Letters of the Blessed Theodoret, Bishop of…
Letters of the Blessed Theodoret,
LII. To Ibas, Bishop of Edessa .
LIII. To Sophronius, Bishop of Constantina .
To our much beloved brother Theodoretus, bishop, Leo, bishop.
CXIX. To Anatolius the Patrician .
This letter has sometimes been supposed to have been really composed by Theodoret.
CLXXVI. Letter to the same Alexander after he had learnt that John, Bishop of Antioch, had Anathematized the Doctrine of Nestorius.699 This letter was also edited by Garnerius as addressed to Himerius but is inscribed by Schulze to Alexander of Hierapolis. It is to be found complete in Mans. 927.
Be it known to your holiness that when I read the letter addressed to the emperor I was much distressed, because I know perfectly well that the writer of the letter, being of the same opinions, has unwisely and impiously condemned one who has never held or taught anything contrary to sound doctrine. But the form of anathema, though it be more likely than his assent to the condemnation, to grieve a reader, nevertheless has given me some ground of comfort, in that it is laid down not in wide general terms, but with some qualification. For he has not said “We anathematize his doctrine” but “whatever he has either said or held other than is warranted by the doctrine of the apostles.”