum omnium, quibus quotidie carpimur, ipsi esse nobis reperiuntur auctores? Quantumlibet nos impios, irreligiosos vocetis, aut atheos, 0975B numquam fidem facietis esse amorum deos, esse bellorum, esse qui discordias conserant, qui furialibus stimulis animos inquietent. Aut enim verissime dii sunt, et ea quae commemorastis non faciunt: aut si 0976A ea quae dicitis, faciunt, sine ulla dubitatione dii non sunt.