Prefecture Apostolic of Rajpootana
Jean-Armand le Bouthillier de Rancé
Gustave Xavier Lacroix de Ravignan
François-Juste-Marie Raynouard
Diocese of Recanati and Loreto
Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer
Redemption in the Old Testament
Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge
Archdiocese of Reggio di Calabria
Diocese of Reggio dell' Emilia
Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven)
Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament
Congregation of the Resurrection
Congregation of the Retreat of the Sacred Heart
Cardinal Jean-François-Paul-Gondi de Retz
Prefecture Apostolic of Rhætia
François-Marie-Benjamin Richard de la Vergne
Armand-Jean du Plessis, Duke de Richelieu
Prefecture Apostolic of Rio Negro
Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, Count de Rochambeau
Constitutio Romanos Pontifices
A missionary and author, born at Avignon, 15 March, 1591; died at Ispahan, Persia, 5 Nov., 1660. He entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus at Rome, 24 April, 1612, with the intention of devoting his life to the conversion of the infidels. He was assigned to the missions of the East Indies, and inaugurated his missionary labours in 1624 with great success in Cochin China. In 1627 he proceeded to Tongking where, within the space of three years, he converted 6000 persons, including several bonzes. When in 1630 persecution forced him to leave the country, the newly-made converts continued the work of evangelization. Rhodes was later recalled to Rome where he obtained permission from his superiors to undertake missionary work in Persia. Amidst the numerous activities of a missionary career, he found time for literary productions: "Tunchinensis historiæ libri duo" (Lyons, 1652); "La glorieuse mort d'André, Catéchiste . . ." (Paris, 1653); "Catechismus", published in Latin and in Tongkingese at Rome in 1658.
DE BACKER-SOMMERVOGEL, Biblioth. de la Comp. de Jésus, VI (9 vols., Brussels and Paris, 1890-1900), 1718-21; CARAYON, Voyages et Missions du P. Rhodes (Paris and Le Mans, 1854).